A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

It was such a night that the girl was having a nightmare, tossing and turning in bed once again, soft cries of terror coming from her.
He woke up and looked over groggily, frowning before sitting up and pulling his bes closer to hers. He laid back down and hesitated before pulling her close to hold her protectively. He pet her hair gently and tried to soothe her, whispering soft nothings to her.
She woke with a start, struggling against Sasuke’s chest before realizing who it was and where she was. He felt her shake as she shed more tears, but clutched against him as she sobbed silently.
He fell asleep once he was sure she was calm, eyes heavy and stinging for rest. He kept hold of her all night, not moving an inch away from her.
Megohime and Masamune enjoyed dinner together, which often consisted of an unfortunate that Kojurou retrieved for them, both of their new pets standing by as their masters fed, however, Megohime must’ve been in a particular mood that night.
“It’s so dull here as of late, and your dogs attitude has been terribly depressing.” She was referring to Kojurou, whom was rather solemn after losing Jin.
Kojurou didn't even flinch or bat an eye at her statement, merely kept his gaze down as he stood on standby. Masamune gave an agreeing noise.
"Yeah, what's wrong, Kojurou? Still upset that I left your corpse bride in the cells?"
"She's no longer apart of this plane anymore, Masamune-sama...she's returned to the moon and I can return to my duties..." Kojurou answered.
Megohime made an annoyed noise, turning away from Kojurou. “See, he’s awful to even look at.” She turned her gaze on her own pet. “And you dog, you’ve been less combative, has your will gone as well?”
“No that’s no fun.” Megohime thought for a moment, then perked. “That’s right, you were going to have your new pet killed anyway, right? Why not make a show out of it? Have my hound kill the bitch!”
Nana, who stood off to the side of Masamune, looked horrified, looking to Masamune, then Motochika in silent horror. He was going to kill her?
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Megohime smiled excitedly, looking to Masamune. “Can we then?” She asked, batting her eyelashes at him.
“M-Masamune-sama... please reconsider..!” Nana actually piped up, fidgeting nervously.
"An instant kill won't be much fun at all.." Masamune mused, "Beating her to death sounds fine to me."
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou glanced up, "If you have no need of her, then let her go."
“Shut up, dog.” Megohime hissed, standing and moving over to Motochika, fishing a key out of her pocket and unlocking the muzzle over his mouth.
“Go fight her.” She ordered.
“Masamune-sama, please..!” Nana begged, tears in her eyes.
"I won't.." Motochika said, "I won't do it.."
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou stated firmly, "This is unbecoming."
"Blah blah..." Masamune muttered
Megohime scowled in disapproval. “Oh for-“ She bit into the fleshy part of her hand, then shoved it over Motochika’s mouth forcing him to injest her blood.
She pulled her hand away from his mouth, wiping her hand on a napkin and letting out a huff as she sat down. “Go beat her to death.” She ordered, motioning to Nana, who looked crushed, taking a small step back.
Motochika looked drunk, confused, crazed. He moved toward Nana slowly, stumbling as he went.
"Pipe down, Kojurou." Masamune huffed.
Nana felt tears swell in her eyes, backing away from Motochika as he approached her. “Motochika..?” She tripped over her own feet and fell back onto the floor with a cry of pain.
He fell on her immediately,hands wrapped tight around her neck. Kojurou was shaking, clenching his jaw. How was this fair? To either of them?
Nana gasped and struggled under Motochika, trying her best to shove him away, but he was sitting on top of her, and she didn’t want to hurt him.
He removed one of his hands and started punching her, over and over, putting all his strength into the swings. Masamune looked bored before returning to his meal.
Nana cried out with every strike, only for it to come out strangled. She did her best to protect herself, but couldn’t do much without hurting Motochika. “Motochika, please..!” She sobbed. “You’re hurting me..!”
Megohime seemed more interested in the fight than Masamune, a sick smile on her face.
“Oh~ Pull out all of her scales!” She ordered.
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