What A Pair We Make (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Oh I know you can..~ There's nothing you can't do..~" she said, hearts in her eyes as she looked over him with nothing but adoration.
He felt the familiar tingle down his spine, as he usually did when she inflated his ego. She was too much for him sometimes. "Nothing yet, anyway~"
She smiled and held his arm a little tighter. "I'm so blessed to have a mentor and lover as wise and incredible as you..~ My old mentor was so uncaring.. But now I have you..~❤"
"Oh fine, fine.." She said. "Grab a drink and let's at least go out to a balcony..~?" She asked.
He made a noise and took her to grab some glasses of wine from one of the tiny goblins carrying around trays and moved to stand out on the "balcony" overlooking a faux night sky.
She smiled and leaned against the railing. "Thank you my love..~" she said. "Now about my old mentor.. Rafalan was.. A perverted man. He never allowed me to grow, used me to feed.. So I killed him." She said, smiling at him as she sipped her wine.
He choked on his wine and coughed harshly before clearing his throat, "Killed him? Ulvir, that's against our codes...!" He whispered, "Do you have any idea what Lucifer would do to you if he found out...?"
"I..." He was conflicted. On the one hand, it was incredibly sexy that she had the attitude, confidence and power to just kill her previous mentor. But on the other hand, she could kill him if he did anything to really upset her. "Yeah...you do.."
She smiled and moved to hug his arm. "Don't worry Taran, I would never do anything to hurt you..~❤" she said. "I love you far too much to do that..~"
There was that tingle again, but it was probably because being near her was intoxicating, "I'm flattered, really~"
After a few moments longer of standing on the balcony, they headed back to enjoy the party and food.
She smiles and after a few more dances, and a few more drinks, she was practically glued to him.
He made a noise and glanced at Luci, who was rather occupied enjoying the charms of several Succubi. He moved to whisper in her ear, "We can slip off for that quickie if you wanted~"
He took her hand and pulled her away to a darkened corner far out of sight. He reached under her dress and rubbed his fingers roughly over her clit. "Give me your tail." Hs said lowly.
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