A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She took his hands gently and knelt in front of him, "If my death meant you could continue on, I would gladly give my life a thousand times...though I'm sure that's the last thing you want.." She smiled softly
“It’s not what I want at all..!” He shook his head, hair falling over his shoulder; it had grown so long since she had last seen him. “Not at all..!” He said, pulling her close into a tight embrace.
She sat there quietly for a moment before returning his embrace, "Hai...forgive my insensitive words..." She said, playing with his hair gently, "I'm just so glad to see you're safe..."
He wanted time to stop, for it to stop and stand still forever as he held Akihime tightly to his chest, slowly letting go of her to pull away slightly. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips gently to hers, eyes closed as he held her gently.
She relaxed and gave a soft noise of delight as she kissed back, holding onto him as if he would vanish again if she let go. She was crying, so overwhelmed that she could hardly contain her emotions. Kojurou frowned softly and glanced at the position of the moon, they had been there a while.
"Sanada-dono...forgive my interruption but we must return soon." He said gently.
Yukimura pulled away slowly, a soft frown on his face as he nodded in acknowledgement to Kojurou. “Please forgive me, Akihime..” He said softly, not letting go of her just yet.
She smiled sadly and shook her head, petting his cheek gently.
"It's alright...you are always welcome to come home if you wish, briefly or permanently. So long as I can have you by my side again, I'm happy.." She said and kissed him again, holding his hand tight.
He kissed back, this time more desperately before pulling away and standing, his hand slipping from hers. “Thank you, Akihime... But,” He clenched his fists. “It isn’t safe to be with me as I am now..”
"You are my husband and I am willing to brave any risk to ensure you we are never apart again..." She said as she stood, "I love you, Yukimura...no matter what happens. You could become the most frightening and dangerous youkai in the whole of Japan and it would not change a single thing." She took his hand and ran her finger over his wedding band, "I threw away everything I had to be with you...there is no risk I wouldn't take to be in your arms.."
Yukimura’s expression softened, wanting so desperately to stay and be with Akihime, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He barely had any control over his bloodlust, and he wasn’t willing to risk Akihime. “Thank you, Akihime, it does my heart good to hear that..” He said softly, glancing to Kojurou. “I promise I will return again; I promise I will see you again.”
She smiled and nodded, "I will always be there to welcome you home, no matter how long the stay." She said before turning to Kojurou, "Thank you for taking such good care of my husband...words do not express my gratitude." She said as she bowed. Kojurou looked a little taken aback before bowing in return.
"I will continue to do my best." He replied.
Yukimura gave Akihime’s hand a squeeze, then slowly let go once more and returned to Kojurou’s side, heart heavy in his chest.
"Not even a few seconds and I already miss you.." She laughed. Kojurou nudged his head and started to head for home. She waved goodbye as they left, her band glinting in the moonlight.
Nana had been stuck in the cellar for days, with no word about Motochika or her own fate; and she was done sitting around. One of the servants would be by soon to feed her, and when they did, is when she would go into action.

“Masamune-sama!” The thrall in charge of bringing Nana her food came rushing to Masamune, Nana’s food still in hand. “It’s the woman you’ve taken in, she’s injured!”
"Mm?" Masamune glanced over before rolling his eyes, "Oh great, I wonder what she got into to hurt herself." He said as he stood and headed to the cellar.
Masamune could smell blood when he entered the cellar, and upon moving over to where she laid in the far corner on the futon Kojurou had given her, he saw her writhing in pain on the bed.
She grasped at her chest and wheezed, blood running from the corners of her mouth, face twisted into a look of pain. Was it the affects of her being away from water so long? Had he fed her something she couldn’t eat?
She managed to peel open one eye, gasping as she stared up at him, then with a shaking hand, slowly moved to point it toward the ceiling, a single drop of water falling on Masamune’s head.
When his eyes met the dark ceiling, he saw exactly where the water had come from. A large mass of water filled the entire ceiling, pooling like it was on the floor and they were the ones on the ceiling. Before he could do anything else however, the water fell upon him, engulfing him and picking him up off his feet, Nana getting up off the bed, now completely fine. She wiped the blood from her lips and stared at Masamune with a scowl; the water flowed around him in a fast current, keeping him trapped in place in the orb of water, which filled his ears and nose, and even felt like it was trying to pry apart his lips to enter his mouth.
He gasped loudly and the water filled his lungs quicker than he could try to force it out. He clawed at his throat, glaring hatefully at her. Oh, she was a clever little fish alright. He would deal with her appropriately later.
Nana had a frown on her face as she watched Masamune struggle; he could see in her eyes that doing this pained her, but yet she did not faulter, waiting for Masamune to lose consciousness.
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