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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She smiled and nodded, "It'll be like when I was little and scared of the oni that were hiding in the dark of my always made me feel so safe..."
She smiled as she ate the last of her mochi. “The growling you heard was only the strays outside, I remember how happy you were to know there weren’t any oni,” She laughed weakly. “You cried.”
Amaya shook her head, smiling softly as she wiped her tears away, laying her head in Akihime’s lap. “You were still cute.” She said softly.
It took a while for Amaya to doze off, even with how tired she was, but when she did, pleasant dreams were far from what waited for her. She was nineteen again, back in servitude for Yoshitsugu; gods the awful humiliating things he made her do.
Sometimes he made her walk around in too short kimono all day, making chores difficult without revealing a lot of her body to guests he conveniently had visit him. Other times he would tie intricate shibari under her kimono and leave her to a day of relative freedom before making her beg for him. The most humiliating thing was probably denying her while she pleasured herself for him, keeping her from climaxing each time he noticed she was close.
He would have her lay on his bed, touching herself as he simply went about his own daily tasks. It was humiliating, why would he have her come into his room and please herself if he got nothing out of it?
She would try her best to keep quiet, but soon it became almost painful to touch herself without coming. “Y-Yoshitsugu-sama..” She gasped out, body trembling with effort. “Pl-Please let me finish..” She begged through soft whimpers and gasps.
Deserve it? What kind of question was that? Was this all fun for him?
She was afraid to answer his question: if she said yes he would tell her she wasn’t, and if she said no, he would simply agree.
Her fingers were slick with her own juices, and her face was flush, sweat visible over her body.
He gave another noise before looking back at the book he was reading, "Very well, since you've been so good to Akihime lately and have done all your house work."
Amaya’s body tensed hard as she finally reached her much awaited climax, gasping as she rubbed her swollen clit a few more times before finally relaxing into the bed.
"Ama..." Akihime gently shook Amaya awake the next morning, the smell of food heavy in the room, "Wake up, Ama...Shingen-sensei was nice and brought us leftovers from the morning meal at the dojo..."
Amaya woke, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “You should have woken me..” She said softly, getting out of bed and moving to get clean clothes on. “Did he leave already?”
She nodded, "He had to get back but I thanked him...I was polite, I promise.." She smiled, "There's some eggs and pickled vegetables, a lot of rice...I can probably reuse some for lunch if I keep them with the ice..."
She tied her sash neatly before heading to the dining area of their home with Akihime. “Thank you, I’ll have to thank him myself, it smells amazing.”
"Don't forget tonight we're going to have dinner with Matsu-dono and Toshiie-san..." She reminded gently, "I should see if our kimono are clean..." She muttered to herself.
Amaya nodded as she sat down to eat her breakfast, but it was more closer to lunch at this point. She ate in silence, setting her chopsticks on her bowl when she was finished.
Akihime didn't eat nearly as much, her grief robbed her of her once healthy appetite. "Would you be alright if we visited Yukimura before dinner...?" She asked softly, barely above a whisper, staring down at her half empty bowl. She needed to move on, she knew that, but he was taken from her so suddenly.
Amaya nodded. “Of course.” She said softly, glancing at Akihime’s bowl, worried about the amount she was eating.
"Thank you...I just want to leave an offering and ask for guidance..." She muttered, "Like I have...for the passed few months..."
“I can go and purchase a few things for him, leftovers are no good for such a thing.” She said softly.
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