A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

The young man let out a terrible scream, his claws digging deep into Kojurou's arm before he sunk his fangs in next, trading into the flesh to devour his blood. The moment he swallowed even the smallest amount of blood from Kojurou, he got sick, vomiting up all the blood in his stomach before thrashing and biting onto his arm again, only to repeat the process of getting sick.
Kojurou gnashed his teeth and kicked the young man hard in the head, straight in the temple. Obviously it wouldn't be enough to kill him, but it would certainly knock him out.
The man went limp, mouth hanging open, blood dripping from his teeth. It was clear he had been feral for quite some time now, clothes caked with layers of dry blood, skin stained a deep red and hair matted with blood as well. He hardly looked human.
He lifted him up and carried him back to the castle, where Masamune had him locked up to contain him.
"He's full blooded, Masamune-sama..." Kojurou said. Masamune made a face.
"I see. A feral then. I'll try and supress him while he's unconscious, see if it'll bring him out of this state. You may go, Kojurou." Masamune said. Kojurou bowed and hurried off to his room to check on Jin.
The feral man would need much more than a bath to be cleaned up, laying sprawled out on his back on the floor in an unconscious state. He looked young, and in relatively good health, lean and muscular, but with cheap clothes; where was his sire?

Kojurou had a sinking feeling the second he opened his door, and when he moved further into his room, he discovered why; Jin’s body was gone, not a trace of her anywhere, as if she had simply gotten up and walked away.
Masamune moved into the cell and knelt beside the young man, "You were used and abandoned, weren't you, young one? Cut down in your prime and left to wander unchecked." He said. He bit into his wrist and let a couple drops of blood fall into his mouth, "My blood will renew you, give you purpose. You will serve as my underling, and hopefully awaken with a clear mind. I would hate to kill you."

Kojurou's heart started thundering with panic. Where did she go? Who took her? Why? He rushed out of his room and tried to locate Jin's scent; the smell of rain after a storm, the smell of fresh herbs and fruit. He started shaking, hoping to find her.
He twitched when his blood fell onto his tongue, jaws immediatly snapping shut and eyes snapping open. His brown eyes were clear and alert, sitting up quickly and smacking his hand to his neck over a thick scar over his artery, eyes becoming panicked. He sat like that for a moment before slowly pulling his hand away and looking at it, expecting to see fresh blood, but found only dried blood, and a lot of it. His eyes went wide and he almost screamed in fear, looking around before seeing Masamune and scrambling backward. What happened? The last thing he remembered was someone attacking him, cutting his throat and then nothing.

Her scent was everywhere, why? Why was her scent everywhere? She never left his bedroom, yet it seemed to fill every inch of the castle, trailing down the halls, into each bedroom, even toward Masamune’s room.
He nearly ran into Megohime rounding a corner, startling her.
She scowled and took a small step back. “Be careful, dog.” She hissed. No, gods no, even Megohime smelled of Jin.
"Glad to see my blood has cleared your mind some. Forgive me for startling you." He greeted disarmingly, "Date Masamune. May I know your name?"

Kojurou was shaking, eyes almost wild.
"What have you done with her?" He demanded, "What have you done with Jin...?!"
He stared at Masamune for a moment before giving his name in response. “S-Sanada Genjirou Yukimura..” He stuttered out.

Megohime made a face, her scowl deepening. “What are you on about?” She asked. “I don’t know anyone by that name.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “And I only just returned, I’ve been outside.” She hissed.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Yukimura." He said, "An unfortunate situation was thrown on you, your life ripped from your hands. Do you remember anything?"

"The woman I've kept in my room is gone, where is she?!" Kojurou demanded.
“Akihime.” The name tumbled out of his mouth before he realized he had even spoken, an image in his head of a beautiful woman with long red-brown hair and a sweet smile. He didn’t realize that he was also crying, tears pouring down his blood stained face.

Megohime actually started to get scared, taking another step back. “What woman? No one else was outside.” She said, sounding confused. “I didn’t see anyone when I came in either.”
"She seems important to you...is she your daughter? Wife maybe?" He asked. He looked to Yukimura's ring finger and caught sigh of a simple band, "Wife..." He confirmed gently, "I'm so sorry..."

Kojurou wasn't in the mood. Why did Megohime smell so heavily of Jin if there was no interraction?
"A-Are you sure?" He asked weakly.
He looked to Masamune in horror, feeling his heart freeze in his chest. “I-Is this her..?” He couldn’t finish his sentence, looking at his trembling hands in disgust.

Megohime almost seemed to revert to the woman she was when she was first brought to the castle. “It was just me.” She answered, eyes full of fear and confusion.

”Kojurou.” It was Jin, there was no mistaking her voice, no it was definitely her. It sounded from behind him, the way he had come, warm and inviting, but Megohime didn’t seem to hear it.
Masamune shook his head, "I cannot say. If you wish, I will send my right hand to search for her...to learn her fate."

Kojurou froze and turned around slowly. He probably looked insane to Megohime right now, but he could give less of a damn.
“Please..!” He practically began to bed to Masamune, crawling closer to him. “Please! I can’t have k-kil...” He looked like he was going to be sick, swallowing the vomit that pooled in his throat. “She can’t be dead..” He whispered.

”Kojurou.” Her voice beckoned him again, further away down the hall this time, back in the direction of his bedroom.
Masamune felt a familiar ache throb in his chest, missing his late wives. He hoped this Akihime had not met a horrid fate in Yukimura's madness. "If you like, and are capable, I can have a bath prepared and fresh clothes brought to you?"

Kojurou looked back to Megohime and bowed quickly before following the voice to his room desperately.
He gave a numb nod, slowly standing, unable to take his eyes off of his blood soaked self; was this blood Akihime’s? Had he slaughtered his wife? What was happening?

Her scent became stronger the closer he got to his room, and when he burst through the doors, he spotted a figure standing at the window, their entire being radiating a faint gold, long hair flowing around their shoulders in a fluid motion. The woman at the window turned to the sound of the doors being thrown open; it was Jin, standing in the moonlight that filtered through the open window; a scene straight out of fairytales. She smiled warmly when she saw Kojurou, just like the first time she saw him, tears of gold glittering down her cheeks. “Kojurou.”
Masamune guided him out of the holding cells and up to one of the guest rooms where he asked one of the thrall servants to draw Yukimura a bath and get him some fresh clothes. She obeyed Masamune happily, preparing the water for Yukimura before leaving to get his clothes. Masamune left Yukimura in peace, though it was more like tormented thoughts.

Kojurou stopped breathing for a moment, his eyes wide and even more beautifully sad than when they first met. "You...you really are from the moon kingdom..." Tears poured down his cheeks, "Don't leave again. Please don't leave me again."
Yukimura removed his blood crusted clothes and climbed into the odd bath, sitting in the hot water for a moment before scrubbing at the blood on his skin vigorously. All he could think about was Akihime. Was she ok? Was she even alive? How long had he been away?

Jin moved over to Kojurou- or rather floated- pulling Kojurou into an embrace, holding him close to her bosom. “Please forgive me, Kojurou.” She whispered as she pet his hair gently. “I promise to never leave you.” She was warm, and he could touch her, either he had died as well, or she was truly back. “I’m sorry, I forgot myself; I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, all those years ago from the moon.” She said softly, going on to explain that she had left the moon and fallen to earth, becoming a physical being so she could meet Kojurou, but her magic had its limits.
Creating a human body put a great strain on her ethereal form, and she forgot who she was, and why she had come to earth. For a time she simply wandered, not remembering her past, nor that she wasn’t human.
Her magic could only maintain her physical body for so long, and soon it began to die, but in its death she was released from the bounds of a human body, now in her original form once more, she remembered it all.
“Please forgive me for putting you through such pain, Kojurou, I never wanted such a thing for you.”
He could hear her voice clear as day, praising him and showering himin affections. Telling him she loved him, how she missed him when he was at the dojo, how happy she was to be with him. It only made his tears fall harder.

Kojurou was sobbing by the end of her explanation, not blaming her for even an ounce of his grief. He was just so happy to have her back, to feel her in his arms again.
Yukimura couldn’t stand it, and covering his ears didn’t drown out her voice, only made it louder. He completely submerged himself in the water, screaming as hard as he could and allowing bubbles to escape him and rise to the surface.

Jin only held him tight against her, petting his hair and shedding her own tears, whispering sweet nothings to him as he cried. Her warmth enveloped him, caressed his whole being, overwhelmed him with her scent, calming his very soul.
"Yukimura-sama?" It was the thrall again, looking worried as she held his fresh clothes, "Are you alright...?"

Kojurou finally settled, his sobs calming into gentle hiccups and shaky breaths.
"I was so scared I had lost you...I love you so much, Jin..."
Yukimura strangely could hear the thrall crystal clear, like he wasn’t submerged in water and screaming. He had run out of breath anyway, sitting up in the tub and nodding slowly, unable to even be embarrassed that he was naked in front of a woman other than his wife. “Yes.” He said softly.

She cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead, smiling softly. “And I love you, Kojurou, I’ll stay with you as long as the moon remains in the sky.”
She nodded and set his clothes on the sink, "Do not hesitate to call if you need assistance with anything." She said and bowed before leaving the washroom.

"I knew you were from the moon..." He muttered, "No woman could be as beautiful as you and be a human..."
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