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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

“M-Medi-“ She began to vomit blood once more, shaking hard and gasping, pink foam forming at the edges of her lips, which were beginning to turn blue. “My medicine...!” She managed out, blood covered hand grasping at his pant leg as she tried to pull herself up.
Jin stared up at him, gasping for a moment, each breath pushing out more pink foam from her throat, but slowly she dragged herself to the medication spilled on the floor. It took every ounce of effort she had to pull herself the foot across the floor to the medication that would save her life, but she wasn’t ready to give up Kojurou yet. Tears formed in her eyes as she lowered her head to the floor; she wasn’t ready to go yet, wasn’t ready to end her time with Kojurou. Swallowing her shame, she brought her tongue to the floor, desperately licking up the spilled medication.
Masamune stepped on her head, scowling hatefully, "How absolutely disgusting you humans are." He growled. He looked when the door opened and wasn't surprised to see Kojurou; he looked panicked, purhaps he recognized the smell of Jin's blood.
"M-Masamune-sama...! What are you-?!"
"What did I fucking tell you, Kojurou?" Masamune asked dangerously.
Jin collapsed beneath his foot, letting him press her face into the floor- she could feel herself losing consciousness. Blood had filled her lungs, and the foam that came up pink was a result of her drowning in her own blood. Her body spasmed as she coughed up foam and blood, unable to take in anymore breaths, lungs already full of blood. Her vision was hazy, and she looked to Kojurou through half-lidded eyes, tears dripping onto the floor.
"I couldn't risk leaving her alone...I found her half dead in the snow, I-!"
"Should have left her there to die, it was her time. You're prolonging the inevitable." Masamune stated dully. Kojurou was shaking, both in anger and sorrow. Why was Masamune so cruel? Kojurou was loyal for hundreds if not almost a thousand years, why couldn't he have someone to love? Masamune had Megohime, and before her he had half a dozen wives. But Kojurou couldn't even have one woman to tell him he was loved?
"Why...? Why am I not allowed joy, after my years of faithful service to you?!" Kojurou snarled. Masamune's expression was dull but his eyes full of rage.
"She will die. Grow old and wither to dust while you linger. I'm sparing you."
"You're torturing me!" Kojurou argued.
Jin could barely hear Kojurou’s voice, barely hear anything; her head swam and her vision was blurred by her tears. “K-Kojurou...” She managed to rasp out, blood still dripping from her blue lips. “Tasukete...” She begged him, fear twisted on her face. “Tasukete...!”
"She's dying, Kojurou. Let it happen." Masamune stated. Kojurou couldn't let her die. He moved to the medical supplies he kept in his wardrobe and grabbed a hollow needle, shoving Masamune's leg away from Jin and pulling her to lie on her back.
"This will hurt and I'm so sorry, b-but you have blood in your lungs and I need to drain it.." He said softly. Masamune merely rolled his eyes and moved to leave.
"Pathetic." He muttered.
Jin could only cough again, blood splattering across her own face as she looked up at Kojurou with an almost blank stare. Her eyes were rolling backward, showing she was leaving him, still struggling to take in even the smallest of breaths.
He stopped wasting such precious time and moved her blouse to make an incision between her ribs with his sharp nails before pushing the hollow needle through to her lungs to drain the blood. He didn't care that it stained and warped the wood, all he wanted was Jin to live.
As soon as the needle pierced her lung, blood began to seep out of the needle, draining rapidly onto the floor.
Jin took a deep gasp of air, only a faint gurgle sounding from her throat as air was pulled into her lungs. She relaxed a bit, eyes closed as her breathing started to even out, but her lips remained blue.
He let out a shaky breath, petting her hair gently as he drained the blood; cooing and muttering sweet nothings as tears burned his eyes. "There'll be ok..." He said, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself, "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry, Jin..."
Jin wouldn’t wake up, hours passed and she never opened her eyes, even when Kojurou moved her to the bed and gave her more of her medicine. No matter how much of her medicine he poured down her throat, she never improved. Blood still continued to trickle from the hollow needle in her side, which collected in a dish beneath it to avoid blood from soaking the bed, and as morning came, the doctor Kojurou summoned came to see what could be done for her.
She was pale and sweating heavily, lips and nails a deep blue.
"I've done all that I can," Kojurou was shaking, "She won't wake up...nothing's working. I don't want her to die...please, can you help her...?"
The doctor set his bag aside on the bed and moved over to Jin. “I’ll do what I can, Katakura-sama.” He said, going to work. He listened to her chest and took her temperature, examined her eyes and her hands and feet, frowning softly as his eyes fell on the drain at her side. “How long has this been here?” He asked Kojurou.
Was he really so paranoid over losing her that he forgot to remove the needle? He shook harder, like a beaten dog fearing his master. "I-I...I don't know...a-a day...?" Idiot. You fucking bafoon of a man. She was going to die and it was all his fault. He killed his only love. "I-I can't believe...I-I forgot to remove it..."
The elderly man held up his hand, turning to face Kojurou. “I was not scolding you, Katakura-sama.” He said. “It was merely a question- and it’s a good thing you did leave it in, it’s probably the only thing keeping her breathing.” He motioned to the needle in her side, which still trickled blood into the bowl. “Her lungs are still filling with blood, and the blood flow in her extremities is poor, she isn’t getting proper oxygen.” He moved over to Jin again, opening her mouth to look down her throat. “I’m sorry Katakura-sama, but there is little that can be done for her; her breathing is killing her. The blood filling her lungs is more than likely due to a rupture, she’s breathing but not receiving oxygen.”
“I’m very sorry, Katakura-sama... All I can provide her with now is something to ease the pain.” The doctor frowned softly.
The doctor bowed back and gathered his things before leaving Kojurou with Jin.
Jin looked completely miserable, covered in sweat, skin pale and struggling to breathe. Every breath pushed more blood from the hollow needle in her side, and her fingers and lips remained blue, face twisted in pain as she slept, a soft gurgling accompanying every breath. Why? Why did she have to leave him so soon?
He couldn't fight it anymore. He rushed to his restroom and vomited into the toilet, gasping and hacking as he emptied his stomach. He rinsed his mouth in the sink before moving to carefully lay with Jin, fighting his tears as he just stayed with her.
Jin’s condition remained relatively the same, the only difference being the decreased amount of blood that came out of the hollow needle in her side, and her arms and legs becoming colder, and slowly tinging more and more blue. She still sweated heavily though, and her pained expression never left her face, no matter how much of the pain medicine he gave her.
"This is all my fault..." He muttered as he played with her hair, "I shouldn't have left you alone...I should have would be ok...alive and not suffering..."
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