A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Now that I finally have the time to punish you," Kojurou grunted as Masamune snapped a thick iron band around his neck attached to a chain to the wall, "I warned you if you were with that woman again, I would chain you here."
"Masamune-sama...she couldn't stay on her own with her illness, I-"
"Shut up." Masamune hissed and punched him in the nose. Kojurou braced himself to keep from falling over, looking away from Masamune to avoid upsetting him further.
Jin was dozing at the window once again, only perking when she smelled blood- Kojurou’s blood. Her heart rate picked up, but she stayed where she was, he did go out hunting every night, perhaps he simply scratched himself.
"Lucky for me, she's dead now. So you won't have any more distractions." Masamune hissed. Kojurou dared to look up at him.
"She needed me..."
"I need you more, you stupid fucking dog." Masamune growled and punched him again, making him grunt from the pain.
Jin listened to soft whispers from the moon, the sprites that flittered about and descended upon the land graced by the moon.
Jin heard it all, saw it all. Kojurou’s master beating him, Kojurou chained to a wall and simply allowing for it to happen. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she covered her mouth, watching the scene unfold in horror from the window, sharing eyes with a sprite.
"Forgive me, Masamune-sama..." He muttered shamefully, "I will not disappoint you again."
"No. You won't." Masamune growled and stepped on Kojurou's head, "Beg my forgiveness."
"I-I..." Kojurou swallowed hard and closed his eyes, "Please forgive me, Masamune-sama. It was incredibly rude and disrespectful of me to disobey you in such a way. I, Katakura Kojurou, owe you my life and had no right to ignore your commands. I will strive to do better by you, my lord." He said humbly. Masamune dug his heel into Kojurou's head.
"Good dog." He said through ground teeth.
Jin had seen more than enough, leaping from the open window and disappearing into the moonlight, She was able to travel through the light to the room Kojurou and Masamune were in, landing where the moonlight hit the floor through the window and moving quickly toward Masamune before shoving him hard away from Kojurou, her light bright. “That’s enough!”
"What the fuck?!" Masamune stumbled back, eyes wide in shock. Kojurou looked up quickly, looking alarmed.
"J-Jin!" He gasped, "You shouldn't be here!"
Jin shook her head, hair like flames. “No, I should be here. You protected me, and now it’s time for me to protect you.” She said firmly. “Doing this just isn’t right, it’s cruel and unfair, I won’t allow it to happen.”
“You know who I am, you stood there and watched as my mortal body died; I am the child of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, Jin.” She moved toward Masamune, the light that radiated off of her only increasing. “I won’t let you bring such suffering upon this man anymore.”
"Oh good, a moon child." Masamune sneered, "Get out of my house."
"J-Jin, it's alright, really...my punishment was overdue.." Kojurou reached out to gently grab Jin's hand.
“No!” Jin, clenched her fists, a look of pain crossing her face. “I refuse to let this come to be. Kojurou is loyal to a fault, he gave up everything for you, and yet you’re not satisfied? What more do you want from him?”
"His obedience." Masamune growled, "Centuries have gone by without so much as a faulter in his loyalty. And then in you come, taking my perfectly obedient servant and ruining all my hard work - years and years of training down the drain."
“Listen to you! He isn’t a pet dog that you’ve trained to do tricks! He’s a man! He has feelings and thoughts!” She snapped at Masamune. “You disgust me!”
"Did you know him before I saved him?! The lives he took and the destruction he caused?! He was going to be butchered, you pampered moon bitch! String up his hide and praise their Gods for ridding the evil that plagued them! Would that have been better?!" He snapped.
Jin had heard enough, waving her arm and sending a ball of blinding light at Masamune, tears in her eyes as the orb hit Masamune and burned into his flesh.
He cried out in agony and Kojurou moved to his feet quickly, grabbing Jin's wrist, "Jin, please, don't hurt him!" He pleaded, "He speaks cruelly but he is still my lord...! I must serve him regardless how I am treated...please, Jin, he is dear to me..."
Jin spun to look at Kojurou, fighting tears. “And you’re dear to me! Seeing you suffer like this is too much! I won’t let it happen! I won’t!”
"K...Kojurou..." Masamune was trying his best to fight the burning in his lungs, his suit scorched and his chest covered in charred skin, "Lock her up."
"M-Masamune-sama, please-!"
"Lock her up...or kill her." Masamune wheezed, "Choose."
Jin pulled her hand away from Kojurou’s two more orbs of light producing in each hand as she glared down Masamune, ready to launch another attack.
Masamune only glared hatefully before his eyes moved behind her. A metal band clipped around Jin's neck, the soft hiss of burning flesh reaching her ears.
"Please forgive me, Jin..." Kojurou muttered, "I can't allow you to hurt Masamune-sama further..."
Jin immediately felt her power fade, and she turned to look at Kojurou, a look of hurt and betrayal in her eyes. “Kojurou..?” She asked in a whisper, sinking slowly to her knees, then collapsing forward. Her glow faded and she laid unmoving on the floor at his feet; she had not been slain, simply rendered in a state of sleep but the silver around her neck. Her glow faded until it only shimmered off her skin, expression peaceful.
Kojurou knelt beside her and gently brushed some of her golden hair from her face, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I couldn't hurt you, I couldn't do it..."
"Take her...to the dungeon..." Masamune commanded. Kojurou looked up quickly.
"Sh-She needs moonlight or she'll die...!" He argued. Masamune's eyes flashed blood red and he snarled.
"Dungeon. Now." He growled. Kojurou lowered his head and cautiously removed his own band before lifting Jin up gingerly into his arms and carrying her down to the cells.
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Jin was as light as ever in his arms, the scent of moonlight surrounding him like he was in a field of jasmine; it made his heart ache. The collar didn’t harm Jin, but with all the time being alive, Kojurou knew the children of the moon fell into slumber when in contact with silver.
He put her in the corner closest to the wall and gently laid her down before working with all his strength to remove some of the bricks to allow the moonlight to seep into her cell, "There...I'll be back before sunrise and cover the holes for you.." He said.
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