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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

She didn’t answer him, as expected, the only verbal response being her soft wheezing. The scent of death was heavy on her, overwhelming and becoming more undeniable; she was going to die this time, and there was no stopping it.
He sniffed and wiped his eyes before sitting up and moving over her. He gently pet her cheek and kissed her gently, muttering a soft "I love you" before he removed the needle and wrapped his hands tightly around her neck.
She didn’t struggle, didn’t kick or thrash beneath him, only stiffened up slightly, lips parting as her body tried to pull air into her dying lungs. Her eyes never opened, her responses purely instinctual responses her body reacted to, the room quiet except for the soft gurgling coming from her chest and throat.
He clenched his jaw to keep his sobs at bay but the tears poured down his cheeks regardless, his vision blurring from the tears. He felt sick again, his chest aching worse than it ever had in his life.
He could hear her heartbeat slowing the longer he kept his hands clamped around her neck, body becoming rigid as she suddenly began to violently gasp, heartbeat becoming erratic as she began to die.
It was one thing she wouldn’t comply with- couldn’t comply with. She would have moments where she would stop gasping, heart hammering in her chest before it slowed and she began gasping hard again. She was struggling so hard, struggling to stay alive, even if she wasn’t fighting him physically; why wouldn’t she just let go?
Her face had turned red with the amount of force he had put into strangling her, which he didn’t notice he was putting more and more force into strangling her until he heard the familiar crunch of bone beneath his hands. Everything was silent, lips parted mid-gasp and heart giving off a few more slow beats before stopping completely; he had crushed her trachea and broken her neck.
He slowly released her neck, his breath catching with each swallowed sob before finally breaking down into a hysteric mess. Masamune could hear him sobbing as he laid with Megohime, playing with her hair.
"Disgusting..." He muttered blandly.
Megohime had just fed, which meant she was rather drowsy and content, almost like a babe that had just fed, curled up against his chest. She opened her eyes slowly, simply ignoring Kojurou’s sobs as she looked up at Masamune, red eyes looking up at him lazily. “What’s all the noise..?” She murmured.
She listened to what he told her, nuzzling against his chest and closing her eyes to rest once more.
The next few days Kojurou spent preserving Jin's body; cleaning her and stitching the opening in her ribs, giving her a clean dress as he made sure she was kept perfect. He hummed an old ancient song from before he was cursed, reserved for burial rights and the passing of loved ones. He hardly left Jin's side unless he had to.
Most of Masamune’s thralls avoided Kojurou as he worked on preserving Jin’s body, and Megohime took up most of Masamune’s time as of late as he worked on getting her used to her new unlife.
The other bit of Masamune’s attention was pulled to what appeared to be a fledgling invading Masamune’s territory, leaving behind a trail of bodies in its wake and making it harder for Masamune to hunt safely.
"Kojurou." Masamune stood outside the wolf's room and Kojurou opened the door enough that Masamune could see a glowing gold eye.
"There's a fledgling floating around the grounds. Take care of it." He ordered. Kojurou averted his gaze briefly before looking back.
"Of course, Masamune-sama..." He muttered and shut his door again.
This was the last thing Kojurou wanted to deal with, another vampire, and a sloppy fledgling at that.
Forced to leave Jin’s corpse in the safety of his room, he headed to the town closest to the estate that Masamune hunted in.
Bodies had been piling up for weeks, the attacks always taking place at night, and the bodies always drained from blood with their throat torn open.
Kojurou was rather large and intimidating, so he was avoided like he had leprosy, no one daring to even looking up at his face.
As night fell, the streets quickly cleared out, all having heard the rumors of the menace that fell upon the streets at night.
Kojurou stood in wait, hands in the pockets of his coat. He was getting anxious, he left Jin alone too long. He needed to get back, change the herbs for fresh ones.
The stench that hit Kojurou’s nose was a familiar one; the awful rancid stench of rotting blood, old blood, not too far off down the street.
He followed the stench easily enough, the smell of rot tugging at his nerves and his urge to hunt. He would keep in check unless needed.
He hadn’t heard any screams, but the scent of fresh blood filled his nose as well, had he already made a kill?
Someone had definitely been killed, and Kojurou could hear he crunching of bones and tearing of flesh, and upon rounding the corner, he saw the fledging. He was crouched over a dead elderly man, drinking deeply from his neck. He turned when he heard Kojurou step closer, face and chest completely caked in blood new and old. His eyes glowed a deep red, and his fangs had fully come in, he wasn’t a fledgling, he was a full blooded vampire.
This was a problem. A full fledged vampire consumed by his primal desires was not good for Masamune or anyone in the area. He stared at the vampire, judging, waiting for a reaction.
The feral vampire let out a hiss, then simply returned to his meal, clamping his teeth into the mangled flesh of his latest victim, back to Kojurou.
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