A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Amaya laid beside Sasuke in his bed, head resting against his shoulder. “No.. She’s seemed more preoccupied as of late, she hardly noticed that I’ve been gone, but she’s happy.”
“It’s not that she’s brushing me off, she just seems more preoccupied with something else; I mean she’s on cloud nine, just like when she and Yukimura first got married.” Her words brought back the memory of a few nights prior; finding an undead Yukimura in Akihime’s house.
His grip tightened slightly on her shoulder, his chest burning with disgust.
"Get out of my house...!"
"Let's assume that's a good thing." He muttered.
Amaya gave a small nod and laid her head back down on his chest, letting out a soft sigh before nonchalantly reaching into his yukata, letting her hand rest on his chest.
“Something’s charmed her? Sasuke, now I know something’s wrong, tell me, please?” She said again and sat up.
"Activity has been ramping up lately, something may have gotten to her if her mood has suddenly shifted so drastically," he knew damn well what was going on, but like hell he would tell Amaya any of it.
“Sasuke,” Amaya frowned more. “I may be new to this whole vampire thing, but I’m not an idiot- you aren’t telling me something.”
"Something...something has taken a liking to her. I didn't get a clear look at it the last time I was over but...she's in a lot of danger.." He said.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner..!?” Amaya looked a little panicked. “Is it a vampire..?!”
Amaya shot him a look. “Of course I would worry.” She said as she got up off the bed and gathered her things. “She’s my family.”
"Amaya," he pushed himself up and grabbed her wrist, "Let me deal with it...just keep an eye on her...that's all I ask. If you see anything weird, tell me."
“What if it’s there now, she isn’t safe alone!” He could see just how worried she was, and she had every reason to be.
“I’m sorry, I just... I worry about the both of you enough and now there’s these monsters involved?” She shook her head. “It’s a bit much..”
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