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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

"that I do but they can wait till you are rested and well I can smell how tired you are" Jacob didn't want her to wear herself out at all.

"just try that is the most complicated design I have its a test" Ross then headed to a room to rest till morning so he could look at the bands
Kitiara just tilted her head before she gave a small chuckle then she spoke, "Just ask your questions." Nope she was laying on the bed although it would be a short bit until she fell asleep. Until she did she could answer questions though.

Asya just gave a small shake of her head before she spoke, "I'll let her know." That was all she could do, was let the succubus know, but who knew if Lilith would even care.
"Everybody in the world as a soulmate. Somebody whose soul theirs is tied too. Their other half, that missing piece. The red string theory. That I know you know of, everybody has heard of the red string theory. A string connects everybody, but a red string is that soulmate bond. Rarely can it be broken." Kitiara spoke before she was gently taking his hand and briefly allowing him to see what she saw around them. Greatly dulled down so that he wasn't overwhelmed with all of the colors, showing him a number of the red strings.
"why so many" Jacob had heard of the theory but he didn't think it actually existed but then again he had never planned on being a werewolf either
Kitiara gave a small giggle before she spoke, "The different colors represents the bond between people. Only some people can actually see these strings. This is how I see the world. Although I have everything dulled down greatly, otherwise the auras would give you a migraine." She was drawing her hand away and was pushing her black hair out of her face, just giving a small yawn. "Basically, we have a red string that connects us. Any other questions?"
Kitiara was just giving a slight nod of her head and felt the darkness claim her. She didn't even seem to notice her sister show up in the room in more of a spiritual form, but Jacob would know that she was there. Kimiko was just stroking her twin's hair gently before she was giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. "She'll be asleep for the next eight hours. When you fall asleep, you'll be asleep until she wakes up." Kimiko whispered before she was fading away.
Jacob nodded his head and then settled on the bed next to her tucking her in close to him so that he knew she was safe while he slept. Jacob then let sleep claim him as well as he was worn out but he didn't want to be far from her if he was exhausted
Time went by slowly enough and when everybody finally woke up, they would feel refreshed and ready to go. As though they had slept for a few days, and hadn't fought in a battle. And during the night, Lilith had actually stayed up trying to figure out what the stupid rod was for, and was almost certain she had figured it out. She had ended up going out into the garden to work with it, although was currently asleep curled up under one of the trees.
that morning Ross was sitting with the others looking over the band that was on Lily as she had agreed to allow him to look it over "well this is worse than I thought someone got a hold of god wedding rings it will take a minimum of two months to get off but it could take close to a year if I want to be extra careful" Ross looked at the two that were bound
Seras just listened to the situation at hand before she was just rubbing her temples briefly. How had somebody even managed to get into the palace without being noticed. "Which has me wondering how. Considering only somebody like you can craft them, and only the gods have them in their possession." Seras spoke with a small sigh before she was brushing hair out of her face and leaning back in her seat a bit. It wasn't long before she was looking at her bracelet and summoning her contracted demons to her, other than Kitiara. It wasn't long before Ambrose and Asya were appearing, both of them looking ready to face the world. Seras was a bit shocked that Lilith hadn't shown up which had Asya speaking, "She sleeping outside in the garden. Was up all night trying to figure out a toy that Ross brought with him. And to answer your unasked question, yes I am fine now. Ambrose and I shall start looking into the intruder."
"be careful if he had one set he could have more although how he had even that one worries me even more as they were all melted down unless someone didn't turn them in to be destroyed" Ross figured after this he would go and find Lillith
"We'll figure it out. Don't worry too much." Asya commented before she was vanishing away, along with Ambrose so that they could go and do some digging, see what they could find.

Lilith was fast asleep on the ground with the rod just laying next to her, one hand holding onto it. There was one of Asya's knights hovering nearby to keep her safe if it came to that, but it was disappearing soon enough.
Ross walked into the garden and leaned on a nearby tree watching her and wondered if she figured it out or not.

Lily looked at Seras and then spoke softly "can I leave now?" Lily was more than a little nervous at this point
Seras looked over before she spoke "Grab some food, but yes you can leave."

Lilith was pretty sure that she had figured it out, but sho knew for sure. "You have this stupid thing back." She mumbled and was tossing it back over to him after sitting up and stretching, pushing hair out of her face, and picking a few leaves out. It wasnt ling though before she was telling him what she had learned, and what she thought. Despite not wanting to play the game she had, although this would be the first time she had fallen asleep trying to figure it out.
Tayla watched Lily leave and then looked at the others in the room "this is concerning no one should have been able to get in to the castle let alone in to the private rooms they both had" Tayla was in a similar room where only those she invited in, could enter her room it was that same with everyone else.

Ross caught it and then tossed it back at her "activate it" Ross wanted to see if she figured it out for sure
Lilith just looked at him for a moment in time before she was just mumbling, "I would rather go back to sleep." But in the end she was giving a sigh and getting to her feet anyways. This was definitely the first time in a long while that she had actually felt exhausted, yet again fighting a war did that to a person.

Seras looked before she spoke, "Probably slipped in when we were being attacked. We were focused on the enemy attacking us. But we'll get it taken care of."
Ross chuckled “ and sleep you shall get” Ross had some time before he had to worry about the bands but he had to keep his promise to Lillith

Tayla nodded her head but frowned as well
Lilith just looked at him before she was giving a small shrug then spoke, "Eh it is unimportant and trivial." With that she was activating the toy, before brushing some of her hair out of her face and then tossing it over to him.
Ross smiled and then walked over and touched it and watched as it closed "as promised you have my undivided attention for the next 24 hours" Ross smiled at her lightly and then touched the sides of her face "you need a dap"
Lilith looked at him for a moment in time before she was shaking her head then spoke, "It is fine, you can go do whatever it is you need to do. And I'm fine. I'll be fine. This is nothing."
"no I promised besides I have to recover for a bit before I can get to work releasing the human and demon from their bond" Ross shrugged a little and then looked at her lightly with a smaile
Lilith just raised an eyebrow although she was completely caught off guard when Belial was gazing up behind her, and pushing her off towards Ross. "Go take a nap. Or I'll tell Asya. And she is already in a bad mood." Belial spoke before he was vanishing and she just mumbled under her breath.
Ross looked at him and wondered why she was in a bad mood but then again he had heard that Liam was still out of it and they were all starting to worry that he wouldn't wake up.
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