A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She wheezed and gurgled softly, her throat a bloody mess of torn flesh, but she wasn’t gone completely yet. She stared up at him, not completely aware he was there, wheezing as she reached out to him.
The monster lunged at Sasuke but he pierced its skull with an arrow, killing it quickly before he moved to stop the girl's bleeding. "He missed the artery, thank God." He muttered, putting pressure on her wound as he grabbed his healing equipment.
The girl was covered in blood, both her own and her parents that was also splattered around the small house. She stared blankly up at him, still struggling and panicked from her wound.
Her face scrunched up, fresh tears dripping down her face, vision slowly starting to fade in and out as she stared up at Sasuke.
She would fade in and out as he carried her, small in his arms, light. She was just a child, and already she knew great suffering, it wasn’t right.
If this was Yukimura's fault ferals were running around, he would surely punish him for it. He would make Yukimura regret such devastation. He hurried to his horse and held the girl tight against him as he rode off quickly.
He felt her slowly relax against him, but not from lack of consciousness; she held tight to him, tears falling down her face as she clung to him out of comfort.
She was still clinging to life when they finally did make it back to his home, but she had lost a bit of blood, and was too weak to move much.
The girl relaxed some and gave a few coughs before finally settling into a peaceful sleep. She was too caked in blood to clearly tell if she had been fed blood or not; leaving only time to tell if she would turn or not.
The girl remained in the bed he had placed her in, well into the night without stiring much at all except for the tears she would shed in her sleep, but gave no signs she would change into a vampire.
She was fine for the most part, but even with his salve, he could tell the wound on her throat was starting to fester. If a vampire didn’t drain it’s victims, they often died from blood loss or infection from the bite itself, and her bite had been rather messy.
He had cleaned it each time the infection resurfaced, trying to make a drink to completely purge it. There were so many herbs that could combat the venom of a vampire, but the wrong combination would kill her.
He seemed to be combating it rather well for the time being, but she still ran a bit of a fever. She slept for the most part, only waking a few times in a groggy haze from the fever, but she never got scared or tried to speak, only watching Sasuke from the bed in silence.
He tried to help her eat and drink when she was conscious enough to do so. He did everything he could for her, "Just don't give up, ok?"
A few more days and her fever would slowly leave her, her wound remained clear, and she would become more aware when she woke, but she still refused to speak. She ate slowly, still sitting in bed as she sipped at the broth he had given her.
She kept her dull eyes on her soup, not saying anything or even looking over at him as she brought the bowl to her lips again to drink.
He frowned softly, "Maybe you aren't ready to talk yet...that's alright. Take as long as you need." He said, "Let me know if you want anything, ok?"
She didn’t say anything of course, it was to be expected that she was in shock. She had witnessed her parents horrific deaths, then endured an attack of her own. It would take time for her to come out of her broken mental state.
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