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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

A cloaked figure moved and picked her up gently, moving her away before the person moved to the monster and cut off his head, going to extra mile to ensure he would die by lighting him on fire.
Amaya watched the person from the side of the road where they had set her down, still trembling from the lingering sense of pleasure the bite had caused. Luckily the wound on her neck wasn’t as large as she expected it to be, and the bite only oozed blood slowly at this point. Still dizzy and unable to stand, she stayed in place. “Who are you? What was that..?”
The figure turned toward her and moved to kneel before her. Reaching up, they pushed back the hood and it was revealed to be Sasuke. "It was a vampire...are you ok? I'm glad I got to you in time..."
“Sasuke..?” Amaya looked completely stunned, eyes wide. “A v-vampire, what are you talking about..!?” It was understandable for her to panic, she had just been attacked, and he could see her shaking; bloodloss not helping at all.
"I found evidence that Yukimura was attacked and..." he stopped, " a I'm going around and killing all of them. More so now that you were attacked..." He moved and took some gauze from his cloak, wrapping her neck gently.
“Why!?” Amaya looked both scared and angry now. “Why would you purposefully seek out such monsters..!?” She grabbed his wrist with both hands, holding it firmly but gently. “Please...” She whispered. “Please don’t risk yourself... Please don’t leave me..!”
He stopped, looking taken aback by her outburst, "But...they need to pay for what they've done. All of them have ruined lives for someone, they should be held accountable."
“I’m not fighting you on that, but what if they take you from me? Then what?” He had never seen Amaya this vulnerable, she had always been level headed and rational.
She hung her head slightly, letting go of his wrist to hold his hand. “Just promise me you won’t leave... Promise me.” She said, wanting to hear it just once more.
Amaya needed Sasuke’s help to return home, unable to walk or even stand for that matter, but when she did get home, Akihime wasn’t there. “She must be at the cemetery..”
“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like.” She offered, taking a seat by the fire he had started for her. “Although Akihime will be coming home from visiting Yukimura soon... She might not be in the best of moods.”
Sasuke gave a nod, "Yeah she...probably doesn't want to see me..." He said, his tone and expression dropping back into their familiar emotionless state.
“That’s not true.. She just..” Amaya frowned softly, glancing to the fire. “She’s still hurting... She just needs some time..”
"Why did you leave him alone?!" Sasuke stared into the fire until he felt like his eyes would also burst into flames.
"And space...away from me..." He said before turning toward her and kissing her gently, "If you need anything at all, you know where to find me.."
Amaya nodded, lowering her gaze. “I won’t be alone for long, I’ll be alright..” She muttered softly. “Be safe.”
She knew of Akihime’s confrontation with Sasuke, but not of what she had said, only that it put a massive rift between the two.
He gave a small nod and headed out into the darkness. It didn't seem like long before a knock came to the door, maybe Sasuke forgot something?
Amaya headed to the door, wobbling and having to stop to avoid falling before finally reaching the door and opening it. Her smile dropped immediatly when she saw a familiar face, one she had wished to never see again.
"This is where you've been?" Mitsunari growled. He pushed his way into the house, his body shaking, "Here? In this dump right under our noses?"
Amaya immediatly felt the crippling fear wash over her, like she was back with Mitsunari as Yoshitsugu’s concubine. She opened her mouth to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, but stopped. She clenched her fists tight, shaking as she stared st the ground, unable to look up at him. “Y-You aren’t welcome here... Y-You need to leave..”
“No!” She shouted back, trying to yank away from him. “I gave him eight years of my life, that is more than enough! I’m not going back!”
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