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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

((We can ditch these two until Ko gets back to them~))

Yukimura stared up at the coins before slowly reaching up and taking them, holding them like if he wasn’t careful, they would break. He stared at the coins, letting his tears flow freely before closing his hands around the coins and resting his forehead against his hands. “Thank you..” He said, voice trembling. “Thank you for fulfilling her request, Katakura-dono..” He clutched the coins to his forehead like it were Akihime herself, clearly overwhelmed by Kojurou’s gesture.
Megohime was once again sitting in her chair, watching as Masamune took his turn feeding off of Motochika, a rather pleased look in her eyes as she watched Motochika squirm in fear and pleasure.
Motochika was begging weakly for him to stop, the color slowly draining from his skin. Kojurou felt guilt fill his chest, he hadn't realized he had condemned a loving couple to their deaths.
Nana was still unconscious on the floor, but Kojurou saw that Motochika had actually moved closer to her, and was now holding her hand tightly. It made sense now, that’s why she had gotten so angry at Kojurou when he attacked Motochika, why she had fought so hard, they loved each other. They had been building a home together and he had destroyed their chances of being happy together; he was no better than his master and how he had treated Jin.
"Masamune-sama," he called out before he could stop himself. Masamune pulled back and made a noise.
"Is this important?" He asked blandly. Kojurou lowered his gaze.
"They're lovers," he pointed out, "I don't think you should drain him."
"Them being in a relationship changes nothing, Kojurou." Masamune said. Kojurou looked his master dead in the eye.
"If you take this human away from her, it will be no better than when Megohime-dono butchered Iisaka and the others." He stated. Masamune felt his chest ache sharply at the memory and he moved away from Motochika quickly.
Megohime scowled deeply, any look of happiness completely gone from her face now. “Have you forgotten your place, Dog?” She hissed as she stood.
"Merely stating truth, forgive my rudeness." He stated pointedly. Motochika tried yet again to get close to Nana, shaking from weakness.
Megohime gnashed her teeth, but held her tongue, glaring as she turned her gaze away and sat back down. Nana finally made a soft noise, brows furrowed as she stirred slowly, but didn’t open her eyes.
"Nana..." Motochika croaked before despair fell over his expression and he reached under her dress. Masamune watched curiously, confused when Motochika pulled out a satchel and felt the outside of it.
"What's this?" Masamune asked and moved over, snatching the satchel from Motochika. He panicked and tried to take it back.
"No, please, you mustn't open it! If you do, she'll die! Please, please, she's all I have in this world!" Motochika begged. Masamune furrowed his brows.
"What, open the bag?" He asked. Motochika shook his head.
"The box. Please, don't open the box." He pleaded. Masamune made a noise and pulled the box carefully from the satchel.
The silver box was about the size of an average teapot, carved with intricate designs. It was cool to the touch, yet pulsed with life. The only thing keeping the box shut was a simple lock, all it would need was a key- or enough force to pry it open. Why would open this box kill the dragonian woman?
"Hm." Masamune mused but did nothing further with it, "Very well. You have my word it will not be opened." He said. Motochika looked relieved, his eyes closing.
"Arigatou..." He muttered weakly.
“Why are you getting your hopes up?” Megohime scoffed. “He said he wouldn’t open the box, but she’s no use to us if she’s food, why would we simply keep her around?”
Megohime’s mood immediately shifted, looking at Masamune in shock, cheeks flushed a bit. “Of course I do..” It was disturbing, the way they were talking, it was like they were simply discussing getting Megohime a new expensive kimono. “But what if he doesn’t last long, like the last one?” She almost seemed ashamed by that- almost.
The whole of their conversation was nauseating, but Megohime seemed delighted. Putting her hand over his, she smiled and nodded, leaning into his touch. “I will, thank you, Masamune-sama..”
Motochika hadn’t noticed that while he was watching Masamune and Megohime, that Nana had slowly opened her eyes, staring dazed at Motochika.
"Nana...!" Motochika looked when he felt her staring and was relieved. Masamune looked over and smirked.
"Good of you to join us." He greeted.
Nana blinked slowly, her gaze slowly drifting from Motochika up to Masamune, and even with her vision blurry, she spotted the box in his hands right away. “G...Give it back..” She muttered, but couldn’t move quite yet.
"I'm sorry but I'm going to be holding onto this to ensure your cooperation." Masamune said, "I'm told you'll die if it's opened? Why is that?"
Nana squeezed Motochika’s hand; another cruel human, was Motochika truly the only kind human there was? “I-It will destroy my heart if it is opened..” She answered softly; she still didn’t have the courage to tell the truth, not when she had been lying to Motochika for so long.
"Interesting." Masamune mused, "It will be kept safe. I have assured your lover that no harm will come to it."
"I guess we're stuck here a while, Nana..." Motochika muttered, squeezing her hand, "I'm so sorry..."
Nana, though her vision blurry, could sill easily smell Motochika’s blood. “You’re hurt...” Tears pushed forward from her eyes. “They hurt you..”
Motochika was suddenly led away from Nana, Megohime have grown bored of their talking. “I’ll be taking him now, do what you want with the fish.” She said as she dragged Motochika down the hall by the collar of his shirt.
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