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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

"My honest opinion, I think Masamune-sama would calm down some if you moved in." He told her, "'s not the greatest woman in the land of the rising sun. He only really goes to see her if he's especially frustrated."
Megohime’s cheeks flushed slightly and she cleared her throat, glancing at Kojurou. “What if... W-What if... He no longer wishes to bed me..?” She whispered, clearly embarrassed to share such an intimate thought.
"I don't think that to be the case." He told her calmly, the question hardly a bother, "He has been quite open about the idea. He told me once that his bed would be more of a comfort if he could smell tsubaki flowers instead of tobacco." Masamune paid attention to the scents she used? Tsubaki was his favorite?
This alone made Megohime’s heart soar, she always wore oils that were made with Camilla seed oil, but it wasn’t something she shared on a regular basis. Tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks and she nodded. “Hai, I will consider moving residence.” She said softly.
She shook her head. “I’ll tell him, I just need time to say goodbye to my home.” She said softly, bowing her head to him. “Thank you for listening to my troubles, Kojurou.”
Megohime nodded, thanking him before leaving his room to return to her own, turning in for the night in the warmth of her own bed.
In the morning, Masamune was outside training with his swords, up early as he always was to get in some practice while he could.
“Masamune.” It was Megohime, standing on the porch, watching him use his sword silently before speaking up. She was in new clothes and still had her favorite hair pin in, only her hair was completely pulled up.
He stopped and looked over before sighing and moving over, "Listen, about yesterday, I'm really sorry for being such a jerk to you. You didn't deserve any of that. And I'm also sorry I didn't tell you about Iisaka earlier..."
Megohime rubbed her neck, listening to him and letting him finish before speaking. “I’m sorry.” She almost blurted out, her heart racing. “It’s just... I know you have your own duties to Japan and Oshuu, but I can’t stand the thought of you with another woman. I love you so much, Masamune, and I want you to be happy.” It was quite clear she wasn’t one to make confessions often; painfully obvious, she was flustered and blushing. “I want to live with you, Masamune.”
She shook her head, reaching out and gently taking one of his hands, holding it in hers. “I want to live with you Masamune, I want to give you an heir.” She said softly, bringing his hand up to her lips and kissing his knuckles gently. “I want to grow old with you.”
He dropped his Claw without a second thought, pulling her close and kissing her gently as he held her against him. He was careful not to ruin her obi or kimono or her hair that he knew she worked so hard on. Didn't want to ruin the moment so soon.
Megohime melted into his kiss, closing her eyes and resting her hands against his chest. She kissed back, slow and gentle, her heart fluttering in her chest.
She opened her eyes and nodded, cheeks flushed red. “Yes.” She cupped his cheeks with her hands, pulling away so she could kiss his forehead just above his brow. “Come to my bedchambers, after everyone’s gone to bed.”
Megohime’s face turned as red as her eyes, even her ears went red. “W-We have plenty of years to try for children..!” She sputtered, flustered again- it was almost too easy.
Megohime looked more embarrassed, turning her head away. “W-Well it’s not that I don’t want to go all night...” She stiffened and now he thought she’d just straight up faint. “Th-That’s not- I-I didn’t mean it that way!”
He laughed softly, a genuine sound she rarely ever heard, "Easy, you look like you're gonna pop if you fluster any more, baby."
“And it’d be your fault too!” She said, lightly smacking his chest- completely joking of course. She rested her forehead against his chest, simply enjoying the smell of him; the faint smell of leather and tobacco smoke, it was always a familiar scent, one she knew that only belonged to Masamune- his own unique scent. “You smell like horses still.” She teased.
"Yeah, well, it takes about a day to get here and I haven't bathed yet." He replied softly, "I'd ask you to join me and serve me sake but your hair would get ruined. Though an up side would be more of that tsubaki oil you use.."
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