A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Nana waited a moment longer before letting him slip from the water and drop onto the floor. She gave him one last look before the water moved to her, covering her like a cloak once more before she hurried off, using her nose to try and locate Motochika.
Motochika was covered in cuts and bruises, as well as bumps and bite marks. Megohime had put him through the wringer, but even then, he still had the strength to fight her off when she tried to feed him her blood. For such a small woman, she packed quite the punch, and with the constant beatings and feedings, it was more than easy for her to pin Motochika and feed him blood from her mouth. His mind swirled and his body ached and burned, heart racing in his chest as he swallowed another mouthful of her wretched blood.
Megohime pulled away from him, sitting on his stomach as she brought her hand to her mouth again, but paused. “My you certainly are re-“ She was cut off as a large tendril of water slammed into her and knocked her off Motochika, pinning her to the wall and wrapping around her like a snake, squeezing tightly.
Nana had come in, and upon seeing Motochika’s condition and what Megohime was doing to her, nearly lost it. Her scales were flared and her pupils slits, clenching her outstretched fist and making the water squeeze Megohime tighter.
“You wretched b-!” Megohime was cut off again as a ater forced its way into her mouth and down her throat, filling her lungs quickly and painfully, filling each lung completely and then some. Megohime kicked and thrashed, choking on the water before the water that led into her mouth started to grow red, and her struggles stopped.
Nana dropped Megohime and rushed to Motochika’s side, falling to her knees to help him sit up. “I’m ok, but Gods Motochika, look at you..!”
She smiled, lip trembling as she nodded. “We have to hurry, we still need to find my box.” She said softly as she helped him to his feet, letting him lean on her for support.
He walked with her, limping a bit and ignoring the numbing haze that surrounded his mind from Megohime's blood.
"I hope I don't turn into a vampire..." He muttered.
“Don’t say that, you’ll be fine..!” In truth, Nana didn’t know if Motochika would turn or not, she didn’t know how vampires were made, it was only recently that she learned of their existence. They made their way through the castle cautiously, Nana following her nose right to the box, where Masamune had hidden it away in his bedroom.
Nana hurried over to the silver box that sat on his shelf, grabbing it and turning back to Motochika. “Yeah..!”
When she turned, Masamune was standing unnoticed by Motochika, dripping wet and beyond livid.
"And just what do you think you two are doing?" He growled. Motochika jumped out of his skin and fell on his ass, scrambling away from Masamune.
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Nana’s eyes went wide in horror and her whole body went rigid before she went into action, rushing forward at Masamune and Motochika; she had to get to him first, if she got to Motochika, then they could just escape out the window, she didn’t care how much the fall would hurt her, she had to protect Motochika.
Masamune seemed to be one step ahead of her. In an instant he had Motochika by the throat, holding him up like he weighed nothing.
"Not an inch closer or I snap his neck like a brittle twig."
Nana froze instantly, feeling like he had his vice grip on her heart rather than Motochika’s throat. “Please let him go!” She begged, tears filling her eyes.
"You try to kill me and make off with my wife's servant and my new treasure and you want me to let him go?" Masamune sounded insulted, "After I had been so kind and spared the both of you?"
“He’s not a servant, and there’s nothing kind in what you've done!” She protested, holding the silver box to her chest with shaking hands. “We’re living things and we have dreams and desires! We didn’t ask for this!”
"Of course you didn't." He said, "But as I've said, you have seen me and I do not desire people coming to raid my home. I cannot trust that you will keep quiet about what you have seen.."
“Please, you have my word, as the princess of the Dragonian people, I wouldn’t beseech a promise! I will not tell anyone of what I’ve seen here!” She was desperate, wanting so badly to free Motochika. “Please let him leave, I’ll stay, just please let him live his life in peace!”
"I-I'm not...abandoning you..." Motochika choked out. Masamune glanced at Motochika before returning his gaze to Nana.
"You heard the man." He said.
“I’ll give my life for his! I’ll do anything! Anything you ask of me, I’ll do it, just please let him leave!” Her entire body was shaking at this point, praying Motochika would agree.
"N...No! I'm not leaving...!" Motochika spat, "I'll deal with that mosquito woman-" He hacked when Masamune squeezed his neck harder, "Just...have mercy on...N-Nana..."
"If you swear to behave and do as I say when I say it, I will let your human lover live," Masamune said, "I will convince Megohime to be kinder to him...and if you are good and do not cause trouble, I will let the two of you be together for a time."
Nana couldn’t stop the sobs that escaped her, clutching the box tightly to her chest as she sunk to her knees. “I’ll do it..! I’ll do what you say, just please don’t kill him..!” The water on her back and in her hair fell to the ground, forming a puddle around her, scales falling flat against her body.
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