A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

((Got it~))

Yukimura and Akihime were spending nearly every night together, sometimes, Yukimura wouldn’t even leave. Amaya had long shifts at the factory, and often spent the night at Sasuke’s home as it was closer, so Yukimura didn’t have to hide or leave.
One such night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Yukimura and Akihime enjoyed their time together with a meal, although Yukimura could no longer stomach human food, he enjoyed his time with Akihime regardless.
They sat at their favorite spot, a quiet little meadow by the sea with a little picnic Akihime had made - though it was mainly for her. "It's been so nice spending this time with you, my husband..." She breathed.
Yukimura held his wife against his chest, keeping the blanket they had brought with them wrapped around her so she wouldn’t get cold. “I’m so glad I’ve had a second chance to spend my time with you as well.”
She held him tightly and nuzzled into his chest, "Your lord is kind, letting you leave to see me.." She reached up and played gingerly with his six coins, "Allowing you peace in your strife..."
Yukimura hadn’t fed in days, he still struggled with feeding, even from a willing source. “He is rather understanding..” He nodded his head, keeping his eyes trained on the stars on the horizon; all he could smell was Akihime’s blood, hear it pumping through her veins.
Yukimura only held her tighter, starting to see red. “I love you, Akihime.” He whispered into her hair, squeezing his eyes shut.
It was just too much, he couldn’t stop himself.
Akihime felt sharp fangs dig deep into her neck, a low snarl coming from Yukimura, his grip on her tightening until it was painful. He drank deeply, seeing only red as he began to drain Akihime’s blood.
She felt the air squeeze out of her lungs from his iron like grip, eyes widening in pain and fear as she felt like she would pop like a blister. "Y...Yuki...y-you're...hurting me..." She gasped, "P-Please...I-I can't...breathe..." She could only manage weak helpless tapping of her hands against his chest, hoping he would snap out of it and come to his senses like he had before.
Nothing would change, he didn’t loosen his grip on her, didn’t pull away from her neck. He did however continue to drink deeply from her neck, growling lowly as he did. His fingernails dug deep into her back, almost clawing at her as if trying to hold her even closer, his only thoughts consumed by his hunger.
Tears streaked down her cheeks as she felt weaker and weaker, colder and colder the more he drank her blood. Soon, her weak taps became still and her desperate gasps slowed to a stop.
Yukimura continued to suckle at her neck until he received no more blood, and even then, he only bit other places on her neck, trying desperately to find more blood. He growled in annoyance as he found none, shoving Akihime’s limp body against the ground and pinning it down. He tore at her clothes, exposing her chest, biting hard into her breast. No blood. He bit her arm. No blood. Her stomach and hip. No blood. He was becoming frenzied as he bit her over and over, it was only after he started to try and completely undress her, and the throbbing between his legs became painful, did he finally come to. He stared at Akihime’s blank face, streaked with dirt and tears, lifeless eyes staring back at him. He nearly vomited at the state of undress she was in, the bite marks covering every inch of her; her chest was exposed and her skirt pushed up around her waste, undergarments gone. He vomited, only to vomit more at the sight of deep red blood. Had he done this? He had killed her? He couldn’t hear his screams, but he could feel them, his entire body shaking as he cowered on the floor.
She had trusted him. Literally with her life and he robbed it from her. Murdered his wife in a blind frenzy and left her looking like a torn up slap of meat left behind by dogs. He was disgusting, a terrible subcreature of a man.
Yukimura clawed at the dirt, what was he to do? Akihime was dead, she was gone forever, and it was all his fault. No, there had to be something he could do, someone he could turn to. He crawled back over to Akihime, fixing her robe the best her could before carefully scooping her up and running off with her, heading back to Masamune’s castle.
Kojurou was there to greet him, as he usually was when Yukimura left, but this time his face was twisted in despair and disappointment, "Yukimura, you didn't..." He gently pleaded, but he already knew the answer.
Yukimura only barreled passed him, blood still staining his face and the front of his shirt. He was still in tears, hurrying to find Masamune. “Masamune-dono..! Masamune-dono!!”
Megohime looked up from her meal in disgust, wiping the blood from her mouth with a napkin. “Disgusting, are you feeding from corpses now?”
“Please, help her..!” He begged moving closer, only to drop to his knees, cradling Akihime gently.
Masamune stared down at him before suddenly erupting into a fit of laughter. Loud, genuinely amused laughter. He couldn't stop for a solid minute before settling down.
"She's your wife, you help her. Oh wait." He stifled another fit of giggles, "You kinda went a little overboard with the helping, huh?"
Yukimura’s ears burned red, and he looked away from Masamune, holding Akihime closer to himself. “What do I do..?” He whispered weakly. “I don’t know what to do..!”
"Give her your blood." Masamune said flatly, "She'll be reborn as your undead bride for all eternity. Isn't that right, Mego~?" Masamune cooed at the end.
“Although I can’t say it’ll improve anything about the country bumpkin.” She muttered, glancing away from the two.
Yukimura frowned deeply, feeling his dead heart ache. He would curse Akihime with this? He stood and left quickly for his room, locking himself and Akihime in. He sat with her for a while, changing her clothes, bathing the blood from her, and bandaging every part of her that had a bite mark. He sat brushing her hair numbly, staring at her lifeless face as he considered his only option. Without her, why would he even bother living? He begged her for forgiveness, kneeling beside the bed and holding her cold hand, weeping softly.
Her wedding band glinted gently in the light as he held her hand, she never took it off for anything. She had told him when they first reunited that she would take any risk to be with him always, especially since she threw away her family status to marry him. The last thing he remembered her say was that she loved him. Would she forgive him if the turning worked? Would she be herself or just a mindless thing that followed him around. He didn't know, but he didn't have a lot of time to continue debating with himself.
Yukimura couldn’t risk losing her, even if she was just a mindless beast when she opened her eyes next. He sat up, bit deep into his own wrist and held it open her mouth. Keeping her mouth open, he let his blood flow steadily from the wound and down her throat, fresh tears falling down his face.
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