A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Amaya hadn’t realized she had slipped out of consciousness until the voice pulled her back, vision blurry. She was sprawled our on her back, laying limp on the ground with Mitsunari’s foot planted firmly into the side of her face, which was swollen and bruised and losing blood from the cuts the rocks had made when he was stomping her head directly into the ground. Her good eye slowly moved to stop on Sasuke, making a weak noise of acknowledgement.
"She is my property." Mitsunari growled. Sasuke snorted.
"She doesn't belong to anyone. She has a home and a family waiting for her. Move."
What did this man mean that he owned her? Was he her husband? Amaya had never spoken of a husband, or even that she had seen anyone in the past, but it made sense to hide such things, especially if this was how he acted toward her.
Sasuke moved over to help Amaya and Mitsunari threw a punch but Sasuke ducked it and slammed his shoulder into Mitsunari's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Sasuke slammed his fists into Mitsunari's back and knocked him down, kicking him away from Amaya before helping her up.
"You ok...?" He asked gently.
Amaya could hardly speak, with her busted lip and an obvious concussion, slurring out a string of incoherent mess, eyes barely focusing on him.
Amaya must’ve blacked out sometime along the way, for the next time she registered being conscious, it was daytime, and she was inside. She immediatly recognized the house as her own, and her head was wrapped in a bandage, covering her left eye and part of the left side of her face.
Akihime was passed out in bed beside her, holding her hand and having not left her side all night. Sasuke was in a chair beside the bed, arms crossed and his head bowed as he slept.
Amaya made a soft noise, looking at Sasuke, then turning her head to look at Akihime. Thank goodness, she wasn’t hurt at all, not a bruise or scratch on her. She could feel her heartbeat in her face, which also felt feverish, but seeing as how she had her head stomped on, it was understandable.
“Are you awake..?” Amaya managed out softly, still lisping slightly; she stared up at the ceiling blankly, slowly touching down her body to see if anything else had been injured, finding her ribs a bit sore.
“Ah, not really... My face hurts too much for food.” She whispered back, slowly rolling her head to look at Akihime. “How long have I been out?”
Amaya nodded, then turned to look at Sasuke, making a noise. “And Sasuke brought me back..? How did he find me..?”
Amaya felt tears in her eyes, not saying anything. She had gone willingly, stayed with Yoshitsugu in the promise of Akihime’s freedom.
((Got it!))

Yukimura would visit Akihime many times during thebpassing month, but only ever at night, usually waiting for her outside her window until she came outside so they could talk and spend time together, but one night, Akihime wasn’t woken by a soft knocks on her window, but Yukimura climbing in through the window, glowing eyes immediatly giving away that it was him.
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