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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

He stood there, taking each hit calmly, his eyes staring forward as he waited before they finally snapped to his right and he reached out, grabbing her by the neck as the sudden force of the stop choked her and nearly broke her neck. In the same movement he grabbed her in, he lifted her up and slammed her so hard into the earth that he left a small crater beneath her.
Nana was taken off gaurd when he managed to grab her, she could hardly be seen by the human eye, and yet he managed to catch her? She let out a wheeze of a gasp when she was slammed into the ground, eyes wide as she stared passed Kojurou up at the sky, time seeming to slow as the dirt from the impact fell back to the earth. Her scales fell flat on her body, and the water that clung to her like a cloak trembled like a living being before falling from her body. The blood she had coughed up upon impact splattered across Kojurou’s cheek, and Kojurou’s own blood fell dangerously close to Nana’s open mouth. Time sped up to normal for her and her eyes grew hazy, closing slightly, her body spasming before she fell limp beneath his grip, eyes closing as her head rolled to the side.
The cuts on Kojurou were in no way life threatening, but they stung, and would need to be treated; as for his clothes, they took most of the fatal blows.
"I didn't know dragonians could live on land this long." He mused before picking her up and grabbing Motochika, taking them both back to the castle.
Nana was light and smelled of the sea, hanging limp over his shoulder, breathing shallowly- perhaps Kojurou had put too much force into his attack, she was rather small after all. The more he thought on it, the more it came to his attention she hadn’t been harmed much physically, had her scales protected her? He had never met a dragonian before, but if she was any example of her people, they were proficient in battle and sturdy. She seemed rather green however, but in time a capable warrior. The man who was her companion was more than clearly human, smelling of the ocean and very faintly of fish, much like the woman, but he was far too human to ignore.
He made a noise as he trekked back, bringing them in and taking them to Masamune and Megohime.
"What in the goddamn?" Masamune looked disgusted by Nana's appearance, "What is that?"
"A dragonian."
"A what?" Masamune looked up sharply. Kojurou sighed.
"She comes from the Dragon Palace under the sea."
"You went into the water for food?"
Megohime looked bored and hungry, drumming her fingers lightly on the large table as she looked from Masamune to Kojurou, not caring much for their conversation or where her food came from, she was just hungry.
"Wha..." Kojurou looked over quickly when Motochika began to stirr, " I...?"
"In my home, sadly not as a guest." Masamune replied.
“Are we going to do introductions, or are we going to eat?” Megohime asked, tone sharp and glowing red eyes looking at Masamune.
"E-Eat?" Motochika looked panicked. Masamune sighed.
"Fraid so. Sorry about this." He said and moved to Nana. Motochika shot up but Kojurou kicked him back down.
Nana lay sprawled out on the floor, covered in dirt and with blood still on her face and nails, but it wasn’t her own. She breathed slowly, a serene look on her face, completely oblivious to the danger they were in.
“What happened to your clothes?”
Megohime asked Kojurou with little interest as she watched Masamune, the corners of her mouth curling up into a cruel grin, not moving from her seat, in fact, she leaned back to get more comfortable. Megohime enjoyed watching Masamune eat, it excited her and made waiting for her meal that much more worth it when she finally did eat.
"She put up a bit of a fight. She's quite powerful. I almost underestimated her." Kojurou answered nonchalantly. Masamune chuckled and grabbed Nana's arm, making Motochika thrash under Kojurou's boot.
"Don't touch her, you disgusting leech!!" He spat.
Megohime didn’t care for the part where humans begged or screamed, and it especially irritated her with the overwhelming smell of Kojurou’s blood assaulting her nose. “Dog, keep him quiet if you’re going to ruin my meal with your stench.”
Nana was still out cold, not showing any signs of waking up anytime soon, rather light for Masamune as well.
Kojurou pulled Motochika up and covered his mouth roughly.
"Hai. Gomenasai, Megohime-dono." He apologized softly. Motochika watched in horror as Masamune pulled Nana up and brought her close. However, Masamune didn't get very far, as he quickly dropped Nana and covered his nose.
"Jesus, she reeks of the ocean and fish! Disgusting!" He snarled.
Nana crumpled to the floor like a sack of rocks, not waking even when she was dropped so roughly onto the stone floor.
Megohime scowled softly, all of this was starting to kill her buzz and make her angry. She stood, a soft scowl on her face, looking to Kojurou.
“This is taking too long.” She hissed out. “Kojurou, let him go.” She ordered, clearly crazy; there was no way this small woman could handle Motochika, a man who easily towered over her.
Megohime was on Motochika the second Kojurou let go of him, gripping his shoulders tightly as she bit into the fisherman’s neck, knocking him back onto the floor, Megohime not loosening her grip in the slightest.
Motochika let out a cry of pain, trying to push Megohime off him. Kojurou looked to Masamune.
"May I be excused for a moment. I have something for Sanada-dono."
"Yeah, go ahead, he's not going anywhere.." Masamune said. Kojurou bowed and left briskly.
Megohime only bit down harder, grabbing his wrists and forcing them against the floor as she drank deeply.

Yukimura had been simply sitting in the room Masamune had given him, spending his time spaced out as he stared at the iron band around his finger, feeling numb.
His whines of pain slowly turned to huffs of pleasure, his face and chest heating up.
"P-Please...stop...I don't want to die...I can't leave Nana..." He begged weakly. Masamune watched silently before his gaze drifted to the dragonian.

A knock came to Yukimura's door.
"Sanada-dono...may I come in? I have something for you." Kojurou called.
After one more mouthful of blood, Megohime released his throat and sat back on his stomach, licking her lips before looking to Motochika. “You’ve plenty of blood to spare, quit blubbering like a baby.” She said, fangs throbbing as she leaned over and bit into his shoulder, taking another mouthful of blood.

Yukimura looked up, blinking and clearing his throat. “Yes.. Come in..”
"Megohime, don't gorge yourself, it's unladylike." Masamune scolded half heartedly.

Kojurou entered the room and stopped, looking taken aback by Yukimura's appearance.
Megohime made a noise, but obeyed, sitting up and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “I wouldn’t have to if you fed me more regularly.” She said, standing up and moving away from Motochika, her eyes no longer glowing as brightly as they had been moments ago.

Yukimura had cleaned up rather well, and actually looked like a human rather than a wild beast. His matted hair was now brushed and pulled neatly into a loose ponytail, wearing one of Masamune’s old suits- more than likely just until Masamune had clothes made for Yukimura- and no longer did his fangs jut out of his mouth.
His eyes still glowed red, but Kojurou could tell his eyes were brown and that they held discomfort; the suit more than likely. Of course it was odd for the young man, he probably didn’t even own a suit of his own when he was still alive.
When Yukimura looked up, his eyes widened a bit and he immediately stood. “K-Katakura-dono..!” He looked panicked. “You’re injured..!”
"I do feed you, you're just damned picky." He stated firmly. Motochika tried crawling to Nana, uncomfortable with the obvious need pressing against his trousers.

Kojurou looked and made a noise, "I'm fine, I will take appropriate messures in a moment." He said before taking a breath, "I have located your wife, Akihime."
Megohime glanced to Motochika, watching him with amusement in her eyes. “Look at that~ I think he likes me, maybe he’ll be able to feed me better than you~” She teased, hiding her mouth behind her sleeve.

Yukimura froze, the scent of something so overwhelmingly familiar in the air. Tears pricked at his eyes, and he looked back up at Kojurou, completely vulnerable. “You were by her..” He whispered softly. “I-I can smell her..” He couldn’t hold back the tears; the scent was fresh, and smelled so alive, Akihime was alive. He clutched his chest as he sank down to his knees, trembling. “Thank you... Thank you Gods..!” He wept.
"Ha ha, very cute." Masamune huffed, "Careful or I'll have Kojurou bring you rabbits to feed from~"

A soft jangling reached his ears and when he looked up, Kojurou was offering his necklace of six coins. "I meant no disrespect taking these from your marker, Sanada-dono, but she was desperate to return them to you. I could not, in good conscience, deny her sincere request." He said gently. The coins as well as the thread they hung from were soaked in Akihime's scent. She kept them with her all the time, never parted with them for a moment.
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