A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She heard the rustling and looked over, startled by the glowing red orbs and immediately lighting her lantern. She relaxed slightly when she saw it was Yukimura but was still nervous.
"Are you alright, my husband...?" She asked gently.
When Akihime lit the lantern, she could see Yukimura's pained expression, panting slightly and shaking his head slightly before correcting himself and nodding. “I-I’m alright..” He said through his heavy breaths.
"You look to be in agony..." He could hear her blood pumping, rich and sickeningly sweet. She climbed out of bed and slowly moved over. "Do you need anything...?" She asked, worried.
He was on his hands and knees on the floor, clutching at the stiff English shirt Masamune had provided him with.
It came out before he could even realize, but quickly shook his head. “N-No..!”
She frowned and knelt before him, loosening her kosode and shrugging it off her shoulders shyly, looking away as she blushed heavily. "Please...if you need the strength, I want you to take it from me..."
Yukimura slowly looked up at Akihime- more specifically, her neck, his breath hitching in his throat. He slowly crawled closer to her, grabbing her with shaking hands and pulling her flush against him before biting into her shoulder. He made a weak noise of relief, taking her blood into his mouth slowly, suckling gently on her flesh.
She gasped weakly and gave a soft moan, feeling like her body was on fire. "Y...Yuki...mura...~" She gasped, gently grasping the back of his suit. Her heart pounded, pumping her blood harder, her body trembling against him.
Yukimura held her tightly against him, slowly taking small mouthfuls of her blood, nails digging into her skin slightly. She could feel her woman hood grow wet, and her clit started to ache and swell, throbbing for attention.
She tried not to drool, her head swimming from the inhuman pleasure surging through her. She hadn't realized how badly she had missed his affections until now, having him drink her blood so intimately.
Akihime could almost manage to fight off the desires to engage her sexual temptations, but when Yukimura began to grope her breast, her willpower crumbled like ricecakes. His hand had moved inside her kosode, gently rubbing his thumb against her nipple until it became pert, then slowly rolling it between his fingers, fondling her breast and moving he onto her back on the floor. She felt a pressure between her legs- his knee- pressed firmly against her womanhood.
Yukimura moaned softly against Akihime’s neck, unable to pull away, but he wasn’t draining her fast enough to harm her just yet, but if he didn’t stop soon, she would start to become faint.
She was about to beg for him until a crossbow bolt suddenly shot into Yukimura's shoulder barely missing her head. She gasped loudly in alarm, too scared to move.
Yukimura pulled away from Akihime, letting out a scream of pain as the silver-headed arrow tore through his shoulder, but slowed and remained in him due to the backward-facing barbs on the shaft of the bolt.
He turned his head quickly, baring his bloody teeth at whomever had shot him, letting go of Akihime.
Sasuke stared with wide eyes, both angry and horrified. "So this is what became of you." He growled lowly. Akihime covered herself quickly and wobbled to her feet, dizzy from whatever made her feel so good and the blood loss.
"Don't hurt him...! He's not some animal to be slain...!" She said, "He's still Yukimura!"
Yukimura gripped his shoulder tightly, gnashing his teeth before quickly turning and crashing through the window, scrambling to his feet and running off like a wounded dog, leaving only drops of blood on the floor to prove he had once been there.
"Yukimura!" Akihime called, eyes wide in heart break before crumpled to the floor, "No...come back..."
"Aki, are you ok?" Sasuke moved over and touched her shoulder but she smacked his hand away.
"Don't touch me." She growled, "Get out of my house." She glared as tears poured down her cheeks and Sasuke scowled before storming out, now he would have to hunt and kill his best friend.
Yukimura stumbled back through the halls of Masamune’s castle, falling into his room and coughing up some of the blood he had drank from Akihime, gripping his shoulder in pain.
"Someone had a fun night out~" Masamune teased from the door, "Guess you ran into your first hunter. Wish I was there to witness that cherry pop.."
Yukimura was too busy puking his guts up on the floor to really get or even appreciate Masamune’s joke. “Wh-Why does it feel like I’m dying..?” He gasped out.
"Mm, I guess he has silver tipped bolts." He said and moved over to inspect the bolt. He flinched back a bit, scrunching his nose, "Yeah, that's silver. Stay here, I'll get the surgeon."
Yukimura wasn’t planning on going anywhere, laying on the floor and shaking in pain, feeling like an awful poison was spreading throughout his whole body.
Masamune came back with the surgeon and Yukimura had to be strapped down to get the bolt out. It took a lot of struggling and fighting with Yukimura before the bolt finally came out, the surgeon having to cut the barbs from the tip and dig them out after the bolt was removed.
Yukimura lay on his bed trembling in agony as the surgeon cleaned up his wound and dressed it.
“That should keep from killing him, but he should feed if he wants it to heal.”
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