A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She was different from the last time he had seen her, knowing now that she was no longer trapped in a human body, but in her true ethereal form. She was even more beautiful than before, a true sleeping beauty, and all his.
His eyes crinkled with a smile as he made sure her hair was brushed and she was laid perfectly on the bed. He could and watch her for hours and never once want to walk away.
Matsunaga Hisehide finally had his prize, the one advantage over the beast whom had shredded him to pieces, now back together by the grace of the gods. He was no longer human, but that didn’t bother him, for he had won.

Akihime sat in her bedroom, anticipating Yukimura's return. Since Sasuke had barged in unannounced and ruined a rather intimate moment she was sharing with her husband, Yukimura didn't really come around as often as he used to. She missed him, and always left her window unlocked for him; some nights she would wake briefly to him holding her and other times he would leave a small gift of apology for not being able to visit. Her chest ached gently but she remained hopeful.
Yukimura was given free reign from Masamune to come and go as he pleased, only under the conditions he didn’t bring attention to himself while out, didn’t start a feeding frenzy, and returned before the sun rose. He followed each rule to a t, only ever going out on the estate grounds to get fresh air, or to visit Akihime. It was hard for him, he was torn between himself; one part of him wanted to spend every moment he could with Akihime, and another part of him scolded his selfish desires and wanted to flee. Most nights he would give in at least a little and merely check to see how she was doing, peering into the window and checking that she was still alive, and some nights he couldn’t help when he entered quietly through the window to lay with his wife and hold her tight.
Sasuke would leave her with protective charms and various things to ward away vampires and evil spirits but she always threw them out. Why would she want to keep Yukimura from coming home? It was a silly idea to even entertain.
Yukimura came late that night, unusual for him to do but understandable, he had to be cautious after the last time, not wanting to be shot with a silver bolt again.
He entered the window quietly and easily, watching Akihime sleep for a moment before moving over to the bed quietly and carefully laying beside her.
Yukimura pulled her closer to his chest, which felt hollow and tight, smelling her hair and giving a soft noise. “It’s just me.” He confirmed with a nod.
She gave a sodt noise of delight and held onto him, "I'm so glad...I missed you so much...it's been so lonely at night without you beside me.."
His heart was pounding already, teeth aching to sink into warm flesh. “Forgive me, I want nothing more than to be here, but I can’t risk coming out every night..”
His grip on her arms tightened and she could hear him audibly swallow. “No, I’ve been fed already... I don’t want to risk your life.”
Even in his iron like grasp she still managed to pull his head against her bossom, "Please, my husband, it is my duty to serve you in all ways...take what you need from me, my heart aches to see you suffer.."
Yukimura gritted his teeth, his breaths coming out through his teeth as he tried to shut out the overwhelmingly loud sound of Akihime’s heartbeat. “Please, Akihime... You’ll get hurt..!”
Yukimura felt his throat burn and his fangs ache, and before Akihime could utter another word, she had been flipped onto her back, Yukimura on top of her as he kissed her deeply, his knee pressed between her legs.
She felt her cheeks and ears burn from surprise and embarrassment, her hips shifting instinctively against the new pressure. She didn't fight him, kissing back and eventually relaxing as she let him use her as he needed.
Something Akihime noticed with Yukimura was he was becoming roughed over time, almost like he either couldn’t help himself, or he needed to be so. He kissed her deeply as he pushed her hands above her head with one hand, slipping his other between the folds of her yukata, groping her breast.
She mewled into the kiss, shifting again against his leg. She liked this new roughness from him, or at least it excited her; she would learn to like this new side of him.
Yukimura pulled away, panting heavily and sitting back so he could untie the sash around Akihime’s waist, pushing open her robes and moving to bite her breast, lapping at the blood that can from the wound.
The winced and gave a soft whine but didn't jerk away from him, his tongue easing the sting immediately. Would it be odd if she said she trusted him? It felt odd to say such a thing. Would he even hear it? Or would it discourage him? This change had new tests for her to endure as a wife.
After a moment he began to kiss down her stomach slowly, then down to her hip, then to her inner thigh. He gently pushed her leg open further, then kissed once more before biting into the soft tender flesh.
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