A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

“Get used to it, it’ll be the only thing you’ll be getting for now.” She said, then turned and left, locking the heavy iron door behind her.
A couple days passed and as the sun began to set one evening, a knock came gently to Yukimura's door.
"Sanada-dono, Masamune-sama wishes to speak with you...he says it's urgent.."
The door opened and the young vampire looked up at Kojurou, eyes still glowing red even with Masamune providing him with meals; though he wasn’t able to feed from bodies without losing control quite yet, so he stuck to blood from a cup for the time being. “Is everything alright?” He asked the werewolf, the coin necklace now around his neck. “Is it about Akihime..?”
Yukimura followed as told, fiddling with the band on his finger the entire time they walked down the halls toward the throne room where Masamune sat in wait for the young blood.
Masamune was in his fancy chair, Megohime perched in his lap. He perked when Kojurou entered with Yukimura and smiles softly.
"So, Kojurou has been giving me reports of the area to make sure no fledglings or ferals are causing too much havoc. And I'm told you asked him to keep tabs on your wife to make sure she's safe." He said, playing with Megohime's hair.
Yukimura bowed his head out of respect, stopping beside Kojurou and giving a nod. “Hai.. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds by requesting that of Katakura-dono.”
Megohime had her head rested on Masamune’s shoulder, the side of her face bruised badly and eyes closed as she dozed in his lap.
"It's no trouble. Really, he needs to get out more. That's not what I wanted to talk about though." He said, "She's been going to your marker a lot lately. And Kojurou has told me that ferals have been picking the graves for scraps."
"She plans to visit the cemetery tonight," Kojurou added from beside Yukimura.
Yukimura went rigid. “You can’t let her!” He snapped immediatly. “The ferals will get her, you need to protect her- I need to protect her!”
“Please!” He looked about ready to drop to his knees just to beg, clutching his necklace firmly.
Yukimura didn’t need to gather anything, he was already completely ready to go, heading out with Kojurou as a chaperone of sorts down to the small village where he and Akihime once lived together.
It was pitch black by the time they made it there, keeping quiet as to not disturb anyone else that may have been there - human or otherwise. Kojurou made sure Yukimura stayed in the darkness so they wouldn't be seen, if the ferals saw them first it would end poorly. But when they reached the hill, it didn't seem to matter. There she was, knelt before a simple plaque with Yukimura's name etched into the stone. Akihime seemed to have just arrived, lighting the incense and bowing her head to pray.
Yukimura lurched forward, taking a step but then stopping himself, eyes glued to Akihime as she prayed. There she was, safe and sound, not a scratch on her. Thank the gods, he must not had made his way home after he was turned.
"Today was a good day, Yukimura..." She said gently, "Ama was able to earn enough that we won't have to rely on charities this week...and I may get a job as a seamstress soon so our landlord won't hound us for money anymore." She gave a small laugh, though it was forced. She sat quietly for a moment before taking a breath, her body shaking, "I miss you...I miss you so much...and I know I say it each time I visit, but it doesn't lessen the meaning." She hiccuped and tried to keep her composure, "Everyone tells me to...to move on but I'm scared that if I do, I'll forget you and your marker will be abandoned. Please," she hunched over and cried more, "Please, my husband, guide me! I'm so lost and afraid! I don't know what to do!"
Yukimura hadn’t realized he was crying again, did realize he was slowly making his way from the shadows and out toward his wife. He had been gone from her for months, and his heart ached deeply to hold her, hold her just once more.
Kojurou's eyes snapped to the right as the anguished horrific wail of a feral rang out, probably alerted to Akihime's crying. It stumbled out into view and lazered in on her, on her pounding heart that pumped rich vitae. That's when her crying stopped and she sat upright.
"Finally..." She muttered, "Finally the Gods will grant me my peace...I've waited so long to rejoin you, my husband..."
The feral had gotten to Akihime first, but Yukimura was faster. Akihime felt the bone crushing grip of the feral as it grabbed her and yanked her backward to drag her closer, but she never felt its teeth sink into her neck. She heard a thud on the ground behind her, then the feral too fell back- or rather the entirety of its body minus the head. Yukimura was breathing heavily, staring at his blood covered hand as he shook violently, eyes glowing a deep red.
When she looked, her eyes widened in horror. "Yuki...mura..." He could hear her heart skip and pound, of course she would be petrified by the monster he had become. But she didn't run, didn't scream; she reached out gently to cup his cheek and she choked on a sob. He was real, he was real and he was there, he protected her.
Yukimura’s head snapped toward Akihime when she touched him, but the second his eyes fell on her, his bloodlust seemed to fade, eyes softening, but not losing their red color. Overwhelming shame forced Yukimura to look away, clear on his face; he was disgusted with himself, with what he now was, and that his wife knew, he didn’t want her to see him.
"You're alive..." She wept softly, "I'm so glad...I knew you had to be..." Her hand dropped to the collar of his suit and brushed it aside gently to ghost her thumb over his coins.
Yukimura tried to look to Akihime, but found he was unable to bring himself to do so. “Gomenasai..” He said softly, fists clenched. “Gomenasai..”
She shook her head, "Don't apologize..." She said gently. "You're still my husband...for better or for worse...I will love you always."
Tears flowed down his cheeks and he slowly sunk to his knees in front of her, clutching at her dress, shoulders shaking as he fought his sobs. “I thought I had killed you... I thought you were gone forever..!”
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