A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Megohime dressed herself in a simple black kimono after she fed and bathed, heading down the hall to check on her own pet.

As always, Jin stayed in Kojurou's bedroom, content with sitting in the window and bathing in the moonlight that came in.
Motochika was sitting patiently for Megohime to return, looking dead tired and lifeless. Her blood had finally consumed his mind and made him absolutely willing to do anything she said.

Kojurou sat in the room with her, enjoying her presence like a loyal dog would basking in the silent affections of his master.
Megohime entered the room, closing the door behind her, but not bothering to lock it. “Come dog, I have a gift for you.” She held a chain in one hand, one she often attached to the thick metal collar around his neck when he was allowed to leave the room.

Jin picked her head up and looked to Kojurou, smiling softly as she beckoned to him. “Come sit with me.” She said gently, turning away from the moonlight that fell onto the bed she sat upon.
Motochika moved over without hesitation, crawling on his hands and knees like she silently demanded of him. He sat in front of her and waited, not lifting his head to look at her.

Kojurou nodded and moved to sit beside her, holding her gently and nuzzling affectionately against her shoulder.
“Stand up, we’re going out.” Megohime ordered, connecting the chain to his collar and yanking him along as she headed out the door. The only thing he wore now being his trousers and the metal collar, having taken his shoes and shirt.

Jin smiled and wrapped her arms around Kojurou, giving his forehead a few gentle kisses.
He stumbled before following steadily behind her. He didn't ask where they were going, he wasn't allowed to. Like a beaten animal he followed her quietly.

Kojurou closed his eyes and enjoyed her affections, but then he remembered the terrible fate he left Nana and Motochika to and his chest began to ache painfully.
Megohime smirked softly as they walked down the long halls of the castle, keeping a hold of Motochika’s chain. “The woman Masamune took in, she’s become a fine bitch, much like you dog.” She started. “She’s been keeping my husband and his guests entertained; she’s quite good at it too.”

Jin looked down as she felt tears fall onto her skin. “Kojurou?” She wiped his tears away with a worried frown. “What’s wrong?”
His fists clenched tightly. Entertained? Did they put their hands on Nana? Did they defile her? He didn't speak, he wasn't allowed to, but she could feel his anger.

"I am a terrible monster...I ruined the lives of two innocent people...I will never be free of sin, my soul is tainted...!" He said through clenched teeth.
“She was a mess by the end of the night, could hardly even stand.” She let out a cruel laugh. “Everyone enjoyed her though, so I suppose there was no harm done~”
Everyone had enjoyed her? Had all of Masamune’s guests violated her? Was she even still alive?

Jin frowned more, petting his hair gently. “I don’t understand Kojurou, what do you mean..?”
"Sh...Shut up..." He growled out, "you...ugly mosquito...woman..."

"Nanahime and Chosokabe Motochika, I have damned them. I have cursed them to an eternity of servitude to my lord and his bride. I am vile." He said shakily.
Megohime glanced over her shoulder at Motochika. “Oh? You still have bite do you?” She turned to face ahead. “Perhaps I’ll call down the other dog and let him have his own turn with the bitch.”

She didn’t quite understand what was going on, sitting up a bit. “Kojurou, what do you mean? Does this have to do with you having to get food for you master?”
Motochika acted without thinking. He moved and grabbed one of the decorative swords on the wall and forced it through Megohime's back with all the force he could muster straight to the hilt.

He nodded, "They begged for each other's freedom...refusing to leave without the other. I can never atone for such a crime."
The sword went straight through her, Megohime stopping with a grunt and looking down at the blade sticking out just beneath her breasts. “S...Scum..” She wheezed out, dropping the chain and sinking to her knees.

Jin cupped his cheek. “Why would he have you do such an awful thing..? Why do you obey him..?”
"Disgusting undead cunt." Motochika spat before removing the collar and rushing off to find Nana.

"I owe Masamune-sama so much...he saved my life and I am indebted to him..." He hiccuped.
Nana sat in her chair in the throne room, staring down at her lap. She still felt ill, but after Masamune stopped feeding her his blood since that first time, she was slowly improving. She was more compliant, both with the threat of Motochika’s life over her head and the thought of having to be fed his vile blood again.

Jin sat up and looked into Kojurou’s eyes. “Why must you sell your soul an happiness to repay this man..?”
"Nana...!" Motochika tried not to draw any attention to himself but it was hard when he was looking for the woman he loved. He kept looking, hoping to find her somewhere.

"Without him, I would not be here today...there is no price I wouldn't pay to show my gratitude to him." He said softly.
Nana looked up when she heard Motochika’s voice in the distance, standing and looking around. She was chained to the floor, but she was alone and had a few feet of distance. She moved closer to the door to the throne room, opening her mouth to call out, but stopped, what if it was a trick?

Jin didn’t know what to say, only holding him close and letting his hair. “I’m so sorry, Kojurou... You know I would free you if I could..”
"Nanahime...!" Maybe it really was Motochika? Masamune didn't know her full name.

"Absolve me..." He pleaded weakly, "Purge me of my sin..."
She felt her lower lip tremble and her heart ache. “Motochika..!” She called out, feeling tears in her eyes.

“It will hurt you.” Jin said softly.
She heard footfalls pounding toward the door before it flew open, Motochika looking over with a frantic look in his eye. "Nana..." He breathed and rushed to her.

"Good." He said softly, "I want it to.."
Nana moved as far as the chain would let her, smiling brightly at the sight of him. “Motochika! You’re ok!” She looked like she would cry.

Jin’s heart sank. “Kojurou... I don’t want to hurt you... Is this really what you want?”
He embraced her tightly and just held her, trying not to cry himself, "I'm so glad you're ok.."

He nodded, "I cannot be killed unless it is silver...I'll be alright.."
She nodded, holding onto him tightly. “I’m ok..! He hasn’t touched me..!” He hadn’t touched her? Did that mean she hadn’t been violated?

Jin took a breath and nodded, embracing Kojurou and holding his head against her chest. He felt nothing at first, but soon he noticed Jin starting to glow brighter and brighter, and soon her skin began to burn him like silver would.
"But the mosquito bitch, she..." He stopped and shook his head, "I shouldn't take anything she says as a truth.."

He gripped the back of her gown tightly and tried not to cry out, hos whole body feeling like he was being set on fire.
Nana pulled away, looking up at him and cupping his cheeks. “You look terrible... Oh Motochika, look at these bruises..”

Jin held him tightly the burning only becoming more and more intense. “I’m so sorry..” She whispered.
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