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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Yukimura sat in silence in the bathroom, the bath water gradually becoming more and more red as he washed the blood from his body, stopping when the glint of a metal band around his finger caught his attention. He brought his hand up to examine it.

Jin laughed softly, a sound that almost made Kojurou sleepy. “You flatter me, Kojurou... Thank you.” She whispered softly.
It was simple iron polished to a fine sheen. It was all they could afford, he remembered being disappointed that they couldn't get anything fancy like silver or gold for their bands. But Akihime couldn't be happier, finding the western tradition of rings to be bound together far more romantic than the metal that was used.
"So long as we wear these, nothing will keep us apart...our destinies are one now, Yukimura..." She had said.

"We can't mate anymore, can we...?" He asked, "Not that it has to be the most important thing of our bond...!" He looked up quickly, realizing he had sounded selfish, "I just enjoyed our physical intimacies...!"
He could feel tears coming again, and he didn’t stop them this time. Clutching his hand to his forehead, he sobbed quietly, body shaking as he did so. What would he do if he had killed Akihime? How would he continue on living if she was gone?

Jin cupped his cheek and gently pulled him closer to kiss him gently, lips as soft as he remembered. He could touch her; he was still able to physically touch her.
“I enjoyed our intimate moments as well..” She whispered against his lips. “I am still yours, now and forever, both my heart and body..”
((*ditches Yuki for a hot second*))

Kojurou relaxed, finding relief in her words. He jumped when there was a knock on his door and he moved to peek out. It was Masamune, looking indifferent.
"I have a small request for you, Kojurou." He said, "Our new guest fears the fate of his wife, he worries he may have felled her in his madness. I want you to go out and find her. The name is Akihime."
"I will leave right away, Masamune-sama..." Kojurou nodded and gently shut the door.
He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder once he closed the door, but she didn’t speak just yet, not wanting to reveal her presence to Masamune. She remembered her last days, even when her physical body had lost consciousness.
His chest started to ache, her touch channelling those feelings through him and reopening the wound. He looked down at his hands in anguish, fighting tears.
"I'm so sorry...." He muttered.
Jin moved in front of him, cupping his cheeks and moving closer to look into his eyes. “You did nothing wrong Kojurou,” She said softly. “You let me be with you longer, how could I possibly be angry at you for that?”
Jin frowned softly; she remembered him having to strangle her, though it felt like a dream. “Will you be able to forgive me?” She asked softly.
“Kojurou, my human body was dying, there was nothing you could have done to stop that..!” She said gently, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “It was incomplete and my magic was failing, you have to know that I didn’t suffer..”
"It's not going to be alright, Jin...what I saw and did will haunt me for a long time..." He muttered, "I cannot forgive myself..."
Jin felt tears fall down her face, had she not taken up a human form, Kojurou would not be suffering so badly. She held him tightly, shaking as she held back her own sobs. “I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you.”
He held her, taking a deep breath, "You're here...that's all I could ever ask for..." He said before pulling back, "I have to go but I'll be right back...please don't go anywhere..."
She shook her head, wiping away her tears. “I’ll wait right here for your return.” She promised.
Amaya had to work late at the cotton factory as usual, needing both the overtime money and the time to pick up the slack at the factory. Even with all of the extra time she was putting into her job, it wasn’t enough. Her and Akihime had spent most of their savings to buy a plot of land for Yukimura’s grave, and the rent of their home had been increased along with the taxes in town. They could hardly afford to eat at this point; she would simply look for another job to pick up in the morning. She counted out the meager amount of coin she had from her paycheck, letting out a soft sigh as she returned the money to the pouch and tucked it back into her sleeve. She was about the only one on the road at this point, but she had walked this way home for years, and was well acquainted with her path, so she felt she had no need for a lantern, plus it was a relatively clear night.
The only thing on her mind at the moment was getting home and scarfing down whatever Akihime had prepared, not caring if it had grown cold or not, anything sounded good at that point.
There were footsteps behind her, perhaps someone was returning home late from their own work. She didn't really pay it any mind.
Amaya heard the footsteps, but was too tired to care or pay any mind to them other than the slight acknowledgement. It wasn’t completely uncommon for people to be out and about at night, especially heading away from the warehouse district and toward the village that resided beside it.
She didn't really notice the steps had gotten faster until a hand was slapped over her mouth and a brief pain scorched her neck before numbing pleasure pumped through her.
Amaya let out a muffled scream, face flushing red as she struggled against the persons grip. What was happening? Why did she suddenly feel such pleasure? Had they stabbed her? What was that pain in her neck? No, she would be bleeding if she had been stabbed in the neck; she felt dread heavy in her stomach, was this person kissing her neck? No, they were sucking on it. She started to struggle harder, trying to scream louder from behind his hand, thrashing hard and clawing at his hand to peel it away from her mouth to scream loud enough for someone else to hear.
Amaya started to feel light headed, arms and legs growing tingly and her vision darkening for a moment. She didn’t understand, didn’t understand what was attacking her, what was going on; her struggles started to weaken, movements becoming sluggish and tears falling down her face. Was she going to die? No, she couldn’t, she couldn’t leave Akihime behind, she didn’t want to. Her screams became muffled sobs and her vision blurred from tears.
As the monster fell back, Amaya fell forward onto the ground, laying in the dirt and holding her bleeding neck, scanning around with hazy eyes. What had happened? The monster let her go, was it finished with her?
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