A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Not everyone likes to mingle. It's more just to see who's survived through the years and who hasn't." He told her as he loosened her corset, "They like to brown nose me because I've been around the longest~"
Megohime turned to Masamune and cupped his cheek. “Still, they’re boorish.” She said softly, not minding that they all bent their knee to Masamune.
“I don’t find you unpleasant in the slightest~” She teased, moving to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Those are all very true~” Her smirk only grew. “But part of me tells me you enjoy doing at least one of those~” She said, running her fingers through his hair.
He smiled and kissed her gently before helping her completely out of her dress, "There you are. No more heavy European dresses for another hundred years~"
“Well thank gods, I thought I’d be about as muscular as the dog by the time the night was over~” She teased.
"I know you don't like them very much, but thankfully you don't have to wear them all the time." He smiled, "Shoukoin didn't like them very much either.."
Megohime made a face, resting her forehead against his chest, her chest aching. “Let’s lay down, I’m tired..” She muttered; why? Why did she feel so much wanting for Masamune? Why did she feel like she was missing him, like they were apart from one another? He was right there holding her, she shouldn’t be feeling such an odd thing.
He nodded and removed his suit, ever since Megohime offically became his wife they had always slept in the nude together; he felt closer to her that way oddly enough. He pulled her into bed and held her close, gently petting her hair.
“I love you too.” She could feel tears leaking from her eyes; Masamune had no idea how much love she had for him- every inch of her body ached with love for him.
She nodded wiping away a few tears before settling down into the silk sheets beside him, letting her mind settle.
The two would sleep unmoving throughout the entire day, tangled together amongst Megohime’s hair and the bedsheets.
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