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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime’s hand stopped when she heard Masamune had gotten a concubine; it wasn’t uncommon, quite the opposite, it was almost expected of a Daimyo, but hearing him confirm that he was sleeping with another woman cut deep. She said nothing, returning to eating her food in silence; she didn’t even want to look at him.

((We’ll come back to them in a second~))
Megohime felt tears burn at her eyes when he made the callous comment, why did he have to be so mean? Was it because of the necklace? Without thinking she turned to Masamune, throwing the bowl of her miso soup at him, spoon, bowl and all.
"Yoshi!" Okita and Kiyoaki looked alarmed where Masamune looked furious.
"What the hell is your problem?!" He shouted.
“You are!” Megohime snapped back at Masamune, then stood and left the room before she would break down in tears, returning to her bedroom. Why did he have to talk about his concubine so casually, flaunting it in front of her? She understood she wasn’t always clear with how she felt, but couldn’t he understand it was hard for her? She loved him so much, yet at the same time, being honest with her own feelings was so hard.
The servants tried to clean Masamune in a hurry to keep him from getting angrier, Kiyoaki apologizing profusely for Megohime's behavior.
"I will go speak to her." Okita offered and excused herself before going to Megohime's room and knocking gently, "Yoshi? May I come in?"
“I would like to be alone.” Megohime’s voice came from inside the room, and from the sound of her voice, it was clear she was crying.
“I just want to be alone.” Megohime repeated, laying on her futon with the heavy blanket covering her. “Who cares if he loves another woman, it’s his choice.”
"Yoshi..." She said softly, "A concubine doesn't mean he doesn't love's expected of ensure he has as many children as possible. You know that..."
This didn’t make Megohime feel better. “But he’s never once asked me to bare him a child..” She said softly, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"It'll work itself out, I'm sure. Masamune-sama cares very deeply for you, I know it.." She said, "Don't worry so much, my darling.."
Megohime was quiet for a long while before answering. “I don’t feel well, I just want to rest..” was her response, and it wasn’t a lie- her heart ached deeply and she felt sick.
Later that night, once Megohime heard the estate settle into a peaceful quiet, she quietly left her bedroom, making her way to the guest rooms and kneeling before one of the doors before knocking. “Kojurou..?” She called out quietly.
Megohime opened the door and carefully moved inside before closing the door behind her, remaining kneeled with her gaze down. Her eyes were puffy from crying, but she was not physically hurt. “I’m better, yes.” She said softly.
She shook her head and looked up at Kojurou, finding it a bit embarrassing to look so unsightly in front of someone. “I don’t know what to do..” She almost started to cry again. “I feel like a terrible wife, always accepting gifts from the husband I give nothing..! I haven’t even given him a child..!”
Kojurou stiffened, not really expecting this from Megohime. "O-Oh, uh...well, a child takes time, Megohime-dono. Iisaka-dono has only given him one child so far and the child isn't even at the household with us." So the whore already had a head start. Great job, Kojurou.
Tears dripped down Megohime’s face gripping the skirt of her yukata. “He didn’t tell me he had a child..” She whispered. “He never said anything about it in his letters.” She looked shell-shocked, face expressionless as tears ran down her cheeks.
He immediately felt bad for telling her that, "Ah...I imagine this is wasn't my place to tell you, please forgive me. He does care deeply about you, however."
“Then why does he act this way? What do I do to be a better wife to him?” She was wiping her tears away with her sleeves now; this was completely odd, Megohime never seemed to be concerned about Masamune, let alone being concerned with being a good wife.
"Despite what he might tell you, you're doing rather well just as you are," He said, "He speaks often about how he misses you, and he always smiles when your letters come in. He just...doesn't express his feelings very well. And with the threat of Nobunaga growing more by the day, he's just been under a large amount of stress." He gave a soft chuckle, "I've known him since he was a boy and he can barely communicate to me."
Megohime couldn’t help help choke out a laugh, shaking her head. “He’s just so frustrating... But I suppose that there are still things I can do to improve things..” She was quiet for a moment. “Would it... Would it only inflame things more if I moved with you to his estate?” She asked softly.
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