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Blood Bound (ScarlettRose & Hatchet)

"Well you don't need to but as my partner you'll garner a certain amount of respect if you behave yourself." Amelia told him sternly. "Plus, don't act like I never told you anything because I haven't because before we were nothing more than two people who enjoyed having sex together. I did not need to tell you the ins and outs of my life."

Sometimes, Ronan just really irritated her. It was like he wanted his cake and wanted to eat it too. She'd have to whip that bad habit out of him. For now she nuzzled into him and nipped his neck a little.

"Of course, you can not be apart of it all if you don't want to." Amelia explained. "It's not mandatory. I just thought with all your complaining you'd like to be a part of it. But I think you just like to have a good moan." She grinned. "Like a woman."
Ronan rolled his eyes, "I don't appreciate your sexism against your own gender Amelia it offends me." He teased as he rubbed her back. "Look I didn't know okay, I get this is new now but you don't have to act all irritated. I didn't think I would be treated differently." He mumbled as he leaned into the bed, shifting with a wince.

"...But I promise to be on my best behavior. Unless one tries to take a bite out of me. In that case you might want to find another clan mate if that happens." He muttered gruffly as he laid with her, playing with her hair absently.

He started to think about the idea of ruling as a grin started to play on his face. "So...What can I do?"
“Nothing.” Amelia told him firmly. “Nothing without my consent. We’re not like those beasts the Were’s you have no actual power unless we are bound in matrimony and we my dear are bound by nothing. Not even by blood, since I have no sired you. However feel free to strut around the place and look important.” Amelia grinned, stroking his chest as he winced. “And trust me nobody is going to want to take a bite out of you. Their standards are higher.” She joked. “Plus, they’ll know you’re mine.” She speckled kisses upon his skin. “Make sure you clean up good.”
He huffed a bit and pouted as they were still unbounded but didn't press the issue. Glaring at her he most certainty was not going to strut around as if he owned the place. "...I am important." He mumbled as she continued to pet and sooth him from his pains.

"You know, you really know how to make a guy feel bad." He grumbled taking her low standard insult a bit harsh as he leaned into the bed, rubbing her back lightly.


The recovery was a bit slow, Donder recommending a warlock friend of his to help ease the pain and start training Ronan on how to use his emotions. Later in the evening on a weekend he walked into his flat, tossing a huge bag of money over like it was a sack of potatoes to the side as he flopped down in his armchair, the lion among men yawning as he was constantly being paid, his business booming but he didn't have any stress relief, no heads to bash into walls.
“You know you should find a hobby.” Amelia said looking up from some paperwork she was riffling through on her lap and on the coffee table. “Something physical. Where you ever tested for ADHD as a child?” She wondered out loud.

“How are you feeling these days? And your lessons? How are they going?” She asked with an arched brow but not looking up from her work. She couldn’t possibly take someone so unstable to her Clan, especially someone who was meant to be her partner. He had to fix up.
Ronan was quite calm with her these days but the testing statement set him off as his head snapped to her direction his expression furious. "No. But I was hit in the head with fucking plates, bats, shoes, and crowbars. Any other fucking questions?" He snapped at her barring his teeth, but the temperature didn't change this time, his magical abilities not coming to fruition as he slowly laid back down in the chair.

"Morgan is an asshole and yes the lessons are going fine." He didn't like it when people pointed out his issues even though he knew they were incredibly prominent. He was never tested, his family never had the money, time, effort, or even gave that much of a damn.
“Oh you have a problem sharing your personal shit with me?” Amelia snapped back cooly. She hadn’t meant to offend him but he expected her to open up but not him? “Sorry.” She sighed. “I’m just a little stressed right now love.”

“Wonderful!” She sighed. “I’m glad we can share how our days are going.” She said sarcastically. He was irritating her for some reason and she didn’t know why. Maybe she was taking her bad mood on him or maybe he was just being too touchy.
"There's shit you don't have to know okay. Shit that doesn't matter." He growled at her as she became passive aggressive as he sunk down into his chair facing away from her. He was an incredibly touchy individual, this is why he never got into relationships but at this moment they were both stressed out for their own separate reasons.

Ronan never spoke about his past to anyone, there were many prison therapists that tried to pry him open but he'd shut them down every single time. No one needed to know the hell he went through, the abuse, the drugs, everything. Ronan sat there stewing quietly, if he were a cartoon character there'd be a little black tornado over his head as he glared at the wall, his fingers digging into the apolstered arm rests of the seat.
“Oh really?” Amelia glared at his back. “I don’t need to know it?” The words came out even more cool as she started to become detached. Clearly they both had not had to consider another persons feelings for some time.

Seeing as he was ignoring her Amelia acted like he wasn’t there either as she flipped on the television on the wall and started watching the news as she worked through her papers. Really felt like she was in a real relationship now, that was for sure.
Ronan's phone cut the silence as he answered it quietly before shutting it. "I'm going out. I have an order." He muttered and left slamming the door behind him. He was reminded why he hated relationships as he walked down the street his hands in his pockets wondering if this was even right, both of them had issues opening up and both for somewhat good reasons.

Lighting a cigarette as he walked down the dark and dimly lit streets to his warehouse which from the money looked like the best building in the worst part of town, as if it was untouched. Ronan pulled his hoodie sleeve up, taking off the bandages that covered his newest tattoo as he stared at it, a viper curled around his arm as if its fangs were sticking into his wrist before walking in for work.
“Shit.” Amelia whisperednsighing and then falling back against the couch she was sitting on. She thought about what her problem was with him . . . Maybe she was starting to feel trapped? She definitely needed her space. Maybe she’d been a completely selfish bitch. They were both adjusting but then he hadn’t been a barrel of laughs either. Snapping at her for wanting to know about his past. Weren’t girlfriends supposed to know that sort of stuff?!

Sighing again she got up grabbing her coat. It was less than half an hour later she was outside of Alexander’s buzzing impatiently. “Open up you self conceited arse!” She called up, she could sense he was home. Really she just needed to vent and blow off some steam and though neither of them considered the other a friend, they did things friends did like listen to each other’s shit and . . . Other stuff. It was lonely being at the top after all.
"My my...What happened to not touching me with a ten foot pole...I know why you're here..." He purred lightly, allowing her into his home raising a brow. "Though I'm a bit surprised...After giving your mate that speech of how he was the only one...That he shouldn't be concerned of me...You really are wicked aren't you?"


Ronan walked back from the werehouse hours later frowning to himself. Thinking it over after working he knew what he had done was stupid, he could at least open up a little and without snapping at her as he dialed her number.

Rounding the corner he frowned when it hit voicemail but he understood why.

"...Hey...Its me...Listen I just...I know you were mad and you're right...I shouldn't be so closed up t-"
“Alexander . . .” Amelia sighed in irritation as she grabbed him and pushed him hard against the wall with Vampire strength knowing he could take it. “Why don’t you just shut up for once.” And Amelia silenced him with her lips.

- -

“Well you weren’t utterly disappointing.” Amelia said as she pulled on her coat and said her goodbyes to Alexander.

The sex had been good. It always was. However, unlike in the past, she didn’t feel an iota better. She had just stepped out onto the dimly lit street when he phone vibrated. She looked at saw it was Ronan but she was in no state of mind to speak to him.

She headed back to his apartment to grab her paperwork and go back to her office where she could sit and think about everything without any interruptions.
"Anytime dear," he purred to her, giving her a playful nip on her neck as she left with no strings attached. Alexander caught Ronan's scent but didn't bother as he closed the door and went back to whatever she had torn him from doing.

Ronan saw her from the streetlight, the entire thing smelling that vampire's scent all over her as the phone slid from his hand he held up against his ear to the ground where it shattered into pieces as it smacked into the concrete.

He didn't move after her as he watched her figure vanish into the dusk as his knees buckled. Ronan dug his nails into his head as he slid down the wall sinking to his knees and stayed there for hours before leaving to his old home, unable to show his face or wanting to go back to the flat.
Her office had been a haven from the chaos of her life. Amelia sat at her desk, her elbows on the glass as her fingers curled in her silvery blonde hair.

She created the chaos in her own life. Amelia decided it. It was all her own doing. Ronan hadn’t called back and she was grateful. She needed time and space.

Plus there was the fact she’d made things so much worse. Though she knew Alexander would not say a word but what was it that’s she was feeling . . . it was guilt. That horrible feeling was guilt. Something she had not felt in years and in that moment she decided though she would not tell him of her transgressions, she would make it up to him silently. She’d be more understanding, more patient with him and his issues. She had to be if this was gonna work.
Ronan was in that old run down house he used to call home before jail and before her. He knew it was broken, that's what he told himself but now it was non-existent. She was exactly like the other men and women in his life if not worse.

He counted in his head as he counted pills how many times he told himself he'd open up, and not screw things up, and also how many times she told him she wasn't like that, like them. Ronan downed handfuls of pills at a time, downing them with hard liqour, the only true medication he knew.

He had reverted almost completely, his mind all over the place, being picked at by the drugs that consumed him as he clawed and scratched at himself from their side effects as well as his own mental problems, causing his arms and neck to bleed from the wounds. Never once did he step outside, his car still there at the flat, all of his things but he would never set foot in there again.
When it had been two days since she’d seen or heard from Ronan Amelia was worried. Especially when his phone went straight to voicemail. She was furious he would make her worry like this and on the third night she went out looking for him at all the places she knew he haunted.

It was hours before she found him in a drunken drug haze and her anger only grew as she dragged him back to his apartment. He was completely out of it the idiot.

She had spent a good three hours giving him a bed bath and cleaning the blood and his wounds. She hated him for doing this to her. This is exactly why! Exactly why she no longer wanted to deal with the hassle of love and relationships but at the same time the thought of losing him was unbareable and it made her livid.
When he finally snapped out of it, he slowly turned to look at her then around at the apartment before his eyes slowly settled back to her. "You fucking cunt. You brought me back here? Why." He growled, his words cutting to her, he wanted nothing of her now from the pain that still radiated from his chest.

He saw her, the look in her eyes. She was irritated with him, she was irritated with him at this moment, and it all crashed down as he shoved her away tearing the bandages off his neck and arms.

"Don't touch me!" He snarled at her, the loudest his voice had ever gotten. "Don't even fucking get near me after all that. After I saw you skulking around the other night leaving Alexander's. You lied you me, you fucking lied to me! You're exactly like everyone else! And this time I'm not fucking letting you get away with it." He snarled grabbing his gun off the table pointing it at her.

He advanced slowly cocking the gun as he stared at her his gaze hurt, mad, and conflicting but he couldn't do it as he let his hand drop after several long moments. "Stay away from me."
“Do it.” Amelia held his deadly gaze, pulling the gun in his grasp back to press the end of the barrel under her chin. Holding his hand tight on the trigger. “Why don’t you do it Ronan?”

Tears welled in her icy cold eyes that for once in her ire weren’t red but almost white in their coldness but for a few blue specks.

“I was angry and stupid but you . . . You give me nothing. Nothing at all.” Her voice was a pleading whisper. Scared of losing him, scared she wouldn’t see him again. Angry how he didn’t understand, how he kept parts of him locked up, away from her.
"Then do yourself a favor and either leave me or kill me." He said yanking the gun away from her, hissing through his teeth. "I have too many problems Amelia. I've never gotten help in my life. You'd either kill me or leave me if you found them out. I have too many issues, too many demons for one person to handle but I was too stupidly in love to leave you myself."

Ronan gritted his teeth and looked away from her, dropping the gun as he fell to his knees, clawing at his head in his hands, his hair started growing back as well. Though they were curly black locks, it was a bad sign when he started to let his hair grow as shaving his head was a coping skill for him.

"You fucking...cheated on me...with a guy who you told me not to...worry about..." he said under his breath gritting his teeth as he tugged at his hair his chest tightening from the pain.
Amelia came to her knees behind him, pulling his hands away from clawing at himself. She was besides herself. They were two messed up people wanting something normal that was always out of reach.

“I’m sorry Ronan.” For the first time ever she was sobbing in front of him. She’d never meant to hurt him. Never meant for him to find out. “I was stupid and angry and it REALLY didn’t mean anything at all.”

She tried to reassure him, his hands locked on hers as she wrapped her arms around him right. “I’m sorry baby please. I don’t want you to leave. Please! I don’t want to be without you! Nothing you could say would make me want to leave you! Nothing at all. Let me in Ronan.”
"Why? So you can see how fucking weak and vulnerable I really am? So you can just tear me up from the inside out? I've been through this with too many other pretty faces like yours." He growled at her trying to tug his hands away but he was shaking, his strength failing him.

He growled at her baring his teeth at her his fangs fully lengthened, "you'll just do it again, you'll get bored, you'll get scared of commitment or whatever and you'll go and do it again." He said this from experience, he had done that once. Once. And the self hatred he felt when he did was excruciating.
"No I won't!" She tried to assure him, pulling him close. "We're all weak and vulnerable but holding onto it doesn't make you any stronger. Tell me Ronan, I want to know. I want to know why you keep me at a distance. How can this ever work if I can't have all of you? You have all of me, piece by piece you ask and give it to you but you . . . I can't break through."

She slowly released her grip on his hands but still held him in her embrace. "I want to understand. I want to know your truth and then we can leave it where it should be, in the past and move forward. Tell me what you want. I'm willing to do anything! Give you anything! Just please," She begged. "Don't . . . leave me. Don't finish this. Us."
He was still clammed up but he was incredibly tired, he didn't want to fight her as he glared her down. Slowly he rolled his shoulders in his embrace, still scratching at his arm, tearing off the scabs still a nervous and destructive coping mechanism he used. Ronan growled a bit as she begged for him to stay, he didn't much like her when she begged but he had a feeling that was his doing.

Slowly he rested his head back, looking out the dirtied and shattered window. "...It's a long story." He muttered still not wanting to bore her with the details as he huffed his knees to his chest though his demeanor was starting to break for her.
He was finally opening up to her and she wouldn't let him take a step back now when he finally took a foot forward. She held him tight and when he rested his head back, she stroked it and then stroked his arms where he scratched himself blood.

"You're safe." She cooed. "You can tell me. I want to know it all. Everything and we have nothing but time." Amelia pressed her lips to his cheek. The taste of salty tears against her tongue. She hated he turned her into a blubbering fool but she did love him. The ancient vampire was madly in love with an unhinged creature that was not complete human and not completely supernatural.

It was like someone had walked over her grave when the thought swept through her mind that . . . He was going to be the death of her.
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