Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Yes...master..." She muttered under her breath, nuzzling weakly into his chest. When they finally arrived at the port, Dia made sure to hide her horns and tail and kept close to Beau as the goods were pulled off and he headed off the ship into the port. "Where are we going first, master? A new port full of new possibilities...!"
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He made a noise. "There's a smuggler's den in this port, we'll be hiding out there for a bit." He said as he wandered through the markets
"Do I look acceptable for a smuggler's den?" She asked quietly. She was still in the same black dress and heels as when she left the brothel with him.
"I'll have to keep an eye out for you but yeah it's fine." He knocked on a door and the two of them were led into a cramped bar, heavy smoke from the hallucinogens hung in the air.
"There's so much desire in here.." She muttered, gesturing to the bartender for a drink. He placed a purple drink in front of her and when he went to ask for money, his eyes suddenly turned purple and he went about his business.
He kept an eye on her, grabbing a smoke and a drink. "Come on let's find a seat.." He said.
She nodded and grabbed her glass, following him through the crowd. She gasped and swallowed a moan when someone slapped her ass, her face turning a bright red.
"Y-Yes, someone just..."
"What a delicious looking snack you have." A duck like alien hovered over Dia's shoulder, "I'd love to have my bill between her thighs." There was another slap and Dia jerked, her eyes glazing over as she swallowed another moan.
Beau grabbed the being by his collar and shoved him against the wall. "Hands. Off." He said. "I won't tell you a second time."
"What's the big deal, she's a daemonette, she'll open her legs for anyone!" He honked angrily. Dia bit her lip and grabbed Beau's arm.
"M-Master, let's go sit down..." She pleaded softly.
He made a noise and shoved the alien back before moving over to Dialen again. "Stupid prick." He muttered disdainfully.
She found them a booth in the back and she sat across from him, tapping her nails against her drink, "I'm sorry, Beau..."
"Don't worry about it, not your fault some prick can't take a hint." He said and took a long drag from the den's signature cigar and tossed back half of his drink. His eyes grew a little hazy and he made a low noise.
She smiled softly, "Good." She said. They sat peacefully for a time, just enjoying being by each other. "So...why do you care if some random male grabs at me...?" She asked, blushing, "I mean...I know I call you master and you technically bought me, but...you don't really seem to...to care about me..."
"I do care about you, I don't really know how to show it is all. But if you like me being a jerk, I guess you could say I don't like others touching my things." He said, sipping his drink.
She blushed more and bit her lip before smiling softly, "I like this way of showing you care. The gentlemen was nice but this is genuine. I don't want you to have to lie to make me happy.."
"Well that's a way of looking at it.." He said. He made a noise and got up. "Stay put, gonna grab us another round." He said.
He nodded and headed backover to the bar, tapping his credit chit against thr counter and waiting for his drinks.
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