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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

"I had no choice. I wouldn't risk harm coming to either of them." Kojurou said, "Please forgive me."
"Oh, I'm gonna beat the hell out of you first." Masamune growled.
Megohime scowled even though it pained her to do so with her bruised face, stepping in front of Kojurou. “No, you aren’t.”
"Get out of my way, Megohime." Masamune ordered firmly, "He knew this was comin' the minute he switched sides."
"Please do not interfere, Megohime-dono," Kojurou said gently, "Masamune-sama is correct, I must atone before receiving forgiveness."
Megohime clenched her jaw and turned her head away, doing as Masamune ordered, and stepping out of the way to let Masamune pass. She held her child to her chest and pet the sleeping babes head to comfort herself, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to see Kojurou’s punishment.
Masamune rushed at Kojurou, locking blades with him as they preformed a deadly dance. She could hardly keep up with their movements, that's how fast they were moving. She could only see the spark of their blades.
Megohime only stole glances, busy keeping an eye out for any Toyotomi soldiers, all while keeping one hand over one of the baby’s ears to keep her from waking at the sound of sword clashing.
Motochika and his crew as well as Masamune's men made it up, Motochika making a noise before looking to Nana, "Let's leave them to it. We have our own to worry about." He said.
"Hitto!!" The men were taken aback that Masamune was fighting Kojurou, "What's going on?!"
Megohime scowled softly, but held her tongue, this was her husbands fight, and even as much as she protested it, she had no right to complain.
"Katakura-sama is wearing Toyotomi colors..."
"There's no way he would betray Hitto! There had to be a reason!"
"Yeah, maybe he was spying or somethin'!"
Masamune was angrier and angrier the longer their fight dragged on before finally ducking under Kojurou's attack and punching him so hard it sent him tumbling backward.
Megohime flinched, grinding her teeth hard, at her husbands men’s words and at the hit Kojurou suffered. Had she not have been in this situation, Kojurou never would have had to turn traitor. This was entirely her fault. “That’s enough!” She finally snapped at Masamune, turning to face him.
She stalked toward him, meeting his angry scowl with a cold look of her own. “And what will you do of it?” She said curtly. “Cut me down too? Might as well, it is my fault after all that Kojurou is in this position.”
“He had a choice to watch me die or join them.” She said, ignoring Kojurou. “But I suppose he did make the wrong choice then, so go on, continue to beat your loyal retainer for making such a painful choice.”
"Katakura-sama..." The Date army was taken aback by this. Of course Kojurou would never betray Masamune without good reason! Megohime was in danger, she had her child, what could he honestly do? Masamune scowled heavily and looked away.
"Head back to Oshuu...I have one last thing to deal with before I can come home."
Megohime scowled, but turned away from Masamune without another word, heading back toward Masamune’s army to return to Oshuu with them.
"Kojurou, let's go."
"Hai." Kojurou pushed himself up and dusted off before following Masamune. Tje army crowded Megohime to see the baby, excited to see their leader's heir.
"Is it a boy?"
"What'd ya name it?"
“Not so loud, you’ll wake the child.” Megohime hissed at the men, swatting a few away. “Her name is Irohahime.”
She frowned softly, but only gave a small nod in agreement, allowing for the men to escort her to safety.
It was strange traveling with Masamune’s army without Masamune, but the men treated her well and saw to her every need. She did her best to not burden them, keeping all of her focus on her newborn daughter.
"Ya hungry, Megohime-dono? We got plenty of provisions left." They had camped for the night and made sure Megohime had a warm spot that was well guarded and in their line of vision. There was no way they were risking losing her.
“I’m alright for now, thank you.” Megohime sounded tired, and why wouldn’t she be, she had a child to care for on top of the long trek back to Oshuu.
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