A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Yukimura sucked gently at the deep bite, holding her thigh tightly as he drank her blood greedily, soft noises coming from him as he drank.
Yukimura sucked gently at the deep bite, holding her thigh tightly as he drank her blood greedily, soft noises coming from him as he drank. After a moment, he pulled away, a trail of saliva breaking as he did so, breathing heavily.
She was trembling, shaking from the oddly euphoric sensation of his parasitic kiss. "A-Are...Are you done...?" She asked weakly. She almost sounded disappointed.
“If I take more I’ll hurt you.” It sounded like he was in pain, forcing his words out through his teeth as he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve.
Every so often Jin would dream, dream of her time spent with Kojurou. The day they spent in the fields outside his lords castle, enjoying a picnic and the warm sun. She dreamt of the time they made love in her cabin, the time she spent wrapped in his arms by the fire, the time when he made love to her after going hunting.
Everything was slow and warm, tangled in the grasp of sleep as the world around her continued on without her, blissfully unaware of her predicament, and that she had been violated again and again by the man whom had taken her.
Matsunaga had taken advantage of her whenever he got the chance. He didn't want to give her back, she was the reason he was given his life back after all. He owed her. Had to repay her.
Jin had indeed been the reason he was given life, but not entirely. Amaterasu had brought him back to life with her powers, using him to return Jin back to Tsuki-Omi; but he was taking a slight detour along the way.
Jin slumbered without even an ounce of awareness of what was her fate, and it was for the better that she didn’t know. Her body had been claimed by another, her beloved only with her in her dreams. Was he searching for her? Or had he forgotten her?
Kojurou was, in fact, tearing the land apart looking for her. He didn't even allow his moon change to hinder him in his search, in fact it aided him - if only a little. Masamune had told him to just forget her, that she had returned to where ever it was that she had come from. But Kojurou refused to give up. He could still catch her scent on the wind. She was here. He just had to find her.
He would be searching for weeks, with only her sweet scent to keep him going. If only he hadn’t put the collar on her, if only he hadn’t brought her to the castle, if only he hadn’t met her, she wouldn’t have been in this predicament, and he wouldn’t be in such pain.
With all bad, there is good. She brought a peace to his life that he hadn't experienced in a millennia. She made him feel whole. And he only wanted her safe and happy.
Happy memories fueled him to move when he wanted to stop from exhaustion, and rage fueled him when he wanted to give up. Rage for whomever had stolen her away again, the vile man he thought he had slain.
He knew exactly who had taken her, and he would make sure the Gids could bring nothing back when he was done. But there was no scent to follow, only Jin's and it was growing more and more difficult by the day.
The Gods would take pity on Kojurou though, for one night as he searched, a particularly strong wind brought with it the sweet scent of his lover, almost as clear as if she were right there with him.
The scent would take him far from Masamune’s castle, remaining as strong as ever as he traveled, as if she were calling out to him.
He didn't stop running, even when his lungs begged him to, he kept going. He needed to find her. Jin's scent took him far out of Masamune's territory and toward an old musky cave. He felt a chill run down his spine but continued on, pushing deeper into the cave until it brought him to a hand made little shack in the cave.
The entire cave reeked of Jin and Matsunaga, the two of them clearly there for some time, but he heard no noise at all- were they still there?
He continued deeper into the cave, stopping at the door that reeked of Jin the most. He pushed the door open and found Jin resting peacefully on a dirty old mattress. Her dress was disheveled, like it had been moved a lot from the bottom. He could smell something else. Something that made him sick and violent. Pheromones, specifically the kind given off during intercourse.
Jin still wore the collar Kojurou himself had put on her, face relaxed with a gentle expression, her breathing slow. Her arms rested at her sides, and she glowed very faintly, like she hadn’t received moonlight for a while.
Kojurou moved closer and gently cupped her face. His muscles suddenly tensed and he turned sharply, grabbing the sword poised for his head.
"Hello again, Katakura." Matsunaga greeted.
Jin’s breathing was the only noise in the room beside the quiet struggle Kojurou had with the blade, his nails scraping against the sword. He could smell Jin on Matsunaga, he had touched her- he had done much more than that, he could smell her womanhood on him as well, he had been inside her.
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