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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

“I’ll always worry” Ross then went back to work looking up the particular band they had on so that way he could work on getting them off

Lily was sitting in her room breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath the pain coming out of no where had thrown her for a loop and had her falling over
Lilith just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was giving a light smile then vanishing away, meeting up with Asya, who was with Kitiara at the time. Kitiara was stating that she would show them where to go, and then after that she was going to leave once again.
Tayla stood in her mothers room and groan while the woman insisted she get a whole new wardrobe since she was now royalty and she also fussed at Atticus about how he dress while in the castle it was one thing to be all gussied up at balls but there was something to be said about dressed appropriately for ones rank while in the castle at all time
Atticus just looked towards the queen before he spoke, "No disrespect but we had just finished fighting a battle, and I haven't had the chance to go and change, or bathe. Otherwise you know that I would dress a lot better."
the woman waved "then go and bathe rather than giving my daughter gifts I doubt she minds but still its the principle of the matter" the queen honestly couldn't care but she didn't want to listen to other nobles whine about it
"I was giving that to her as I was walking past her." was all Atticus stating at that point in time before he was turning and walking away.
Tayla gave him a look begging for help getting away from her and this whole clothing madness but it didn't seem like he saw it so she knew she was stuck
Atticus just looked over before he spoke, "I really don't think that now is the time to be worrying about wardrobe. All you nobles that don't fight in battles, don't seem to understand what the hell we just went through as warriors."
the queen stood and walked over and with such force slapped Atticus "learn your history boy I was the top general in the army till I married I saw my fair share of war and war times and while you and my daughter are warriors you also need to be prepared no matter what to meet with diplomats so having the proper wardrobe is important and unless you plan on taking her to the human realm and taking her shopping for the appropriate clothes then this has to be done now"

Tayla jumped when she slapped him and then rushed over and touched where her mother had hit and healed it so that no one knew her face red with embarrassment not only because she had touched him without consent but also for what her mother had done
Atticus looked at the queen for a moment in time after she had slapped him. "You did not just fight in this war. Nor did you allow Tayla to even go and shower, so that she could get herself cleaned up. And I'll be glad when you are no longer queen. Pathetic queen such as yourself who strikes her subjects doesnt deserve to be queen. So until Azazel is officially king, I, as the head of my family, cut all times with the royal family." Atticus spoke in a rather harsh voice be he was turning and leaving, about colliding with his sister, who looked concerned.

"Go shopping with Tayla. The sooner she is away from that bitch, the better I will feel." Atticus told his sister and asked off, leaving her confused. But she was walking into the room. Actually she had planned on going shopping with Tayla. A girls day. A surprise. "You had no right to strike my brother. No right at all. Now that he has renounced all ties with the royal family, that includes me as the fiance to the king to be.y own twin has renounced all ties to even me." Seras spoke as she walked in before she was looking at Tayla and spoke "Atticus didnt sent those people choosing your wardrobe because I wanted to take you shopping. A surprise. But he didnt want to ruin it. I wanted to be able to just come and steal you away after you had showered. And have a girls day."
Tayla held her hand up asking her to be silent for a moment "he forgot Azazel was already crowned he is the king now and our mother is the dowager queen but please I can not take anymore fighting right now" there was hurt in her voice it didn't show on her face but to those who had known her all her life would know that she was hurting. Tayla then turned and walked out of the room and headed to her own. Tayla wasn't one to keep up with the small political stuff but she remembered his coronation rather well as her adoption was announced the day after
"He states that now remembers. But as long as she holds power, there will be no tie between himself and the royal family. The disrespect that the dowager queen has shown him has proven that he shouldnt have any allegiance to the royal family." Seras spoke after a moment in time before she was just shaking her head then turning to walk away. "Besides. Atticus does have a point. You had no right at all to strike him." Seras added before she was disappearing out of the room as well. Tayla didnt want to join her for shopping she would just go on her own then.
Tayla was headed off to shower she smelled of blood and death and was more than ready to get cleaned up. when she reached her room Tayla headed right into the bathroom and stripped off her blood-soaked clothes and then stepped under the flowing water she had turned on before removing the clothes
Seras was finding Kitiara, who had returned from showing the other two where to go, and letting her know she was going shopping. "Stay safe." Kitiara spoke gently with a soft smile, and Seras was giving a nod. "All the stress is going to cause an early birth, I swear."
while Seras was talking to Kit Tayla was sitting in her shower just letting the water run over her as she cried not from pain or anger but because of how embarrassed she was. Tayla also figured Seras wouldn't bother to come and find her so she had already given up hopes of leaving with her for the day
Seras was going to go and find Tayla, she was just letting Kitiara know what was going on. After that she was heading off to go to Tayla's room, knocking on the door. She had more been letting Tayla shower before she went off to find her again. "Tayla, it is Seras." She called out gently.
"come on in" Tayla hadn't moved out of the shower as she was letting the water keep her eyes from getting red once she was certain she got out and dried off only to realize her normal clothes had been ruined
Seras was walking into the room when she was able to, and gently smiling at the female as she entered the bathroom.
Seras walked over before she spoke "Sorry for sounding like a bitch. I'm in pain, and I'm stressed. I'm feeling my twin's annoyance. He has already returned home and told his staff that nobody from the royal family is permitted there. Not even us." Perhaps it wouldnt faze Tayla as much, but it was definitely affecting Seras heavily already. "I hope you'll still go shopping with me. I could use a girls day. Shopping, get our nails down."
hearing that she wasn't welcome there tore her heart in two so much so that after she agreed and went to finish getting ready she picked the key he had given her and with a little concentration sent it back to him she had no need for it. "lets go" Tayla needed to get out of there and fast
Seras was just looking towards Tayla for a moment in time before she was giving a light smile when she agreed to go with her. After that she was putting her hair up into a ponytail before she was heading out of the room so that they could get going.
Seras just looked towards her before she spoke, "I was hoping you would look at baby stuff with me as well. We've been so busy that Azazel and I haven't really been able to look at stuff. Well he has been busy anyways, and if I can't get my husband's say on babystuff, it would be nice to get my sister-in-law's say. I can call you my sister, right?"
"of coures, you can and I know he would rather be with you then at some of those damn meeting" Tayla was required to go to them as well and she knew how dull they were and how annoying they could be at times
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