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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Kitiara felt the nudge on her leg although she didn't really seem to move from her spot at all. No she was just studying the magic wrapped around the band for a moment in time. A small sigh escaped her lips before she spoke, "Jacob, remain here for a moment. I'll be back." No she knew exactly who was needed there, but she really didn't want to say anything else. Not with the fact that Lilith totally had the hots for this guy. This had her opening up a portal and she was passing through it, heading towards a different realm. Seeking out a certain somebody. A blacksmith for the gods. And somebody who had actually forged her her weapon, imbued with her own magic so that she was able to locate it no matter what.

"Master Blacksmith, it would appear that a Time Keeper is here." a young apprentice blacksmith spoke as he wanted into the room where the elder blacksmith was at.
Ross looked up from where he was working and looked at Kit "well Lady kit how can I help you out today?" Ross put his finished product into the water to cool it so that they could handle it later for polishing. he then washed and dried his hands before walking over to and greeted her
Kitiara just looked in his general direction before she was speaking, "We had an interesting visitor within the demon palace and.... golden bands were left on the wrists of two of our own. The magic is familiar. Magic that looks familiar to that of a blacksmith employed by the gods. I figured, I would see if you could come and take a look." The apprentice was just watching for a moment in time before he questioned, "I have a serious question. But are you two dating or something? Out of the three time keepers, the only one I ever see is Miss Kit." This had Kitiara giggling before she spoke, "Considering Kimiko has been dead for a year now, this isn't a place she can come. Even with being married to the death god. And even if she could, Ross and Kimiko have always butt heads. More as siblings if anything. And Rafe, he forges his own weapons. And so far they haven't failed him, so he has no reason to visit a blacksmith. Ross and I on the other hand, we've been friends for a while."
"Kit is more like a daughter to me and sure I can come and look I think I know what you are referring to and if I am right then it will take some time to remove" Ross looked at his Apprentice "keep the forges hot and work on the assignments i gave you I will check them when I return"
Kitiara was brushing some of her hair out of her face before she spoke, "I must ask though.... This band is on somebody that is in service to Lady Seras. Will this result in any safety concern to her at all? To the point that the contract should be temporarily dissolved."
"yes and no if the person he is bound to is in danger at the same time the band will compel him to protect her above all else if the one he is bound to is safe then he will be able to protect the Lady with no problem at all. Ross felt bad for them all as it would take him some time
Kitiara was giving a nod before she spoke, "So a temporary dissolving of the contract would be ideal." With that she was just folding her hands behind her back before she was giggling a bit and spoke, "Oh and you'll have to deal with Lilith. She is around as well. Asya isn't with us at the moment, and Lady Seras is sleeping so... she has been clinging to me. Which means the moment we go back, she'll spot you."
"I can handle that female I give her a new toy and she leaves me be for a while" Ross snagged a short pole and stuck it in his pocket "don't dissolve the contract I am assuming that the chances of this female being in trouble will be small."
"Perhaps she'll leave you alone, perhaps not. She has been very clingy lately." Kitiara warned before she was putting a hand on her necklace for a brief moment in time. "Lets going then. Before Lady Seras finds out that I left the palace. I wasn't suppose to." she spoke after a moment in time.
"she is going to find out when she spots me and I do have something for her as well" Ross walked with her so that they could get going and so she could see if he could get the bands off and if so how much work he was going to do
Kitiara giggling before she spoke, "Valid point. Man is she going to scold me." And she could feel that weakness kicking in, which would result in probably collapsing the moment that they got back. Once they were outside she was opening up a portal into the demon palace, and walking through with him. A first the few guards were pointing weapons at them but Kitiara spoke, "Lower your weapons. I am a handmaiden to your future queen, and this is a close friend of not only myself but her as well."
Ross looked at the wolf sitting there and then watched as he walked over to Kit ignoring him altogether "let your mate take you to your room Kit and get some rest also get him to shift back it will be better for his overall health"
Kitiara was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I would say you should go and speak to Seras, but she is asleep right now." She was putting her hand on top of the wolf's head, more to know that he was there with a physical touch. She was however holding out her other hand in a stop motion and soon enough there was an annoyed pout and Lilith was becoming visible. "Kit! So mean!" the succubus pouted and folded her arms across her chest. Kitiara had caught sight of her aura and manipulated it a bit to get her to stop moving.
Ross held up the rod he had brought with and tossed it at her "here have a new toy" Ross knew that it would keep her busy for a while and give him time to work without being bothered at all
Lilith was catching in and just examining it for a brief moment in time. "Oh what is it?" she questioned curiously, just as Kitiara was leaving with Jacob. The black haired time keeper was suggesting that he take to a human form when they got back to the room, explaining that it was better for his health. "The longer you stay in wolf form, the harder it will be to take to human form again." Kitiara explained.
Jacob looked at her and nodded his head and while he was still furious at people he also wanted to talk to her.

Ross shook his head "you know the rules I give you a toy you have to figure out what it is and how to use it" this was the reason he had so much free time and he made them more and more complicated each time
"I don't want to play this game right now." Lilith was speaking and was prancing over to him, just wrapping her arms around his waist, the rod just laying on the ground near her.

Soon enough they had arrived at the room, and once the door was closed behind them, Kitiara was just taking to sinking down to her knees, her head bowed. Damn it.
"nope you have to play that was our agreement you figure out your toy and I do stop you from clinging to me but you have to figure your toy out" Ros unwrapped her arms from him gently without hurting her.

Jacob focused and then shifted back to his human form and then walked over and picked her up and settled her on her bed
"I don't want to figure out the stupid toy." Lilith whined at that point in time although she was looking around his shoulder for a moment, before running off to the person that had appeared out of nowhere. And down when Asya again when the succubus was tackling her. "Ouch! You have to stop that." Asya groaned and just listened as Lilith complained that Ross was being mean. "Then go figure out the toy...." Asya mumbled with a huff.
Ross walked over and offered the female his hand so he could pull her up "how is your mate doing dear" Ross had heard she was mated to Liam and was happy for them both
Asya was just looking at Ross as he came over and she was taking his offered hand. "Could be better. He is with his uncle right now. I just came to check on everybody briefly before I go back to my own realm to recover. Least I pass out here again." She was looking at Lilith before she spoke, "And you, behave. I mean it." This had the succubus pouting before she was pointing at Ross and was stating that he needed to me nice, and she didn't want to play the stupid game anymore. "You are like a child." Asya sighed and just shook her head a bit.

Kitiara was a bit startled to find herself all of a sudden picked up, and out of reflex found hereself wrapping arms around his neck, afraid of falling.
"I won't drop you so relax" Jacob settled her on the bed making sure she was back from the edge far enough so she wouldn't fall off

Ross looked at her "you figure it out before dawn and prove to me that you have and you will get my undivided attention for one day to do whatever you want, but if you can't you will have to leave me be during my stay here"
"N....Natural feeling." Kitiara spoke in a soft voice although she was definitely a lot calmer after she was set down on the bed. This was around the time when she was reaching out with a hand and just touching his face, well closer to his neck but close enough.

"You've said that before, and even when I did as you asked, you never kept to your word." Lilith spoke after a moment in time before she was giving a small bow and apologizing for being a bother, before she was turning and fleeing. Asya was just blinking for a brief moment in time but gave a slight chuckle, especially after something that Kitiara had said mentally, before she was turning and walking through a portal.
"Asya assures her that if she completes it you will ensure I keep my word" Ross sighed and then rubbed his face a little bit

Jacob moved her hand so it was resting on his cheek "there that way you can get an idea of what I look like"
Asya looked towards him for a moment then spoke, "I can try but I don't think she'll listen. She'll lock herself in a room. I'm sure she'll figure it out and just not say anything. She really likes you Ross. You are the first guy she has been around, where she doesn't get all touchy with, other than hugs. But that is natural for her. Every other guy, she would be trying to charm." With that she disappearing through the portal.

Kitiara was giving a soft giggle before she spoke, "Your aura tells me that you have questions." Her hands did lightly trace against his features, helping shape the aura.
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