A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Nana shook her head. “No, no, I’m ok.” And she was right, not a single cut or bruise on her, not a scale out of place.

Jin nodded, allowing her body to burn brightly, holding Kojurou tightly as her essence burned him, feeling tears building up in her eyes.
He nodded and moved to grab a huge axe from the wall, "Don't move, I'm gonna break these chains...!"

Kojurou cried out in pain but refused to let go. He needed to do this, to atone for his crimes.
Nana nodded, standing where she was and putting her hands over her sensitive ears in preparation of him breaking the chain.

Tears fell down Jin’s cheeks and fell onto his head, burning him like liquid silver. “Kojurou please.. You suffer enough as it is, you don’t deserve this..!”
Motochika rose the axe high before slamming it down with all his might on the chain, over and over until it finally broke.

"I must be absolved...! Please, Jin, it must be done...!" He forced out.
Once the chain around her ankle was broken, she hurried to Motochika’s side. “Is it nighttime? We need to go..!” He could see her shaking already, eyes wide with fear of Masamune.

Jin nodded and continued, holding him tightly, heart breaking at his whimpering and cries of pain.
Motochika nodded and took her hand, running out of the room and down the hall as fast as he could.

When it was done and he could bare no more, he laid limply against her, breathing hard as the burns slowly repaired, "Arigatou..."
Nana followed him closely, the two trying to be as silent as they could, but the broken chain around Nana’s ankle clunked loudly against the floor with each step, making her heart flutter faster in her chest.

Jin’s glow faded quickly and she held him gently in her arms, petting his hair and crying softly. “I’m so sorry, I’m sorry..”
"And just where do you two think you're going?" Masamune called behind them. Motochika moved to push Nana forward, willing to face Masamune on his own.
"Go, Nana! Save yourself!"

"Thank you..." He muttered, "Thank you, Jin..."
Nana stumbled and fell to her knees, Masamune’s voice alone enough to put terror into her body, leaving her unable to stand. “I-I can’t..!” She whimpered.

Jin caressed his cheek gently. “This isn’t what you deserve... Not at all Kojurou..”
"Nana," Masamune sounded more disappointed than he looked, "Go back to the throne room."

"I'm tired of wading through life not repenting for the wrongs I've caused...I needed this, Jin...please don't be upset.." Kojurou muttered.
Masamune could see Nana’s shoulders flinch when he called her name, and a soft sob of terror escaped her, tears starting to pour down her cheeks.
“Gomenasai... Motochika...”
The soft clunk of chain on the stone floor could be heard as Nana stood, numbly making her way back toward Masamune, absolutely and completely controlled by her fear of the vampire.
“Good...” Megohime’s voice sounded from behind Masamune, sounding strained and in agony. “You found my dog..” Megohime growled as she pushed the decorative blade from her stomach, letting it clatter to the ground, blood still dripping down her chin.

Jin wiped her tears away, nodding. “I’ll do what I can for you, even if it hurts..”
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Motochika's own fear snatched his heart and nearly crushed it. He had hoped she would be down for a lot longer than that.
"Y-You...but how..."
"You didn't try to destroy her properly, which I'm glad for; otherwise I would be draining you into a lifeless husk." Masamune stated before glancing to Megohime, "Do you have the strength to punish him or shall I?"

He gave a soft, peaceful smile, holding onto her tightly, "Thank you, Jin...thank you for cleansing me of my sin..."
“No, an owner should always be the one to reprimand their dog.” She said, moving passed Masamune and toward Motochika.
Nana stood frozen beside Masamune, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Gomenasai... Gomenasai..”
Motochika lowered his gaze, ready to take whatever punishment she had for him. Any hope he had now of freeing Nana was gone. There was no point.
Megohime stopped in front of Motochika, but he never felt her strike him.
“Strip.” She ordered, glaring up at him.
Megohime only glanced over her shoulder, starting to shake she was so angry. “Loincloth only.” She ground out. If this human was going to humiliate her, she was going to humiliate him.
Masamune still didn't look very happy, but Motochika obeyed; stripping off his trousers and standing there in only his fundoshi. He didn't dare look up at either of them.
Motochika saw blood start to drip on the floor before him, Megohime having bitten into her hand. “Clean that up.”
Nana couldn’t look, couldn’t even bring herself to turn around, crying softly.
"Not in front of Nana..." He muttered. Masamune glanced to the Dragonian and nudged his head.
"Go on, you aren't in trouble. I'll have the thralls bring you something to eat." He told her.
Nana scurried off without hesitation, too ashamed and scared to do anything else.
Clean it.” Megohime growled out.
Megohime stomped down on the back of his head, grinding the heel of her sandal into his head. “You disgusting, awful human, I should have you castrated..!” Megohime’s wound still oozed blood, soaking her kimono and ruining it further.
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