A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She only laid were he had put her, her gasping slowly quieting until she simply lay on the floor staring blankly up at the ceiling.
Kojurou did notice the uncomfortable angle her leg rested in, having been broken by Masamune, and pushed into a painful position from her struggles, swollen and bruised deeply.
He moved and took some planks from broken barrels and tore his suit for fabric as he reset her leg, keeping it in place with the wood and fabric.
She didn’t make a single noise when he fixed her leg, only laid completely still except for the small rise and fall of her chest, eyes dead.
Things seemed to be looking up for Akihime and Amaya, Akihime found a job with a seamstress, which meant Amaya didn’t have to work so long at the factory anymore- other than the incident with Mitsunari, there had been not a single issue.
Akihime seemed to have perked up a lot, though Amaya didn't know why and Akihime didn't seem keen to share. All that mattered was she was happier, and she saw everything in a more positive way.
Amaya was glad for Akihime, glad she had finally found peace, or something close to it.
She had stopped off in the cemetery to pray a the Sanada family grave site, cleaning the blank marker that had sat there for years, the one only Amaya tended to, lighting an incense and leaving a small portion of food.
Akihime never dared ask Amaya why she tended it or why it was even there. She had a general idea why. She always let Amaya have her peace when she visited the blank marker, giving a soft prayer of her own as she waited.
After tending to the marker, and leaving her offerings and prayer, she left the grave, returning to Akihime. “Ready to go home?”
She laughed softly, "It does, I agree.." She said. When they returned home however, the police swordsmen were waiting for them.
"Akihime of the Sanada household?" The captain asked. Akihime looked confused as she stepped closer.
"Is something wrong, officer?" She asked. He grabbed her wrist roughly and twisted her arm behind her back, making her wince and gasp.
"You're under arrest for the assault of Ishida Mitsunari."
"Excuse me?! He attacked my friend, took advantage of her in my own home! I was acting within my rights!"
"A woman without a husband has no rights." He sneered and Akihime was so hurt and taken aback by his statement that she couldn't say anything.
Amaya was stunned, Mitsunari had pressed charges?
“Please this is all just a big misunderstanding!” Amaya moved over, wanting to pull Akihime away, but knew better. “Please, if we can just discuss this!”
"She can discuss it from her cell. Let's go." He said and pushed her along. Akihime tried to be brave.
"D-Daijoubu...! I'm sure this will be sorted out in no time!"
Amaya felt herself starting to panic, she hadn’t been separated from Akihime in years, what would she do on her own? Her breath caught in her throat and she could only stare as Akihime left with the men, shoulders shaking. What would she do now?
She had gone to the authorities, had asked them about bail for Akihime and how much it would be. Five thousand yen. She didn’t have that kind of money saved up, not after she had dipped into her savings for Yukimura’s grave. She had no other choice, she had to go directly to Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. After pestering the police enough, they finally told her that they were staying in the lodging in the neighboring town.
It didn’t take her long to track the two down, swallowing her overwhelming fear and approaching them to demand her friends release.
Mitsunari answered the door when she knocked and he glared. His nose was still bruised from Akihime's punch.
"What do you want? You are not welcome here."
“I wish to speak with Yoshitsugu.” She said firmly, fists clenched tightly. “Please let me in.”
"Leave." Mitsunari growled.
"Who is it, Mitsunari...?" Yoshitsugu sounded strained, tired. Mitsunari glanced back, hos grip on the door tightening.
"It's that whore that left with Akihime." He answered. A weak rasp sounded before a brief silence.
"Send her in..." Yoshitsugu requested. Mitsunari shook before glaring at Amaya.
"He is very weak. Do not burden him longer than needed with your presence."
Amaya said nothing in response to Mitsunari, but couldn’t meet his eyes as she passed him. She entered the room and moved to stand before the bedridden Yoshitsugu, clenching her fists at her sides to stop them from shaking. “Please release Akihime from jail.” She requested quietly.
Yoshitsugu looked up at her and stared for a couple seconds.
"She is imprisoned...?" He rasped, "For what?"
"She broke my nose, Gyobu.." Mitsunari said. Yoshitsugu gave a dry, airy chuckle.
"What a spirited young girl, that daughter of mine..."
“Please, I don’t have the money to pay her fines!” She pleaded to Yoshitsugu. “Please drop the charges against her; I’ll have the money after working a few more months, just please, don’t let her stay in jail, it’s not where she belongs!”
"I will have Mitsunari go a free her," Yoshitsugu said, "If you return home."
"Gyobu!" Mitsunari argued, "She is nkt worth your time anymore, she made her choice!"
"I still own her..."
Amaya looked absolutely horrified, her entire body going rigid, and her heart pounding in her chest. “Does Akihime get to remain here?” She asked softly, lowering both her head and her gaze.
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