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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

As soon as he left, Azraella got to work. Already she had a plan in her head, and she was definitely going to make everything work out at that point in time.
Ed headed right for Atticus to let him know where she was and also to let him know he would do the head count since he had other things to handle at the time
Atticus looked up as his office door opened and then saw that it was only Ed at that point in time. With that he was gesturing for him to come in fully before sweeping some of his hair from his face.
"you should be resting sir you have had a hectic day as it is" Ed knew that his day was busier then he let on most the time plus he had dinner with Azazel, Seras and the king and queen that evening.
Atticus looked at Ed for a moment in time before he spoke, "I was just finishing up a few things then I was going to go and lie down for a bit."
"leave them for later and go lay down sir dinner is going to be challenging enough for you" Ed made sure that he knew that he couldn't miss dinner since they had even requested that Tala be there as well
"I suppose it will be. And I sense somebody in the library.... I thought I had said everybody was banned from going in there until it was cleaned and organized." Atticus commented after a moment in time as he was finishing up a last few things and putting everything away in the top drawer, his to get done drawer.
“Ahh yes mainly why I had come to see you the new girl is in there getting it cleaned and organized when she saw it she looked ready to kill” Ed chuckled a little and knew it was a monstrous task
Atticus was giving a nod before he spoke, "Well I suppose if you are trusting her to take care of it. I know you have good judgement on people." With that he was getting up from his desk and heading off towards the door to leave.
“I am and I swung by Tala’s room on my way here she is hiding in the closet” Ed knew this whole experience scared the female but how badly he wasn’t sure just yet
Atticus was giving a nod before he spoke, "Go and speak to Seras' demons, see if any of them managed to get any information out of those people. I would suggest Asya or Lilith though, they are more likely to have gotten something. In particular Lilith.... damn succubi."
Ed chuckled and nodded his head "will do sir now go and get some rest after getting your 'daughter' out of the closet so she can rest as well." Ed then headed off to speak with Asya first and then Lilith if he needed to Ed hoped that they had gotten the information they needed from then as to why someone had invaded their home
Asya had returned to her world, although Lilith at the time was actually downstairs trying to get answers from people.
Ed gently cleared his throat “Lilith did you learn anything yet?” Ed was far enough back that he hoped her powers wouldn’t effect him
Lilith was looking over her shoulder for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "They are being quite.... stubborn." With that she was brushing her hair from her face before turning around fully, and putting a hand on her hip.
Ed nodded his head "damn I was hoping you had gotten some information out of them that I could report to Atticus their actions cause some mental trauma to one of the workers here to the point she is hiding in her closet right now" Ed sighed and then looked at the men "it is in your best interest to talk to her before my master or his sister instructs me or one of the others to get it out of you"
"I got called an old hag. I actually take offense to that." Lilith spoke with a faint pout after a moment in time before she was folding her arms over her chest. Then she was taping her lips before she spoke, "Perhaps I'm wearing to much. I'm wearing more than I usually do." It was true. More of her skin was covered than not, which was most definitely unusual for her.
Ed chuckled a little “true you are much more covered then normal I actually feel comfortable speaking with you” Ed usually had to have his back turned to her just to have a normal conversation let alone be able to speak
Lilith looked at him before she spoke with a slight pout, "You have no idea how comfortable clothes are." With that what she was wearing was shifting to her normal outfit, well somewhat normal. Still more covering but at the same time still had that "slut" factor as Asya would say. Short dress that fell to about the middle of her thighs, deep V-neck that showed off quite a bit of cleavage, not that it really bugged her, and an open back. With that she was turning around and striding towards the cage once again and was kneeling down in front of the men before she was cooing, "How about you give me some answers now."
Ed turned around and rolled his eyes while she did what she needed to he could already tell that one of them would break it was just a matter of time
Sure enough, give it about ten more minutes and somebody did end up breaking, and was telling them everything that they wanted to know. Who they had sent by, why they had been sent there, who they were after. "Oh thank you so much for all the information." Lilith cooed after a moment in time, a cheshire grin on her lips before she was taking a step away. Poor guys had to suffer from major erections at that point in time. Painful after a while, but that was a punishment that they had to suffer through.
Ed sighed and shook his head “this isn’t good if they are after the girls then we need to make sure that they are protected at all times” Ed knew that Atticus needed to be told but at the moment he wanted to let the male rest.

a couple hours later Ed had managed to coak Tala out of her closet and stood outside her door as she changed for dinner with the royal family. Ed could see that she was still scared but what astounded him was the minute she walked into the dining room her face changed and hid the fear she was feeling,
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Lilith looked towards him for a moment in time before she cooed, "No worries, I shall inform my Lady Seras of the situation. I am sure that... from hence forth either myself or Asya shall be with that of Tala and Azraella. I'm sure they would both be more comfortable with one of us ladies following them versus Belial." After that she was heading off towards her room that she had in the mansion, for when she decided that she was going to remain in that realm.

Seras sat next to Azazel in their room before she spoke, "Since the first family is out of the way.... I think we should tell your parents tonight that we are expecting." With that she was brushing some hair out of her face before giving him a soft kiss so that she could get up and going take a shower before they went to dinner. He was welcome to join if he so decided.


Hours went by and finally it was time for dinner. Atticus was awake once again and already sitting in the dining room, his sister sitting in her spot next to him at that point in time. The royals weren't there quite yet, but that didn't really bother either of them at the time. It just gave them a chance to talk briefly and for Seras to pass on the information that Lilith had told her.

While this happened, Azraella had been cleaning the library for the past few hours, although was now currently curled up in one of the chairs taking a small nap. She was still suffering from being slightly sick, prior to arriving at the manor, but was getting over it. So this was another reason that she wasn't pushing herself harder, like she usually would.
after making sure that Tala was ok Ed headed to the library to check on Azraella.

Tala walked in and sat further down on the table and then lowered her head while she waited for the others to join them so they could eat. Tala did look up and Azazel came in and walked over and sat with Seras. it wasn't long before his parents were joining them as well.
Soon enough everybody had gathered in the dining room and Seras was just taking Azazel's hand, speaking to him softly. In the end they had decided that they were going to tell his parents, and her brother, that they were expecting. Mind as well get it done and over with...especially with the current situation at hand. Which they were going to be bringing up to the king and queen fully as well.

Azraella was dozing in one of the chairs, although just as Ed was walking up another one of the staff was walking up with a tray of food. "Oh good evening Ed, I was just bringing the little lady some food. She has been working hard the last few hours, on top of getting over being sick." the elderly woman spoke. Somebody that could be trusted and wouldn't try anything.
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