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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

"Eventually I'm going to call bullshit on your threats, considering you wouldn't even dare bug her right now." Lilith mumbled after a moment in time which had him commenting that he would have Seras or Ambrose do it, they would be safer. Especially Seras, who probably wouldn't be happy either. "Go for it. I don't care. I have things to get done. I can't sleep right now." Lilith mumbled.
Ross lifted an eye brown and then scooped her up with one arm and then waved "let Lady Seras know I have decided to kidnap her for a few hours and will return her later and if they wish I can provide weapons for any and all who wish for one" with that they both vanished back to his home which meant she couldn't leave till he was ready to let her go since you needed permission to come and go from his realm
Lilith was giving a startled shriek when she was all of a sudden picked up and telling him to put her down. "You are being kidnapped." was all Belial could say before he was giving a slight grin, and vanishing away.
Ross walked through his forge carrying her in one arm to his room and then set her on the bed "get some rest you can yell at me later" Ross smiled at her and then headed back out to the forge sending his apprentice off for a few days to rest
"This is kidnapping! I don't appreciate being kidnapped!" Lilith huffed from the bed, although the bed was very comfortable. Not that she actually stayed in bed, nope she was getting to her feet and following after him.
"get some rest Lilith and trust me it is only temporary I made a promise and this time I have the time to keep it" Ross stripped his shirt off and pulled a heavy leather apron on over his naked chest and then tied it before he pulled out several different types of metal and got them heating
Lilith just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "I'll be alright. I don't actually need sleep. It isn't a necessity right now. When I want to recharge I'll just go back to my realm but right now, it isn't a necessity. Not yet anyways." With that she was prancing over so that she could watch him.
"you should still rest up" Ross picked up a sword that had been heating and walked over to his anvil and started to hammer at it giving it its form. with practiced moved he curved the blade back and forth in waves making it look like it was moving
Lilith just leaned back against the wall and watched him. No she would rest when she felt ready to rest, or more like when she actually felt safe. This was a place that she had never been too, which had her quite unsure about it.
Ross finished shaping the sword and had worked up a rather good sweat when he turned around and doused it in some water before pulling it out and looking it over and nodded his head
Lilith was just watching from where she was sitting on the ground, a safe distance from the forge and everything. Although at some point in time, while just sitting there, she did end up dozing off. Her legs were drawn up to her chest and her chin was resting on her knees, her hair spilling over her shoulder.
Ross turned and looked at her with a smile. careful not to wake her up he moved her ot his bed so that she could sleep with out becoming stiff and sore.
Shockingly enough Lilith didn't even seem to rouse at all, although once he picked her up, she did end up curling into his grasp. Attempting to actually leave would probably be more difficult than not.
Ross chuckled and after a bit of work was able to free himself from her grip while he went and washed the sweat and soot off of his skin
Lilith just curled up on his bed, although it was probably a good thing he hadn't covered her up, or the coves would have been kicked off. Shockingly enough she looked quite vulnerable at that point in time, definitely not something that she ever wanted to allow somebody to see. But it was what it was.

Atticus walked into the room where Tayla was at, and was actually offering her something. A key by the looks of it. A key to one of his summer cabins so that she could get away if she wanted. Sure over the time that they had been there she had grown more use to the people but he knew that she was also quite uncomfortable all at the same time.

After a few hours, Kitiara was awake again and just sitting up in the bed, brushing her hair out of her face. At the time she just seemed to be absently starring out the window, a faint smile on her lips. She was gently prodding Tayla to accept Atticus' gift, and was gently prodding her to admit her feelings. Not to be afraid.
Tayla balked at the idea of telling him once again how she felt knowing full well she would be turned down. but she did accept the key. Tayla looked up when one of the maids came in and informed her that her mother was wishing to see the two of them when they had a minute.
Kitiara just gave a soft mental giggle before she spoke in a gentle mental voice, 'No need to be so afraid.' With that she was actually moving a bit so that she could get up from the bed, and was walking over to the window, her fingers just gently touching the glass.
'so says you Kit your mate is by your side the one I love only see's me as a child' Tayla stood up after putting the key in her jewelry box and then headed out to meet up with her mother
Kitiara's smile faded from her lips before she spoke in a soft mental voice that she was sorry. After that she was cutting off connections and turning away from the window, and was walking away from it.
Kitiara just tilted her head in his general direction before she spoke, "How I feel.... isn't important." She just shook her head a bit before she was putting her hand on the wall in front of her.
Kitiara was just shaking her head then spoke, "It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter." With that she was just grabbing his hand and drawing him with her, out the door.
Kitiara just shook her head before she spoke, "A lot of reasons." With that she was giving a shrug before she paused in walking to just look up towards the ceiling. She was curious about how this future was going to play out now, especially factoring in some of the new pawns.
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