A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Yukimura’s red eyes flicked to Masamune, a look of aggression on his face, but he didn’t answer him.
“Shut your mouth!” He snapped suddenly, rage on his face, forcing himself to sit up. Masamune could see a flash of the feral back in Yukimura’s eyes.
Nana’s leg took only days to heal, even after being cleanly snapped by Masamune, it made a full recovery. Every since being fed his blood, she got small bouts of France like states where she just stared at nothing, but other than that was fine.
Masamune was having some of his acquaintances come over for the centennial meeting of clans and courts. He had Nana dressed in a rather thin dress so her scales could breathe as well as make it easy for her to dance for his guests.
Nana sat in wait in the corner of the room, silently staring down at her lap as she listened to the chatter and soft music in the room, which came from an odd box Masamune had called a record player.
Nana flinched when Masamune used her name, not looking up as she stood. It was humiliating, she danced when she was happy, having fun with those she cared about, not as a show to entertain. Even so, she did as she was told, moving to the large empty space at the other end of the room and starting her dance; she moved like she was in water, movement fluid and graceful, but her eyes were dead, and face expressionless.
“What an odd thing, what is she?- It is a she, correct?” One Count asked.
"Yeah, she's what Kojurou calls a Dragonian." Masamune answered.
"A Dragonian? They're real?" A countess asked. Masamune nodded.
"Yeah, I suppose so.." Masamune said dismissively.
Nana danced, even as they discussed her like some exotic beast, something from a far away land to gawk at- she hated every moment of it. She did her best to focus on the music, to block out the chatter and to keep herself from losing concentration on her dancing, but she felt her head getting hazy. No, not now, not now of all times; curse that man’s blood, it poisoned her and was running through her like venom.
Nana stopped dancing, moving to her chair and nearly collapsing into it, breathing harder than one should- she hadn’t put out that much effort.
Regardless, Nana still felt as though she would collapse at any moment, at least the effects of Masamune’s blood seemed to slowly be fading.
"Where are your beautiful wives? I haven't heard a peep from Iisaka, now that I think of it."
"Ah...I have moved to a much more...monogamous relationship now.." Masamune answered, his tone a bit stiff.
Megohime had insisted on joining Masamune at the party, but now she was starting to regret it. Every single person there was horribly obnoxious; each one held themselves in such high regard they were practically brown-nosing themselves, and everything to them was like art- life, people, you name it. All of it was so boring, but regardless she put on a show for them, keeping her manners about her; anything to please Masamune.
Megohime bowed her head to Masamune’s guests, lifting her dress slightly to them. “Megohime desu.” She said, smiling gently.
Megohime moved to Masamune, linking her arm with Masamune’s, a gentle smile still on her face. “I do hope my husband has been accommodating.” She teased lightly
Megohime found it strangely satisfying to be clinging to Masamune, placing a hand on his chest and moving closer. “Good, he’d get an earful otherwise~”
They all laughed and continued to enjoy the night until it was close to sunrise and his guests had to leave.
"Did you have fun, Megohime?" Masamune asked as they moved to the bedroom.
“Everyone was disgusting, but yes, the party was enjoyable.” Megohime said as she worked at the many layers of her dress.
"Disgusting?" Masamune repeated, helping her with parts of the dress she couldn't reach, "How so? Did they upset you? Forgive them, they're used to Iisaka's shitty humor."
“They’re all so horribly dull.” She muttered with disgust, allowing him to untie her corset for her. “Repugnance is their only personality trait.”
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