A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"I love you, Nana!" He called before disappearing out of the room. Masamune made a noise.
"Well, I suppose I'll have to find a place for you for now.." He said.
Nana still felt her body refusing her, refusing to move properly as she barely managed to upright herself into a sitting position. “Please let us leave..” She begged him softly. “Please, Motochika doesn’t deserve this..!”
"It was either this or death. And since I much rather like the idea of people not raiding my home to kill me, neither of you can leave." He said, manicured nails clicking against her box.
“We wouldn’t tell anyone! We just want to live in peace..!” Her eyes were glued to the box, body rigid as he nonchalany played with the box.

Megohime dumped Motochika onto the floor of a small room, blood staining the floors, walls, and even the ceiling, shackles lining the walls and laying on the floor. She watched him for a moment before speaking. “Your name, what is it?”
Masamune gave a noise before shaking his head gently, "Sorry, can't risk it."

Motochika pushed himself up, looking up at her hesitantly, "Chosokabe Motochika.."
Nana hung her head, biting back a sob; if only she had been stronger, they would be free, Motochika would be free.

Megohime stared down at him with cold scarlet eyes. “No, it’s not.” She leaned down to look at him more closely, grabbing his chin roughly. “It’s Dog.”
"Kojurou." Masamune looked over at the werewolf who had been standing and watching with painful silence.
"Hai..." Kojurou confirmed quietly. Masamune rose his eyebrow.
"Take her down to the cellar for now until I can figure out a place for her." He said. Kojurou nodded and moved to gently grab Nana's arm.
"Please come with me..." He requested softly.

Motochika scowled, glaring with his good eye.
"No, it isn't. It's Motochika. I'm not a dog who plays fetch and sits on his ass for treats."
Nana stood when he asked her to, but her knees buckled beneath her and she sank back to the floor. “I can’t walk...” She muttered, keeping her gaze down.

“Of course you aren’t, you haven’t had proper training.” Megohime said simply, letting her hand run up his cheek and under the bandage over his destroyed eye, gently moving it away from his eye and pulling it completely from his head. “But in time you’ll make a wonderful hound.”
Kojurou apologized softly, "Do I have permission to carry you?" He asked gently. For someone who just ruined her life, he was very polite.

Motochika screamed when she ripped what was left of his eye from his socket, falling back and holding it in a feeble attempt to stop the pain.
"You bitch!! You vile disgusting mosquito woman!!"
Nana hesitated for a moment before giving a small nod, why was he being kind? Did he regret what he had done? Either way, Nana didn’t care, how could humans be so cruel?

Megohime licked the destroyed eye, watching Motochika in amusement. “It wasn’t working anyway, I did you a favor.” She said, tossing the eye and the bandages over her shoulder. “I have no use for things that don’t work.” She moved over to him, straddling his stomach once again as she yanked his hands away from his face, wanting to see the empty socket up close.
Kojurou nodded and gently picked her up, carrying her down to the cellar, "I will bring you what spare bedding we have. I believe my old futon is still in storage. I will have it cleaned and bring it down to you." He told her.

The socket was full of blood and twitching muscles and destroyed nerves. Motochika was in so much pain he almost passed out.
"Get off me...please, it hurts so much..."
Nana sat were he set her, still not able to completely make her legs do as she wished. She didn’t want to even speak with this man, he had taken away their happiness, but he had also saved Motochika’s life, she she swallowed her pride. “Thank you.” She still refused to look at him, fists clenched and shoulders shaking.

Megohime ignored him, cheeks flushed at the sight of his blood, finding herself hungry once more. “Beautiful~” She cooed gently, petting his hair, almost drooling at the sight.
Kojurou nodded and left her in silence. There was no point in apologizing.

Motochika mustered his strength through the pain and spat in her face.
Megohime’s expression faultered, but didn’t change, simply wiping the saliva from her cheek before putting one hand to Motochika’s throat, squeezing lightly. “Do you truly wish to start training that badly, Dog?”
“Not yet, but you will be..” She brought her hand to her mouth, biting down into the fleshy heel before holding it over Motochika’s open mouth, letting her blood drip onto his tongue.
Megohime only held him down harder, squeezing his jaw to keep it open as drop by drop her blood fell into his mouth. “Ssh~” She soothed gently.
The hit was enough to knock Megohime off of Motochika, but not knock her out. She sat holding her cheek in shock before looking to Motochika. “A dog should know better than to bite their master.” She muttered lowly, eyes wide and a crazy light glinting in them as she clamped down on her own hand, drawing in a mouthful of blood and climbing back on top of him, slamming her own fist into his stomach right below his sternum.
He gasped loudly in pain, the wind knocked out of him so much that he couldn't even scream. He was seeing spots, and the edges of his vision were going black.
He felt something warm and soft against his lips, then he felt a warm liquid slowly trickle down his throat, his body immediately feeling as though it had been set aflame.
He shut his eye tight as he was forced to swallow her blood, whimpering at the odd discomfort it caused him. Why did she think this was a game? That his life was a toy? How could she sleep soundly with such dark indulgences?
Once he had swallowed the entire mouthful of blood, Megohime pulled away and wiped her lips in disgust, glaring down at him and watching him silently, waiting for any reaction to the blood he had just consumed.
He rolled over and vomitted, gagging and gasping much like she used to when Masamune gave her his blood.
"Your blood is God awful." He sneered, wiping his mouth, glaring hatefully.
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