A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"You disgusting degenerate." Kojurou snarled, "You defiled her. Took advantage of her weakened state."
"I wanted to enjoy myself before returning her to the moon," Matsunaga replied, "Is that so terrible?" Kojurou snarled loudly and used all his strength to shove Matsunaga back, the blade cutting his palm deep but he couldn't care less.
"Don't you find it ironic, Katakura? The light of the moon damns you yet His People find an odd infatuation with you." Matsunaga mocked. Kojurou didn't dignify him with a response, launching at him and slamming him through the bamboo wall and into the cave wall behind it. Matsunaga took a silver dagger from his side and jammed it into Kojurou's stomach, causing him to cry out in pain and move back to rip it out. Matsunaga took his sword and swung to cut Kojurou in half but the werewolf was much faster, catching the blade again in his uninjured hand. He punched Matsunaga in the face over and over, keeping a firm grip on the blade to keep him in place before Matsunaga finally let go and caught Kojurou's fist. They went back and forth like this for what seemed like ages, both evenly matched.
"You've already done your transformation this month, haven't you? That's why you haven't killed me yet." Matsunaga taunted. Kojurou gnashed his teeth together before taking the silver dagger from earlier and digging it under Matsunaga's ribcage straight into his lung.
"I don't need that cursed form to finally be rid of you." He growled, "You can tell whoever the hell brought you back that if they take issue with who I court with, they bring it up with me. Not Jin."
"Killing you...would have been an added bonus to my task." Matsunaga wheezed, "Amaterasu takes no personal issue with you." Kojurou glared hatefully and jerked the dagger upward as far as it would go, forcing it through his ribs and watching him die once more.
The only sound in the room now was Kojurou’s own breathing, heavy and forced, then the soft sound of fabric. Had Jin woken? No, the sudden appearance of another presence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, but who?
The same sweet scent of Jin was now overwhelming in the room, bringing tears to his eyes and making his heart ache.
He turned slowly, expecting to see his beloved awake and smiling at him. Crying over his wound and calling him foolish. But that wouldn't be the case. Not with the band around her neck still. He would die slowly and never even get to say goodbye.
Behind him stood a tall figure, the same golden hair falling in wild locks down their back. The person wore beautiful dark blue robes, and when Kojurou turned, so did they. It almost looked like Jin; pale skin and gold eyes, a youthful looking- man? It was hard to tell, the person was rather androgynous, but it was clear when they spoke that it was indeed a man. “I would say thank you for returning my piece, but you aren’t exactly the one who returned it, are you?”
Kojurou held his wound, his breathing labored. "No...merely recovering her from those who would seek her harm. I've known...for so long that she had to return...I am simply a selfish and greedy old dog..."
He blinked, watching him struggle to breath, then turning to look at Jin, gently cupping her cheek. “Well, yes that much was obvious.” He said simply, petting Jin’s tangled hair before gently lifting her off the dirty mattress. “None-the-less, I thank you for coming here, had you not, I wouldn’t have found the part of myself that ran away.”
"Will I ever see her again...?" He already knew the answer, but he needed to hear it; to know that she would be safer away from him than with him.
“Of course.” He tilted his head, expression emotionless. “Every night you look to the sky and see the moon you will see her.” He held Jin against his chest like a sleeping child, cradling her gently.
He watched Kojurou, not batting an eye at his agony. “Quell thy tears, she surely would not want to see that.” He spoke thoughtfully, Jin’s form shifting slowly, her limbs gradually dissolving into his own form, returning to its proper and original body until the only thing remaining was the silver collar.
“Know that I did love you- do love you.” He held out the collar for Kojurou to take, years now streaming down the mans face, regardless of his expression never changing.
“As much as I am against loving humans, I cannot help my waning and waxing.”
Kojurou used the end of his coat to take the band to avoid burning, "I never once wished for my burden to be lifted...to know that I had something that brought me closer to J- to you...it brought me peace...I only desire your safety and happiness, above all else.."
Tsukiyomi’s features more closely resembled Jin’s now, his already androgynous appearance appearing more feminine. “I love you.” He felt cool hands on his cheeks, and soft lips upon his forehead, Jin’s scent stronger now that the moon god was even closer to him, then it was all gone
Standing alone in the dingy dank shack with only his ears ringing and his forehead tingling with her kiss, he swallowed his sorrow and made his way back home, still holding his wound and the band in his coat. It was a long walk and he had a lot of time to think; his heart ached that he could never physically see Jin again but he was still close to her in a way, and it eased his sorrows if only a little.
Sasuke had been following this new trail for a while now. It was reckless and fast, definitely a newer vampire. He half hoped and half dreaded that it would be Yukimura. But he had to be ready regardless.
It was quiet now, but the screams from the night before still rang loud in the girls ears. Her parents had stuffed her in the food cabinet the night before when it had started, thinking it was merely bandits looking for food and young girls again, but they were wrong, they were so wrong. The smell of blood was strong in the air, and even as the sun filtered through the small cracks of the wooden cabinet, the girl didn’t dare crawl out from her hiding spot. She had been there for hours, even as her parents screamed and fought, even as she heard them gurgling and dying, she didn’t move. Hours later, once things had been quiet for some time, did she finally move from her spot. Her legs hurt from being folded for so long, and she stared blankly at the horrific scene before her. Blood splattered every wall of the small house, pooled on the floor beneath the mangled bodies of her parents. The young girl felt nothing, simply staring for a long while before slowly trudging through the blood and out the door. Was the entire village gone?
Some people were distraught wrecks in the streets, crying out to their God for justice. What justice would they receive? What kind of God would punish them this way, to have their loved ones slaughtered so carelessly.
The girl didn’t cry, couldn’t cry, almost like all the events that had just happened couldn’t even register and make sense in her mind.
She had to start her chores, if she didn’t, her parents would be mad. Numbly making her way back toward the back of her house, she made her way to the chicken coop to collect eggs.
She stared for a moment longer before closing the door to the coop softly, then turning and heading back to her house. She figured she should at least clean up the mess inside before her parents got home and got angry. Drawing a bucket of water, she got to scrubbing the blood that stained the wood floors and walls, eyes dull as she worked.
She didn't notice the door open, didn't hear heavy breathing. She barely noticed she wasn't scrubbing the floor anymore but on the floor with a monster's teeth in her neck.
She stared out the open door from her spot on the floor, back pressed into the blood she had been cleaning up, tears forming in her eyes and dripping down her face. Searing pain was in her neck, like a hot iron pressed to her flesh, mouth open in a silent cry. Silently crying out for her parents, for them to save her, that she was scared, that it hurt.
She struggled weakly under the monster on top of her, vision blurry from her tears.
It seemed like ages before the monster was pulled away from her, jaw broken and her blood dripping from its teeth. A young man with ginger hair stood with a handheld crossbow, watching the beast closely.
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