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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

It had been a week, and Yukimura really didn’t seem like the kind of man to take his death or just run off. “Sasuke..” She frowned softly. “Yukimura is gone, he isn’t coming back; Akihime bought him a plot down the hill... You should pay your respects to it soon.” She said softly, looking down at her knees.
"Shut up, he's not dead!" He yelled, "He...he can't be...Yukimura never did any wrong, he didn' one would ever..." He stopped and covered his face, shoulders shaking.
Amaya sat in silence for a moment before reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder, shuffling closer. “Come on, you’ve had far to much to drink, I’m sure Akihime won’t mind you staying the night.” She said gently as she helped him stand.
Amaya was completely caught off gaurd, eyes going wide and stumbling back, Sasuke falling with her as she fell backward in her attempt to escape.
Amaya almost felt bad, she knew this disparate pain, she had felt it once before and it had nearly destroyed her. She didn’t know if it was guilt or her own attraction to him that made her return the kiss, but she did. Her own feeling of emptiness became apparent to her once more, feeling the heavy hole in her chest that the loss of her unborn child left her with, hands coming up to gently hold Sasuke’s face.
His kiss became more heated as his hands moved to her hips. She could taste the sake heavily on his tongue and his need solid against her thigh.
She made a faint noise and managed to push Sasuke back, breathing heavily. “Sasuke, w-we shouldn’t be doing this here... And you’re drunk, it isn’t right..” She whispered.
She slowly sat him up, frowning softly. “I know, believe me I know... Let’s just get you home.” She said softly.
“I’m not leaving you here, you’re too drunk to be on your own.” Amaya said as she helped him to his feet once more. “You’re coming home with me.”
He clearly wasn’t listening to her, but then again, he was rather drunk. “Ok, I’ll stay.” She said softly. “But no more sake, only water.”
Amaya moved to sit with Sasuke, moving aside the empty bottles of sake and sitting with him quietly.
He leaned against her and held her, needing something to hold and keep grounded as his head spun from the booze. "I really like you, if it wasn't obvious..." He slurred softly.
He felt Amaya stiffen, but she didn’t move away. “That’s just the alcohol talking.” She said softly, face bright red and heart racing.
She could feel the entirety of her face turning red, but still she didn’t move away from him. “But I look like a Yokai.” The words just tumbled out of her mouth, she couldn’t stop them.
Amaya had no words for what he was saying, sitting for a moment before finally speaking. “W-We should get you home and in bed..” She said softly.
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