A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"Akihime is a grown woman now...she can do as she pleases..." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari was livid.
"She ran out with a street rat!" He argued. Yoshitsugu rasped again as he tried to breathe.
"She is happy, she could marry an actual rat for all I care..." He replied weakly.
Amaya stood where she was for a moment, silent before nodding her head. “I’ll go back with you. Just please let the charges be dropped.” She said softly.
Amaya stood where she was in silence, eyes glued to the floor. She hadn’t seen Yoshitsugu in years, and now she was his once more, trapped by her fate, and there was no escaping it.
“Hai.” She nodded, shoulders shaking. Even though Yoshitsugu was a frail old man, she feared him deeply, being rendered completely obedient in his presence.
Amaya had taken a seat on the floor in the far corner, sitting with her legs tucked beneath her and her head bowed, staring down at her hands resting in her lap.
Akihime, however, was in a panic. Amaya was no where to be found, she looked everywhere she could. Did she run away? Was she upset with her? She sat sobbing in her room, frustrated and heartbroken that her friend was gone.
Amaya wasn’t one for theatrics, and even if she was upset with Akihime, she never would’ve run away. Even when Akihime herself pushed Amaya away, she stayed, so why? Why was she gone now? Something had to have happened to her friend, there was just no way she had run away.
Soon Akihime had asked everyone who knew Amaya in one way or another, and yet not one had seen her at all that day, it was like she merely stopped existing.
"Amaya!" She was calling and screaming through the streets, almost in tears again, "Where are you?!"
"Aki...?" She stopped stock still and turned slowly, once she would be angry to see Sasuke, but with her new knowledge of her husband, she had no reason to loathe him, "What's up, did something happen to Amaya...?"
"She's gone, I can't find her anywhere...have you seen her?" Akihime asked. Sasuke frowned and shook his head.
"No, not recently..." He replied. Akihime groaned in defeat.
"Where did she go...?" She muttered.
There had to be some clue, anything, even the smallest of clues; then it clicked in her head.
The charges had suddenly been dropped, meaning Mitsunari had come back and revoked his claim of assault, but why? He would never do such a thing, he would never go back on his word, not unless Yoshitsugu told him to.
"Oh my God..." She muttered and Sasuke moved closer.
"What is it?"
"She's with my father...oh God, why would she go back to him...?!" She panicked. Sasuke felt his shoulders tense.
"Tell me what happened." He said and Akihime told him everything; hoe Mitsunari took advantage of Amaya and how Akihime had attacked him and threw him from her home, how she was arrested and now suddenly released out of the blue.
"It's all my fault..." She covered her face and whined, "Oh Ama..." Sasuke scowled and put his fist in his hand.
"Ok. I'll bring her home."
"What?" Akihime looked up, "You know where they are?"
"No, but I'll find out. What for us at home, ok?" He said and headed off.
Amaya grunted as she hit the ground, dirt scraping her knees and elbows as she landed, head spinning already from the solid blow Mitsunari had landed on her head. Mitsunari had ordered her to take the trash out, but she got the feeling she was the trash to be taken out. She her bloodied nose on her sleeve, slowly trying to get up, and away from the trash receptacle behind the inn.
It was dark by then, and everyone was either inside or sleeping, which meant they wouldn’t be interrupted.
"You filthy disgusting woman." Mitsunari snarled, "You let that dumb bitch humiliate me and then dare to come begging for her freedom...! You're lucky that Gyobu is so kind in his failing health!" He snapped but then immediately dropped his voice again, "I will teach you proper respect again even if it kills you."
Amaya staggered to her feet and black spots danced in her vision, making her sway a bit. She opened her mouth, but bit back her response; this was all she deserved after all.
Hitting the ground jarred her whole body, and she could feel the blood dripping steadily from her split lip. “...won’t... I wont...” He could just barely hear her from beneath his foot, half of her face pressed into the dirt.
“I won’t..!” She managed out, trying to shove his foot off her face. “I haven’t done anything wrong..!”
Amaya cried out in pain, the small rocks in the dirt digging into her skin as he pressed her head down harder in the dirt. Hot tears spilled from her eyes, grinding her teeth. Why? Why did she deserve such treatment? She hadn’t realized she was punching Mitsunari’s leg until her knuckles started to hurt, audibly crying.
"Hey," the voice sounded far away, almost under water, "I'm gonna hafta ask you to not do that."
"This doesn't concern you. Leave." Mitsunari growled. Sasuke scowled softly.
"Not without her."
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