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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Kitiara was stumbling back into him lightly when he was pulling her back into him. Her attention did turn towards him at the mention of the smell from last night being back. This had her actually taking the time to look around at the auras around her, trying to pinpoint it herself. Although it was difficult since she wasn't really sure what she was looking for. "Lets go find it them!" she spoke.
"I'll need to shift so stay put while I do till I get my bearings ok" Jacob made sure she was steady before he backed up and then shifted and then woofed at her
Kitiara was giving a nod of her head and just tilted her head back, and was listening to her sister speak something to her mentally. After that she was turning her attention towards Jacob's aura before she spoke, "Lead the way." No she could follow his aura easily enough, and if needed she could always borrow his sight briefly.
Kitiara was just following after him, although she was keeping an eye out for any suspicious auras. Eventually she was finding it, and was reaching out and grabbing ahold of that aura. It was the same aura that had been on the bracelets that had been put on Lily and Belial. But this was the aura from the actual person, that much was easy enough to tell.
Jacob stopped and growled at the person who she had grabbed and watched as they blinked out of the palace thins had him growling even more
Kitiara was just watching as they blinked out but she was giving a small giggle. Nope she knew their aura, she had grabbed a hold of it. She could follow easily enough, but she most definitely wasn't going to follow alone. "Shall be pursue?"
Jacob had shifted back "no I think it is best if we send Asya or one of the others after them besides we don't know if he has more of those bands or what all they can do the blacksmith seemed like he was keeping something back at that time
Kitiara looked towards Jacob for a moment in time before she spoke, "Because sending one of them would be anymore different if we were to follow.... yet again.... I guess they are more useful than a blind woman." With that she was just turning away from him and walking off. "Go tell Asya then. I'll talk to Ross." she mumbled before she was opening a portal and passing through it, heading towards the smithy. Although she didn't enter the building right away just stood outside with head tilted towards the sky for a moment in time.
Jacob shook his head "wasn't because your blind I just don't want to risk your safety by going somewhere where we don't have the advantage of a large group keeping you safe" Jacob then headed off to let Asya know
"I'm not some damsel that always needs protection. Wish people would realize this by now." was the last thing Kitiara said to him before she had vanished away. She was just shaking her head a bit before she was walking into the smithy, and was just gently touching Ross' aura, not wanting to be a major bother. Her way of stating that she wished to talk. While she did that, Asya was outside in the sparring ring, laying on the ground and breathing heavily. She had just finished sparring with Ambrose and was just taking a breather, while the male was walking over to where the water was at to get some water.
Ross called out that she could come in that she was never a bother. Ross was currently sharpening the blades that needed it so they would be ready to go when they were delivered.

Jacob growled a little at that but then he went and spoke with the two about what happened
"I want to know what you weren't tell us about the bracelets. That person showed up again, and vanished away. I could follow but.... Wouldn't be a point. Not for me to follow anyways." Kitiara spoke after a moment in time as she walked inside although she didn't venture in too far, a couple of steps past the doorway. For her own safety considering she wasn't really sure where everything was. This wasn't a place that she had memorized like she did a lot of other places.

Asya was looking up as Jacob came over before she was rolling over onto her stomach, which had her giving a slight wince of pain. "Pretty sure you bruised my ribs, man." she complained to Ambrose who was sitting next to her and offering her some water, which she was taking.
the one who stuck the bracelets on those two was back Kit grabbed ahold of his aura and knows where he went I suggested letting you know and go since I don't want her going somewhere were we can't keep her safe I know she can protect herself but I would rather not put her in a position to have to do it"

Ross walked over and took her hand and guided her over to a seat near where he was working "what gives you that idea"
Asya looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I mean Kitty is more than capable to going after the person herself." "Despite being blind, she is dangerous. Especially when it comes to manipulating the auras. That in itself is a dangerous thing." Ambrose was adding before he was watching Asya sit up out of the corner of his eye before he was looking at the male fully. "I've got a suggestion for you though. Don't do that. Don't state that you don't want her to do something because people can't keep her safe. She already feels useless. Don't make that feeling worse." Ambrose commented before he was looking towards Asya who was getting to her feet fully, black flames licking up around her, and her usual black outfit forming.

Kitiara just allowed him to leave her before she spoke, "You know exactly what those bands do. I need to know, before I tell Asya or one of the others where to find this person." She found that she was fiddling with something in her hands. Her locket which had evidently broken at some point. But at least it had landed in her hands, but just had her clutching it tightly. "I feel just as useless as when I lost Kimiko. All I could do was direct people.... I couldn't do anything more. I wish people would see that.... I'm not a damsel in distress. I never have been." she mumbled.
"it wasn't my intent I just don't like seeing her hurt or scared or anything like that" Jacob rubbed his neck "should have just died when I was attacked can't seem to do anything right" with that he waved and then walked off.

Ross looked at her "I kept it quite because the male would be bound to fight it and in effect would make her sick that's one of the reasons the bands were destroyed all but that one set, I double checked my records I was able to collect all but one set so anyone going after that person will be safe"
Ambrose just looked towards him before he was stating, "You know you don't have to get all defensive and on your high horse. I was simply stating. You people are so damn sensitive. And this "I should have just died" bullshit is getting so old from people. Dying isn't fun. At all. Been there, done that numerous times. Don't want to do it again any time soon."
Asya on the other hand just giggled before she cooed, "I rather like dying. It is entertaining. Especially the greeting that I get when I do wake up in the afterlife." "Yeah yeah Miss Queen of Purgatory." Ambrose teased her before he was giving her a hug then he was commenting that he was going to go off and find Kitiara.
Asya shook her head then spoke, "Let her do it on her own. If she needs help, she'll ask. That is where she differs from Kimiko. She askes for help when it is needed. She uses her head. Besides. Not like she is alone. All it takes is a small word, and one of my knights will be at her side. To be her shield, and her eyes."

Kitiara was giving a nod of her head before she was standing up then she spoke, "Then that is something I'm going to do. I was wondering though.... When you have time, if you'll make me a new necklace chain. Rafe suggested I ask, since the one he got from you never breaks, and mine keep breaking. No hurry though or anything." She found herself mumbling the last part more than anything, before she was wrapping her arms around herself with a slight shudder. Oh there was that aura again, which had her just gazing around for a moment.
Ross touched her arm lightly "please don't whoever got them had to go into the darkest parts of the underworld to get them they won't hesitate to use you to go after someone trust me on this and I am not asking this because I think your weak I know it is just the opposite but right now you need to strengthen your bond with your mate to make sure that nothing can break it your strong Kit but your mate while he is strong physically mentally he isn't and you have been through the hardest trial of all life losing a loved one and survived he needs you now more than ever." Ross pulled a set of bands out they were nothing like the set that was on Belile and Lily "these will if you let them help your bond grown as well as allow you to feel what the other feels but unlike the other set you can take it off when you wish to"
"And I never asked to have a soul mate. Once again somebody interfered with my life, despite the fact that up I myself ended severing my soul mate bonds myself. I didn't want one, I still really don't one. But evidently I didn't have that decision. Somebody else thought that she had the right to change the life that I had planned out for me. Not even we do that, unless it is saving a person. Then we will step in and change a future. Whether it is somebody who passed away that shouldn't have passed away yet, or if somebody lost a loved one and they ask us to bring them back. But even before we do that, we are checking to see how we will change the future." Kitiara spoke after a moment in time although she wasn't at all surprised to hear Kitiara commenting to her mentally to at least give it a shot, that it won't hurt anything at all. She was letting out a slight breath of air before she spoke, "I really don't feel like him feeling everything I feel. Especially if I'm peering into the future or past. The pain I see, I feel."
"thats why these can be removed when needed but I have seen it when you see something really bad or upsetting you pull back but you shouldn't do that its not healthy for you besides I think you both need this you need it so you can have someone there when you do have to look in to the future or past who will just hold you and let you deal with what you saw and as for him well he has his own demons ones that I fear will cause him to do something that will cost him his life" Ross explained how his powers worked and then sighed before looking where Lilith was resting "so back to the original topic what more do you want to know about the bands"
Kitiara spoke, "I'll take the bands with me and think about it." With that she was giving a slight giggle when she noticed that Lilith's aura was there, and was making a comment that she had been wondering where she had vanished to. After that she was brushing some of her hair out of her face then she spoke, "Is there something that we can do to disrupt the bracelets. Especially considering, Belial is a warrior. When he gets angry enough, he shuts off all emotions so that he doesn't feel pain. Lily doesn't need to go through that."
"sadly no I wish there was I was still young when those were commissioned so I didn't think much back then about them being used on those who didn't want the bond, now one thing you will have to do is get her trained to protect herself and fast as there is a chance that if she is killed he could be too its really really really small somewhere around like 0.000000000000000001% but it is still there. Belial will also find himself drawn to her he can not fight that urge because she is human instead of feeling off or disoriented she will become seriously sick and for a human that isn't good as it will leave her open for an attack" Ross hated those older bands as there was little he could do to fix what they did
Kitiara was tapping her lips for a moment in time before she spoke, "And we can't just stop them from being put on. Rafe already tried, and failed." Yet again there had to be something that they could do, especially considering Belial would do whatever he could do to avoid the pull. He was stubborn like that, not wanting to actually listen to what another had to say. Or in that case the pull of an object. "Give me a location then." came the familiar voice of Asya in Kitiara's mind, which actually had her jumping slightly, having not expected that at all.
"no, but send Belial here I will show him what can happen if he does fight it and trust me he won't like how I show him" Ross leaned back while she worked with Asya to take care of things.
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