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Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She was sitting around, her glamour gone and her horns quite prominent now. She looked when she heard him and smiled, "Hello...! How was your nap?"
He made a noise and relaxed as he waited for his coffee. "Nap was nice.. Well, this is the galley.. And the sleeping area.. And the showers.." He laughed a bit.
"I've always been told never to eat where you defecate.." She laughed softly, "But I suppose you have to make do."
"Well I mean everything is all separated and such.. No risk of contamination." He said with a smile.
"Well, the belt has many a port.. I have a tracker set up on an asteroid, a new client, and a new shipment.. So we're heading here.." He said as he pointed to a holo chart of the asteroid belt, a small blip highlighting a large body in the belt.
She could see the dotted surface, marked with craters and landing strips. "I'm going to need you to stay hidden, these men are more likely to try and take you then give us the shipment." He said.
"Either in the cargo hold or in plain sight if your shapeshifting is good enough.." He said. "Well, we'll be there in a few hours.."
"Hm.. Well, I suppose hide out in the ship somewhere.." He said. "And no matter what, stay hidden. Understood?" He asked.
The hours passed slowly and soon he made preparations to land. "Alright Dialen, hide yourself." He said.
She sat quietly, nervously. Was she hidden well enough? Would she get Beau in trouble? Would they take her away? She bit her lip and just waited.
Soon enough Beau was back on the ship, hearing the crews loading everything into the holding bay.
"Yes, the cargo is almost finished being loaded now.. And we'll take off from there. Okay?" He told her.
He smiled and moved to the console to start the ship, and soon they were on their way. "Alright my dear.. Can I ask a favor of you, Dialen..?"
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