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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Amaya was too weak to fight back, head spinning when Mitsunari threw her into her bedroom, tripping on the rug and falling to the floor. She winced at her scraped knees and held her head, seeing spots. “G-Get out..! You have no binding agreement on me anymore..! Akihime destroyed the papers, I don’t have to listen to you anymore..!”
“I won’t!” She held her yukata closed tightly. “I’m not a whore! I make an honest living, I work hard!” She refused to look at him, struggling to sit up. “I don’t have to pleasure men anymore!”
Amaya clenched her teeth as she stood on wobbly legs, knuckles white as she held her clothes shut. Why? Why did he have to ruin her happiness? Akihime would be home soon, and she didn’t doubt Mitsunari would kill the both of them. The albino lowered her head in shame as she untied her sash, hands shaking violently as she pushed her yukata off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor around her feet.
She was shaking like a leaf as she moved to the bed, crawling onto the lumpy mattress on her hands and knees like she had been ordered to.
He moved over her and pushed into her roughly. He used her how he wished, like he used to. He didn't care, he was proving a point; no matter what she couldn't escape from him.
It hurt, it hurt much more than she had remembered, crying out in pain and gripping the bed so hard her knuckles went white. “M-Mitsunari, stop!” She cried out, pain tearing through her like a hot knife. “It hurts!” Though her womanhood was still wet and trembling from the vampire attack, he was being far too rough, blood trickling down her inner thigh and coating Mitsunari’s cock.
He knocked the wind out of her with how hard he hit her, making her slump forward on the bed as spots danced in her vision. She felt far away from her body, which laid limp on the bed, vision like looking down a dark tunnel and her hearing growing muffled as her vision went.
She didn't know how long he had been at it but after fading in and out she finally felt the pressure of him come off her. He left her where she lay, reaching for his clothes.
Amaya didn’t move, feeling she would be sick from her head spinning so much, staring at the bedsheets in front of her as she listened to Mitsunari dress himself. Hot tears fell down her cheeks as the warmth of his seed registered on her back, her womanhood aching, but her body trembling with pleasure; she felt disgusting.
That's when she heard the front door open and shut and gentle sniffs and shaky breaths.
"Tadaima..." It was half hearted but it was Akihime, "I'm sorry I didn't make anything to eat before I left, Ama...I hope you aren't too hungry...Matsu-dono was kind enough to invite us to dinner tomorrow..."
Amaya opened her mouth to tell Akihime to leave, turn around and go back to Matsu, but the only thing that came out was a strangled sob. She couldn’t move, didn’t want to, she had betrayed Akihime again, and her shame was clear for all to see.
"Ama...?!" Akihime hurried to Amaya's bedroom, where she was met with a horrible sight. Almost like she was forced back to when she was a child. She looked to Mitsunari and glared with all thr hate and disgust she could hold in her body.
"Y-You vile despicable man. How dare you come into my home and disgrace my friend in such a way." She hissed. Mitsunari didn't seem bothered.
"She wanted it. She was was wet and ready for me." He said. Akihime lost it. The thin thread of sanity she had snapped right there. She moved and punched Mitsunari so hard it sent him stumbling on his ass, his nose broken and gushing blood.
"You bitch!!"
"Get out of my house, you are not welcome here!! If I see you again, I'll gut you like the cowardly cod you are!!" Akihime screamed.
Amaya only curled up slowly on the bed, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and sobbing silently. If only she were stronger, she wouldn’t have made Akihime cry, she wouldn’t have to be screaming for her brother to leave her house, and most of all she wouldn’t have been shamed in her own home.
Akihime threw Mitsunari out of her home, shaking hard before moving to check on Amaya.
"Ama...?" She asked gently, "Are you alright? God, you're bleeding...come on, let's get you cleaned up..."
“...can’t walk...” was all Akihime could hear, and Amaya looked deathly pale; the last time she had been this pale was years ago, when she had fallen sick. Or so her father had said, in truth it was when he stole away her unborn child, nearly killing her in the process. She was bleeding, but there wasn’t enough to render her unable to walk, what had happened?
Her lips quivered as she remembered the monster who had attacked her earlier, her heart racing at the mere thought. Should she tell Akihime? No, she didn’t need to tell her everything. “A man attacked me on the way home... tried to rob me.. H-He cut my throat... it’s not bad, but it bled a bit..”
Akihime sat up quickly, "Is that why your neck is wrapped? Oh, Ama, I'm so sorry, I should have been there to pick you up, I've been so selfish..." She started to cry, her weak heart breaking even more.
Amaya shook her head, reaching out to take Akihime’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “Please don’t cry... Sasuke was there, he chased the man off, I’m alright... I’m just very woozy..” She tried to put on a smile for her, but the room just wouldn’t stop spinning.
"I'll get you some mochi, maybe the sugar will help..." She hiccuped and left the room quickly. She moved and grabbed what she would need to make the rice gelatin, fighting her tears. Everything was so miserable, she didn't know what to do without Yukimura there to help her. To hold her and tell her it would be ok. She tried to stay brave, for Amaya's sake, before bringing her the mochi to give her strength, "Here..." She said weakly, "Please eat..."
Amaya had managed to sit up and clean herself of Mitsunari’s seed while Akihime was making the mochi, the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She took the sweet with a soft thank you, eating it slowly. She was so tired, tired and humiliated, all she wanted was to fall into a deep sleep.
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