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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

“I will stay with you, but I don’t think we should just sit in this closet all night.” She said.
It took a bit of effort to get up and help Sasuke to his feet without him falling to the floor, the two making their way out of the dojo and to the small house around back.
SSasuke was stumbling the whole time, and when they finally managed to get his door open and guided him to his room, he pulled her into the bed with him and he kissed her again, more gentle this time.
Amaya was pulled on top of Sasuke this time, making a soft noise. She kissed back more quickly this time, almost like she couldn’t contain herself this time, bracing her hands on either side of his head. Her face was flush and her heart raced; did he truly think her to be beautiful?
He let his hands move over her body slowly, not wanting to rush anything. Logically, he would wait and ask her in a more traditional sense, when he was clear headed and not emotional. But with Yukimura gone and his guilt weighing down on his chest, he didn't want to risk anything happening to Amaya before he told her how he felt.
He felt her hand take one of his and push it between the folds of her yukata and between her legs, her thighs trembling as she kissed him deeply and slowly. She knew she shouldn’t, it didn’t feel right when he was so drunk, but her feelings for him were the same. He was kind and funny, and even though he was irritatingly good at finding out things he shouldn’t, and getting under ones skin, he was a good man.
His fingers worked her folds and her clit slowly, his fundoshi growing uncomfortable now. But he would take it slow, not wanting her to feel rushed into it.
She broke the kiss to catch her breath, breathing against his neck as she braved one hand up against the wall of the house. “More..” She breathed against his neck, thighs and womanhood trembling. “Touch me more..” She begged softly.
His lips moved across her neck slowly while his other hand untied her yukata and moved under her robes to run his fingers slowly up her back.
She let out soft noises, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of his hands touching the soft flesh of her back. She turned her head to kiss him again, moaning weakly against his lips. She was becoming more and more wet the more he touched her, and soon she was working to untie the sash keeping his hakama around his waist.
She pulled away once more, sitting back on his thighs so she could untie his fundoshi, pushing aside the fabric to release his cock. She moved slowly, rubbing herself against his aching need, thrusting her hips slowly to stimulate him as well as herself, rubbing against him slowly and steadily.
He held her hips to keep her steady, soft breaths and huffs of delight sounding from him, his manhood hot and throbbing against her drenched heat.
Amaya took one of his hands from her hips, lacing her fingers with his as she picked up speed, panting softly in delight at the friction against her clit. Her cheeks were flushed red as she locked eyes with Sasuke, lust burning in her eyes as she continued.
He moaned lowly and bucked his hips slowly, squeezing her hand gently, "Are you...are you doing ok?" He asked, breathing heavy and labored.
She nodded, giving his hand a squeeze back, her movements becoming more desperate as she thrusted faster and more roughly, gasping as she did so. It was clear to see she was close to her climax, face flushed and body trembling with excitement.
He reached with his slender fingers and worked her clit in a slow circle. His fingers were coated easily in her juices, making it easier for him to work.
Amaya stopped moving, bracing her hands against the wall above him and letting him work her clit, small moans of pleasure escaping her, trembling against his hand.
She shook her head, rocking her hips back and forth once more, sweat beading on her brow. “G-Gomenasai... It just felt good..” She said through her panting.

Jin found herself alone for the second night in a row, which she didn’t blame Kojurou for. He had explained that his master required more of him at the moment, and she understood, but as the days passed, she found it harder and harder to breathe. One such night, she could feel a fit coming on as she was reading, so she set her book aside and made her way for where she kept her medicines, but before she could make it even halfway, blood erupted forth from her mouth, causing her to stagger and fall to her knees as she nearly vomited blood.
As she coughed and choked, she heard the door open. Maybe it was Kojurou returning early, but no. It was Masamune, eyes glowing faintly.
"Well, well, well. What have we here? A marrow bone dying on my floor. I didn't say you could be here, little snack."
Jin couldn’t respond to him, in fact she didn’t look at him either, heaving up more blood onto the floor, gasping desperately for air. Blood seeped between her fingers as she held her hand over her mouth, blood rushing in her ears. She needed her medicine, answering this man could come after. Crawling on the floor, she moved slowly toward the shelves before her, reaching for her satchel where she stored her medicine.
Masamune grabbed the satchel away from her, tutting her gently, "And what's this? Is this what keeps your feeble heart beating? How pathetic. You should have just died when your illness first caused an attack."
She was losing her strength with each forced breath, collapsing to the floor gasping like a fish out of water, still reaching for her bag like Masamune would actually return it to her. She gripped her chest as a horrid gurgling slowly became more audible, hacking and coughing to try and rid her lungs and airway of blood, but it was in vain. “Please...” She begged him, words almost drowned out by her wheezing. “My medicine...”
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