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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

She laughed, “Yes. Time alone with you will be amazing. His what the doctor ordered.” She smiled. “When we make our stops, I’ll see what’s available.” She told him.

“I mean they put it out there that they would be interested and it fits in my schedule. then you said you were doing the show with Nick and I didn’t want to impede on that. I figured it’s only a couple hours, I can take him with me and see my grandparents.” She shrugged her shoulder and smiled at him.

“For a day or two? Germany for a day or two?! That’s not enough time.” She teased. “If you can, you should. But it is a long flight, and the time change is killer. I don’t want you stressing out trying to travel and work.”

She nodded her head, “I told them that. We would do anything to get them here and back safely. I will explain it better when I get there. Right now they are holding back. We will see. Maybe Owen will help convince them. He’s my secret weapon.” She smiled.
"How about I leave you to find our places to stay and I'll make sure we hit all of the key spots of my adult life." He smiled and gave her a kiss.

He shook his head. "Do it babe. You have to do it. It only makes sense."

She was making a valid point. It wasn't like flying to LA from Vegas. "Why are you so smart all the time. I probably should give us more time in Germany huh? Damn it. It's not fair he gets go and not me." He pouted a little.

Jake laughed. "I can't believe you'd use our son as a pawn. Wait...yes I can. You've used him before to get your way." It was always in good fun though. She would never use him in for anything else. She loved that boy way too much for that. Speaking of the boy, he started moving in the bedroom. Jake the eggs on a plate to cool before going to get him. When he got him, he changed his diaper and then gave him a lot of cuddles and kisses as he carried him downstairs. "Do you want to see mama?"
"How about I leave you to find our places to stay and I'll make sure we hit all of the key spots of my adult life." He smiled and gave her a kiss.

He shook his head. "Do it babe. You have to do it. It only makes sense."

She was making a valid point. It wasn't like flying to LA from Vegas. "Why are you so smart all the time. I probably should give us more time in Germany huh? Damn it. It's not fair he gets go and not me." He pouted a little.

Jake laughed. "I can't believe you'd use our son as a pawn. Wait...yes I can. You've used him before to get your way." It was always in good fun though. She would never use him in for anything else. She loved that boy way too much for that. Speaking of the boy, he started moving in the bedroom. Jake the eggs on a plate to cool before going to get him. When he got him, he changed his diaper and then gave him a lot of cuddles and kisses as he carried him downstairs. "Do you want to see mama?"
She laughed, “Well, you open up that Rosetta Stone I got you and learn German so when they come to the wedding you can speak to them. I won’t tell them you’re learning. It’ll be a great surprise. They’re brushing up on their English too.” She told him. “It’s really cute.”

She laughed, “We will go one day. Make a nice long trip of it.” She promised.

Adri put their breakfast on the small table and poured Owen some juice in his cup and set it down as well. She smiled when they came downstairs and kissed Owen’s cheek.

“Good morning, Baby Boo.” She tickled his sides and he hid his face in Jake’s neck.
"We will use it on the trip. Well some of it. We need killer roadtrip playlists too." He told her.

Jake rubbed his back and chuckled. "Someone is still waking up. Huh buddy? You want some eggs?" He reached for his plate.

He put Owen in his highchair as the Amy and Luke came down. Jake looked at Adri and wondered if they should bring up the nigut prior to them.
“I’ll correct your pronunciation.” She smiled.

Adri said good morning to Luke and Amy but gave a special good morning to Amy’s belly and gave it a kiss. Owen didn’t seem to appreciate it because he told Adri no and held his arms out for her.

“You can’t be jealous of your cousin. I said good morning to you and you blew me off.” She told him but walked over and gave him a good morning kiss and let him kiss her back, which was wet and slobbery.
"That's fair." He smiled and nodded. "Probably good I have my own little tutor to help me with that. Most people just have to guess that they have it right."

Jake smiled and told them both good morning. "Really? You're getting jealous already? What are you going to do when Aunt Amy has a baby and then mommy holds the baby? Scream? Cry? Throw a temper tantrum? We can't have that." He told him and made a goofy face.

"Do you two want breakfast?" Jake asked Amy and Luke. Luke was all for some food. Amy rubbed her stomach and sat down saying the baby was also hungry so she could eat.

"Aim...question for you..." He looked at her then Adri then back to Amy. "Do you ever get nightmares?"
“Only child syndrome.” Adri told Jake. “First baby. He’s going to have some sharing problems. He’s never had to share anything or any one before. This will be interesting.” She said rubbed the top of Owen’s head.

Adri looked at Jake and Amy and looked at Luke. “Uhm...” She looked at her older brother and sighed. “Yes. Sometimes.” She said and reached out to hold Luke’s hand under the table.

“You have more bad dreams than good ones.” Luke said softly and Adri heard it but since Jake was in the kitchen he wouldn’t hear it.

“I had one last night. About Him. I couldn’t sleep after. I was fine before I got pregnant because I don’t know why. I just was but when I got pregnant I had these vivid dreams and everything feels so real and it’s terrifying.”
"He better get over the syndrome fast." He told her. "He's not going to be the only child around these parts for long."

Jake looked at Adri when she mentioned she had one the night before like he had. "I've had them randomly in the past. Honestly, not really since I've been with Adri though. Until last night as well. About him too." He told her softly and cleared his throat. "I get what you mean about them feeling real."

"Have you talked to anyone about them?" He asked softly.
“Yeah. You’re getting a cousin buddy. You’re going to have to share.” She pinched Owen’s cheek and smiled at him. hopefully siblings one day but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

Amy shook her head, “Just Luke. I don’t know who else to talk to about it. I still feel like we will get split up if I say anything.” She shook her head. “I know it’s stupid but I can’t talk about it. It was telling him.” She said pointing her head towards Luke.

“Did you talk to someone?” She asked Jake. “Do you think we should? What if...” she hesitated and looked at Luke. “What if it doesn’t help and just makes things worse?”
Jake fully believed that she would be having their baby eventually. It make take work and a lot of patience but he believed it.

He nodded at Amy. "I get it. I really do." He knew how hard it was to talk about it and even harder to trust someone who wasn't the person they loved and already told everything to.

"No. Not yet. But I'm going to look into finding a therapist in Vegas to talk to." He told her. "I can't tell you what to do Amy. I don't have any idea if it will help or if it will make it all worse." He shrugged. It was something that he hadn't thought of, which was what if it made it worse. "I have to give it try though. I was pretty fucked up after the dream. It was awhile before I was okay after. I can't imagine if you go through that all the time..." He told his sister.

He put their omlette on two plates, one for each of them and set them on the table. "I told Adri about the summer I went through the door."
“It shakes me for an hour or two and then I go back to normal. I look around and I know I’m in a better place and I can let it go.” She didn’t know how to explain it but that felt right.

Amy nodded her head, “I remember that. He can running through the house looking me. I was hiding under your bed. I didn’t come out until you guys came home. I think after a while he thought I went with you.” She said softly, remembering. She shook her head and poked her omelette with her fork.

Adri looked at Luke and wondered if she shouldn’t be here for this. If they shouldn’t be here for this. Maybe the siblings needed to talk to each other.
"I don't know how long I wasn't okay. It took awhile. I'm not sure I was completely okay when I woke up. I just got up and had to get back to my normal." He told her honestly. "It wasn't so much what he did in the dream to me but to people I care about. Maybe because that's been my kryptonite." He said softly.

Luke looked at Adri and honestly, it was probably better they were there because the four of them were going through it now. Not just the two of them.

Jake never told Amy what their mother saw that day. Or even what she told him. But he knew that she was well aware of what happened in that house. "I think mom was afraid I really hurt myself to even take me to the hospital. But it was probably good because I had so much anger, I thought about grabbing my baseball bat and taking out some kneecaps." Jake wasn't joking or trying be funny.

"Why didn't you ever mention the nightmares?" He asked.
Any shook her head, “I don’t know. We are older now. I thought you would think I was being dramatic or something.” She said and started to eat her omelette.

Adri ate silently and made sure more food when into his mouth than on the floor and into Max, Bam or Rocky’s mouth.

“What do you do Luke? When she had nightmares?” Adri asked, hoping to get an idea from him.

“Sleeps through them mostly. Man sleeps like the dead. Nothing can wake him up.” Amy smiled and pinched Luke’s chin.
Jake looked at his sister. "Aim. You're my baby sister. I'm never going to think anything about this is dramatic. Don't ever be afraid of that. Okay?" He kissed the top of her head before going back to the kitchen.

Luke rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you're pregnant and that I love you." He turned to Adri. "Now she is being dramatic. Hold her until she wakes up. Then after. Mostly be there after. Not a lot I can do during. But sometimes cartoons or Nicholas Sparks movies help so we put those on."

"Adri, I love you but no Nicholas Sparks movies. I could go for some TMNT though." He smiled at her.

"Nicholas Sparks is normally not violent and soothing enough." He explained. "Nonviolent is key Jake." Luke told him.

"Dude if you watch old school cartoons it is nothing but violence."

"Disney..." Amy added.

Adri laughed, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Nicholas Sparks movie, do we are golden there. Don’t worry, I’ll find us a nice cartoon. Maybe Spongebob. Paw Patrol?” She winked at him. They got enough of Paw Patrol with Owen. Even when she said it his head popped up and looked back at the TV.

Adri looked at Jake and heard someone coming downstairs. She was hoping it was one of her parents but it was his mother. When she saw them at the table, it looked as if she would turn around and go back up but she went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

She said good morning to everyone and shook Owen’s hand. “Everyone ready to go home?” She asked. “Your father’s taking me back to the house. I gotta make sure the pipes aren’t frozen over.” She told him and put cream in the mug while the machine brewed her a cup.
Jake groaned when she mentioned Paw Patrol. "Please anything but that. Please?" He asked Adri and gave Max's head a scratch. Max was the real dog rescuer into their house.

Amy smiled at her mom. "I love the beds here but I am ready for my own. And my shower." She admitted. "But I've had a lovely stay in this lovely cabin." She told Adri.

"We could have checked that for you yesterday..." He looked at him. "How much is that house worth to you mom? What if I bought it from you? You'd have money to get a new place." He shot out there. "Want some eggs?"
“You can come back any time. You guy will always have a place to stay. We just need to change out the Christmas decor to something more neutral.” She said and looked around. She was totally calling Pottery Barn to decorate for everyday use.

“I don’t know how much that house is worth.” Eileen said curtly and looked at Jake when he offered to buy it. “Why would you want that house? I worked hard to keep that house standing.”

She shook her head to eggs and brushed her coffee. “You can have that house when you bury me in the ground.”
Jake looked at his mother. "Well we have it appraised and I'll give you whatever they say plus extra to get something nice for when you're here." He told her. "Well you've been staying a lot in you need that house?" He asked her with full honesty. "It's big. We can get you something one story. Easier to maintain." Jake left out he wanted to knocked the damn thing down. Or hell maybe burn it to the ground.

He glanced at Adri when she mentioned having it when she dies before looking at Amy and then their mother. "I'm not going to bullshit you mom. I hate that fucking house. I don't want to walk in it ever again. It fucks with me. It fucks with Amy. We both came back last night a little not right. I sure as hell don't want my son in it." He told her. "I want to buy and tear it down. I want to build something for the community kids there. You'd walk away with money in your pocket..." He told her.

"Mom...we want you to move to Vegas. Does does too. We're all there. Get something small to come back and visit. Something cheaper and easier to afford. You'll have two grandkids in Vegas." Jake was trying to sell Vegas hard. More for his dad and to get the house more than anything else.

Amy looked at Jake. "Yeah, we want you in Vegas." Jake lipped thank you to his sister.
Eileen looked at Jake and Amy, “You barely want me around your kid.” She said and looked Jake in the eyes. “You think I haven’t noticed. Adrianna practically dragged your father’s into the house yesterday so he wasn’t left with me. You don’t want me around. That’s fine.” she told him.

Adri spoke up, “I think it’s because of the distance.” She lied. “Being up here alone a lot. We don’t know how Owen will react with just the two of you. It’s easier to have someone he knows around as well.”

Eileen scoffed but didn’t say anything. “I’m not selling my house. I’m not moving to Vegas. I like it here. I told your father the same thing. You want to see me, you know where I’ll be.”
Jake looked at Adri. He was about to lose his shit on his mother. Well in a polite way. She said he needed to talk to her then add the dream and the feelings that were brought up. It probably wasn't the best time or the best way but they were talking about it.

God love his fiance for trying to soften the blow. He loved her so much but his mom saw through it.

"Do you really want the truth from me?" He asked her, read to lay it out there.
Eileen shook her head, “I didn’t ask for it no. You asked to buy my house. I said no. Would you let someone come and buy the house you’re living in?” She asked him back.

Adri focused on Owen and made sure he was chewing his food. She was also ready to scoop him up and take him upstairs if certain sentence enhancers started being spread like soft butter. Maybe there was no talking to his mother. While Jake and Amy had horrible memories there, obviously his mother had a different view of it.

Adri dipped in her hot chocolate and looked at Luke. Silently planning. She would scoop up Owen, Luke would pull him away and take him down to the gym. Any would have to go to the living room, she would have to be quick. Jake wouldn’t throw punches, obviously, but It wasn’t best she was away from the stress of it all when and if he snapped.
"If the price was right...I'd sure as hell think about it." He told her honestly.

His mother didn't want to hear so he would drop it. It wasn't worth the fight anyway. "Well I didn't ask for a lot of the bullshit I dealt with in my childhood either...but I still had to deal with it." He told her.

"Tell me...why do you refuse to leave that place? What good came from that house?" He asked not understanding but wanting to...trying to understand.
“Yes and now look at you. Getting beat up for a living. I should come to Vegas and watch it happen all over again? No. I’ll keep my house and stay right where I belong.” She told him and Amy.

“You came out of the that. Amy came out of the house. You both took your first steps, said your first swords in that house. He’s dead Jacob. Has been almost a year and half now. That house is mine and always has been. I said it before I’ll say it again. When I’m dead you can do whatever you want with it. Until then it’s mine.”

Adri heard more footsteps coming down and saw her parents with their suitcases. They set them by the door and walked in happily. They said good morning to everyone and gave out kisses to those receptive to them, so everyone but Eileen.

“I can make you breakfast if you want.” Adri told her parents and stood up so her mom could take her place. “No, I’m fine. Just coffee.”her mother said and her dad said he’d make his own eggs.
Jake wanted to say he makes more in one fight then his stupid ass step father made in his entire worthless life but he wasn't going to do it. "Or could come to Vegas and support the fact I'm world champion..." He also wanted to comment it was easy watching it the first time why not sign up for a front row seat now. Or maybe it wasn't as fun when it wasn't his step father. This was why he hadn't talk to his mother.

"I also got my first stitches because of what happened in that house. I also broke the stair banister in that house because I got thrown into it. My blood stains the floor upstairs. Not to mention the hole in the wall that my head went into. Should I start adding all the memories your daughter has in that house?" He asked. "That sick...that guy may be dead but it doesn't mean what he did to us just died with him." He said softly and tossed the towel on the counter.

Jake told her parents hello and even gave her mother a hug. That's who a mother was not the woman who sat out with his sister. Jake was finishing up his own omlette and moved over to sit by Adri and kissed her cheek. He kept his cool for the most part. He felt he went fairly easy on the woman. He put some salt and pepper on his omlette before taking a bite and looking at Owen.
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