A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

He made a noise, "If you want something to drink, make one tapping noise. Two if you're hungry." He said, "Not now but whenever the need arises.."
She finished off everything in the bowl, even licking it clean, of course she was hungry, she had lost a lot of blood and had been asleep for days. Still she gave no answer or acknowledgement, only cleaning her fingers and hands too, making sure she didn’t miss a single drop of soup.
She was pretty obedient for the most part, doing as she was told, but still not uttering a single word to him. She slept when it was time and ate when he told her to, but he would often find her spaced out, staring blankly out the window or at the wall.
He went out of his way to get her new clothes amd things girls her age needed, telling merchants it was for his younger sister. She was young enough to pass off as his younger. It was less awkward than saying his daughter.
She didn’t really want to play with the toys he got for her, only staring blankly at them for minutes on end before returning to staring out the window blankly, but still, she was as obiedient as ever. He was surprised at how docile she was being, not shedding a single tear since the first night she had gotten there.
"Do you not like them...?" He asked, examining a doll he had bought for her, "I mean...I never played with toys growing up so I'm not sure. Just a lot of chores..."
No answer still, perhaps she had been changed into a thrall after all? She was rather obedient, doing everything Sasuke told her to do, yet she didn’t quite have the same look of a thrall to her, her eyes were a sad empty, not blank.
She hopped down from the chair placed at the window, moving over to him and standing beside him in silent agreement, but didn’t look up at him to make eye contact.
She gave a nod and picked up the unchopped wood and placed it on the block just like... who had shown her how to do this again? She could see him in her head- in her memories -but his face was gone. She stood there for a moment, then moved away from the block so Sasuke could chop it.
With a solid forceful swing, he split the wood down the middle. He grinned and gestured for another, chopping firewood into two neat piles before tying them up and handing her one to carry, "You got it?"
She nodded and picked it up with a soft noise, barley audible, but loud enough for Sasuke to hear.
He nodded and guided her back out to the wash buckets after grabbing the clothes, "Alright, you go ahead and scrub everything and I'll hang them up since the line is so high up."
She nodded again, moving onto her knees before the wash bucket, using the wash board to clean the clothes. Wringing the out before handing them to Sasuke, she worked silently.
He hung them all up to dry and gave a satisfied noise. "There...we can check on them in a bit." He said before guiding her to help with more house work.
She followed him everywhere, doing anything he asked of her; she was even able to cook. She wasn’t too young- maybe thirteen at the youngest, but even then, it was like she had mentally reverted.
He made a noise and wondered if she would ever come around. Maybe if he took her to Akihime, she would open up. He had avoided her long enough.
The days would continue on like such, she would silently help and follow Sasuke, and when she wasn’t, she was staring off blankly. She slept restlessly, if at all, tossing and turning in her sleep, only ever letting out the faintest of whimpers, tears always staining her cheeks.
He always woke up to her distressed sounds and always reached over to take her hand to comfort her. It didn't always work but he didn't want her thinking she was alone.
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