Lilith just curled up on his bed, although it was probably a good thing he hadn't covered her up, or the coves would have been kicked off. Shockingly enough she looked quite vulnerable at that point in time, definitely not something that she ever wanted to allow somebody to see. But it was what it was.
Atticus walked into the room where Tayla was at, and was actually offering her something. A key by the looks of it. A key to one of his summer cabins so that she could get away if she wanted. Sure over the time that they had been there she had grown more use to the people but he knew that she was also quite uncomfortable all at the same time.
After a few hours, Kitiara was awake again and just sitting up in the bed, brushing her hair out of her face. At the time she just seemed to be absently starring out the window, a faint smile on her lips. She was gently prodding Tayla to accept Atticus' gift, and was gently prodding her to admit her feelings. Not to be afraid.