A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Masamune dropped Motochika and he gasped and coughed for air. Masamune moved to Nana and took the box from her hands.
"I do have to punish you for trying to kill me, however." He said and kicked her hard in the side of the head.
"No!" Motochika yelled and tried to move over to protect her.
Nana collapsed to the floor without a sound, the scent of her blood reaching Masamune’s nose. His kick had split the delicate fins that made up her ear, blood trickling down the side of her face as she lay on the ground, simply accepting her fate.
"No, please, don't hurt her!" Motochika begged. Why couldn't he protect her? She was counting on him and all he ever did was let her down. Masamune glanced back at Motochika with dangerous eyes before returning his gaze to Nana before bringing his foot up and stomping down on her leg, snapping it cleanly in one hard swift motion.
A scream tore from Nana, body stiffening as she clawed the ground in an attempt to escape from Masamune’s range, head spinning. Her hair covered most of her face, falling over her eyes, the only thing Motochika could see was her mouth open in a scream of agony and the tears that stained her cheeks.
Motochika forced himself up and rushed over to her, shielding her with his body.
"That's enough!" He yelled, "Please...that's enough...you don't need to hurt her anymore."
"And what gives you the right to tell me what to do?" Masamune sneered. Motochika frowned.
"I mean no disrespect...but breaking her leg is punishment enough...she'll obey, she said she would...I'll obey, too...just don't hurt her anymore.."
Nana curled up beneath Motochika the best that she could, shaking from pain. She could barely hear Motochika and Masamune speaking, it sounding like they were far away.
A new voice barely registered in her ears, one of Masamune’s thralls.
The thrall was a larger man, almost as big as Motochika, holding a limp body.
“Masamune-sama.” He called his master to get his attention, the familiar smell of blood was one he could never mistake. Megohime was cradled in the thralls arms, not breathing, blood coming from her nose and mouth, eyes opened slightly to reveal blank eyes.
The thrall shook his head. “She was in her Toy Room on the floor.” He said; and only then did Masamune see the water dripping from her clothes.
He zeroed in on Nana and Motochika tried to shield her more.
"Don't touch her!"
"Move, blood bag." Masamune hissed and shoved him aside, "Kojurou! Get in here!" Motochika moved to grab Masamune but the vampire merely punched him back down.
Nana didn’t try to run, she only curled up tighter, turning her face toward the floor, visibly trembling.
Kojurou moved into the room and frowned, "Hai...?"
"Pin her down." Masamune ordered. Kojurou already hated himself for ruining their lives, why did he have to make things worse? "Now, Kojurou!" Masamune barked and the werewolf sighed before moving to keep Nana pinned to the floor.
Nana squirmed and fought beneath the large man, who made her look like a child he was so big. “Please no more..!” She begged Kojurou, staring up at him with tear-filled eyes.
He looked away, too disgusted with himself to look at her. Masamune moved and bit into his wrist before forcing it into her mouth. Motochika's heart sank, they were doing to her what Megohime tried with him; making her obedient to a T.
Kojurou could feel Nana thrash harder beneath him, muffled cries coming from her as she tried to spit his blood back out, but it was useless. His blood trickled down her throat and her cries turned to screams, thrashing becoming harder and more urgent, starting to give Kojurou a bit of trouble.
It hurt, every inch or her body burned and she felt like she was being crushed, eyes wide in pain as her pupils turned to slits.
"M-Masamune-sama, I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Shut up, Kojurou." Masamune scowled. Kojurou looked almost panicked.
"She's a demi God, we don't know what your blood will do to her!"
Nana’s scales flared and she suddenly bit down hard on Masamune’s wrist, an audible crunch following. She screamed and kicked, her pupils nothing more than thin slits as she clawed at Kojurou.
A horrid scream came from Nana the moment he pulled away, chest surging forward as she spat up the blood the best she could with her jaw dislocated. She could hardly think, the only thing registering was the pain she was in.
Nana’s eyes were wild, and even with a dislocated jaw and a broken leg, she still tried to fight Kojurou. She was more akin to a wild beast than a person, punching and clawing, and even trying to bite with her jaw still dislocated.
It wouldn’t take long for her to wear herself down, laying gasping on the floor with unfocused eyes, shaking and grasping at her chest in pain.
Her disposition had done a complete one-eighty, she hardly even noticed he had come into the cell and had pushed her jaw back into place, only making a soft grunt when he did so.
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