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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

He laughed. "Yeah that's true. I can't deny being his father if I tried. But at least I know he will be one good looking man when he grows up. I'm sure he will get him a hot Victoria Secret model."

Jake kissed her lips softly. "No. It's not bad luck. Babe, we've been through a lot together. We are still going strong. I think we will be fine. I don't think me carrying you a specific way will be bad luck for us. Having so much premarital sex won't either." He smiled.

He stepped in the shower and when she moved he moved under the water. "Uhh this feels nice." Showers were always refreshing for him. He ran a hand over his face after he let the water splash over his face. He grabbed the shampoo and started to put it in his hair. "I'm getting a haircut while you're gone, so you can come home and see it and be surprised. "What do you think? I need a new look."
She shrugged her shoulder, she couldn't have kids. Maybe this was bad luck for her having sex before she got married. She wasn't as religious now but she grew up Catholic. This went against everything the bible said. Maybe God was punishing her. She smiled at him and sighed, "Yeah. Maybe you're right. You're supposed to be the superstitious one. I'll let you keep that trait." She teased.

She soaped up with a loofah while Jake was getting wet. "I don't think you need a new look. I wouldn't mind you doing something new with your hair though." She said. "What were you thinking for a hair cut? Or am I supposed to be surprised?" She asked.

She rubbed his body down with her soap, He said he needed a massage so she used her hands and pressed into his muscles. It was a win for him and her as well. "You should go to a chiropractor while I am gone. That is one doctor's appointment I will not be able to go to." She told him. "I can't hear all those bones cracking. That just sounds painful and gross."
Jake would have told her she was crazy that God wasn't punishing her for anything. "I think times have changed babe. I think we will be just fine." He gave her a peck.

"Nope, not telling. You need surprised. Maybe I'll take Owen to get a trim too, it's been a little bit. Since what his birthday?" He asked before rinsing the shampoo out of his hair.

He let out a little groan. Her hands felt nice on his skin. "Oh it feels so good when I get cracked. My back has always been an issue. Mom said dad's would go out all the time, and his neck then wrestling and fighting around doesn't help. I will have Casey set one up." He told her before grabbing the loofah to get her clean as well as he moved out of the way so she could have some water.
“Fine. Keep it a surprise. I didn’t want to know anyways.” She pouted and rolled her eyes.

She made a face when he said Owen needed a cut too. It was a little long and getting in his eyes. “I like his little curls though.” She sighed. “And you have to hold his hand. Last time he was on the verge of a melt down the whole time. Just make sure he’s comfortable.”

She stacked her tongue out to make a disgusted face. “Gross. And that’s not good. You’re much more physical than your dad was, I am sure. The last thing I want I’d your back constantly going out. Maybe this chiropractor thing should be a common appointment.”
He laughed. "You're so adorable when you pout." He kept chuckling.

"Baby of course I'll make sure he is comfortable. He will sit on my lap. Hold my hand then get a sucker for being a good little man." He gave her a nod of confidence. "If he seems to want to freak out, we just will wait. Deal?"

"It is common with my line of work. I slammed on my back on the mat, what do you think that does for my back?" He asked her. "I could set it up for a regular thing. Plus they do massages there too so I can get adjusted and massaged at the same appointment."

After they were both clean, Jake got out and dried off. He was soon dressed and packing up. He seemed ready to get home.
She nodded her head, “That sounds fair.” She said. “And last time I got a sucker too. So maybe if you are good, you will get one.” She smiled. She only got one because she was more nervous than Owen was for his first haircut.

“I know. A lot of stuff is common with your line of work. I don’t like it. Anything you can do now, that helps when we are old needs to be done. If that means going to the chiropractor once or twice a month then do it. Okay? To keep me sane.”

She rinsed off and stood under the water while Jake dried off. When he left the bathroom she turned the water off and dried off as well she walked around in a towel until she had underwear on and then she neatly folded it and placed it on the floor in the bathroom.

She grabbed a few of her things to pack away before she got dressed. She was casual but she was wearing heels to dress it up a little bit. She did a final look over of each room before grabbing the cake from the fridge so they could eat it on the plane.

“Ready?” She asked when it seemed like they were both done packing.
Jake just smiled at her. "I may get one. I'm normally pretty good when I'm there. No crying."

"Yes. Just for you. Because I love you. I'll set it up when I go." He kissed her softly.

Jake liked not having to dress up. No one judged his clothing choices and almost expected workout clothes. He put on a pair of tennis shoes and loaded up the car. "Ready."

They checked out and drove to the airport. It wasn't long of a drive but it would take a bit checking in the rental car. "What do we want for breakfast. I need food to refuel. Especially protein."
“Oh my big boy! I’ll be so proud of you.” She chuckled.

“Thank you Boo. And you will thank me when you are old and can still move around.”

“I have cake.” She offered to help him refuel. “I don’t know what they have at the airport. I’m sure you will find something. I might just get a smoothie. I’m not really hungry hungry. That smoothie from last night was really good.”
He stuck his tongue out at her.

"You're right. I'll thank you when we are in ur 80s and I can still workout better than some 20 year olds." He smiled. "Plus I want a long healthy unpainful life with you Q."

Jake just looked at her a moment. "I could eat a whole chicken right now I'm so hungry. I could go for a bit hearty breakfast." He told her. "I need more than cake."

Once they got through security Jake started to look for somewhere to get breakfast. "I could do a smoothie too. You sure you're not up for food? I can just get a smoothie and sandwich if I need to." He held her hand as they walked through the airport.
" We have time to sit down and eat somewhere if you want." She looked around while they walked for a place that might have something healthy. "Well, you know who does have food? The first class lounge. You can get something really good from there. And I can probably get a smoothie too." She smiled and walked him towards the lounge.

It was a nice private area where first class passengers could wait for their time to board their flight. She picked a booth for them to go to and sat next to jake. She leaned against him like he said she could and looked at the menu. "Strawberry banana smoothie." She smiled. She was getting what she wanted.

"And look they have chicken breast, bean beans, and mashed potatoes. You want that or do you want to walk around some more?"
He wrapped his arm around her and and looked at the menu. "This is fine. It is a nice place and I can find something to eat. I want breakfast food. When I mentioned chicken, I meant to show how hungry I am."

"Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, and toast. Done. And a smoothie for the flight." He told her. He also ordered and orange juice. After their order was placed he just snuggled with Adri and looked on his phone at emails and social media.

He took a photo of them and uploaded it saying he was sad their get away weekend was coming to an end. He did let out a couple yawns as he waited for his food.
Adri scrolled through her timeline and looked at all the recent posts. TMZ got a hold of their karaoke night footage and it was all over the place. They were couple goals and Buzzfeed had an entire post about them which brought up more similar posts about their relationship.

They were so busy planning the wedding and the lighting ceremony that she didn't get to check her feed. She posted to it but she didn't check scroll through it. She smiled for Jake's picture and reposted it adding her own caption thanking Biltmore for letting her light the tree and she posted some pictures of the ceremony.

She yawned every time he yawned and it was getting annoying. They were sitting too close to each other for him to yawning. Every time he yawned she poked his thigh with her nail. When the food came she sat up straight so Jake could eat. She looked around and sipped on her smoothie.
He gave her a few kisses on her neck as they waited for the food. It was nice just relaxing and checking their phones or people watch a bit. He replied to a couple emails about work.

When she poked him, he laughed. "I'm sorry. Someone kept up late last night. Literally." He ate when she sat up. I was good food and he was hungrier than he thought. Jake tried her smoothie to decide what flavor he wanted.

"I think your parents are picking me up at the airport. That way you have a vehicle to get home when you come home. I have my truck. My beautiful truck." He smiled. "Then you can see O on Face Time."
She laughed, “No. You kept me up.” She told him. “Don’t go blaming last night on me. You started it before the lighting ceremony.” She reminded him. ”I finished it.” She smiled.

She rubbed his thigh and dipped on her smoothie, “I’m glad you love your beautiful truck. That took a lot of planning. Should have saved it for Christmas. I can imagine the look on your face getting to drive home a new truck.” She smiled.

She sent her mother a text letting her know they were at the airport and would be boarding their flight soon. She didn’t want to call since it was still early and she didn’t want to wake them. She got an immeadiate text back saying okay and that Owen was a little warm and wouldn’t sleep last night.

“Uh oh. Our boy might be sick Boo.” She pouted.
He grinned and shrugged. "Well when you look like that...what do you expect? Like seriously? That's like me wearing my short MMA shorts and not expecting you to jump me." He said softly and shook his head.

Jake smiled and gave a nod. "I love my truck. I really do. I love cars in general but my truck makes me feel like I have bit of home with me. You know? Does that make sense?" He shrugged. "Plus I'm a beast in the octagon, may as well drive a beast." He smiled.

He looked at her. "What? Why? What's wrong? It's almost Christmas. He can't get sick." He seemed really worried about him.
She laughed and nodded her head at the correlation. "That is kind of understandable then." She smiled. "I'm glad you like your truck. it makes me happy to see you happy." She said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"It might be a cold. Or a new tooth. Or maybe he just misses you." She said and rubbed Jake's back. "He is in good hands and you will see him soon. I am sure it is nothing to worry about. We have what eight days before Christmas. We can knock this thing out of him before then." She promised.

"When you get home, take him tog et some vitamins, maybe get him to a doctor so they can get him something stronger to get him healthy faster. I don't know. I do know he is due for a couple more teeth soon so maybe that is all this is."
"Well Adriana, you make me very happy so you will see me happy for a long time." He told her truthfully.

He gave her a nod and thought about it. "We give him his little vitamins every day. That should help kick out anything that's a sickness. Ugh. I hope he isn't sick and I hope he doesn't get your parents sick."

"I hope it's just teeth. If I have to I will take him to the doctor. If he's just warm then maybe it's nothing major." He said and sighed.
“I guess we will see when you get home. Let me know. I can see if my brothers and I can speed our present up so I can come home earlier.” She told him and kissed his cheek. “Hopefully he doesn’t get you sick. I don’t need two babies in the house.” She teased and gave him another kiss.

After breakfast, she slipped the waitress her card to pay for everything, including Jake’s smoothie for the plane ride and then they had to go to the plane so they could board.

She let her mom know they were on the plane and turned her phone to airplane mode. She pulled out the wedding magazines so she could flip through then for dress inspiration.
Jake narrowed his eyes at her. "I would watch what you say ma'am." He nudged her. "You'll be informed. I promise."

He let her pay, not arguing. They always took turns and he paid a lot that weekend so he wouldn't argue. "Thank you baby." He gave her a quick kiss before they left to head to the plane.

On the plane he listened to some MMA and UFC podcasts. "Everyone is doing podcasts now..." He said softly. "If you want to nap, you let me know. I have a chest ready for you." He told her and rested back to get comfortable, watching her look at dresses.
She laughed. “Did you just call me ma’am?”

She nodded her head to that. “Even Ron Burgundy has a podcast. It’s like...why though?” She shrugged her shoulder. “The True Crimes Podcast is good. If you get tired of listening to Joe Rohan all the time. Are you going to start one? You and Luke?” She teased.

She looked at his chest and smiled. She could go for a nap but she wanted to read her magazine for a bit. They had plenty of time to cuddle during the flight. About two hours in she took his offer up and fell asleep in his arms for the rest of the flight.
He laughed and didn't deny or confirm. He did move in preparation for her to hit him though.

Jake shrugged. "It would be easy to. Maybe when I retire, to still get paid." He chuckled. "So not for awhile. True Crimes huh...that sounds interesting. Who has an hour though normally to listen to a podcast?"

He held her as she snuggled into him to sleep. His eyes were also closed, if he fell asleep that would be okay. His hand ran up and down her back a bit until he knew she fell asleep. Someone took a photo of them even though it was first class and sold it to TMZ. It was really cute with him holding her and them both asleep.

When they landed he groaned but stretched. "I'm sorry babe...I gotta wake you beautiful." He kissed her head. "I gotta go get our boy."
She whacked his thigh with a laugh. “Don’t call me ma’am. Ass. Makes me sound old.”

She shrugged her shoulder, “I don’t. Don’t people usually listen to them in their cars? I don’t usually listen to podcasts unless I’m traveling. Or cleaning my closet.” She told him.

She made a face when he woke her up and sat up straight. At least one of them would get to see Owen soon. “Should I come out with you to say hi and check on him or would that make it worst when I have to leave?” She asked. It was only a couple days but that was her baby and he was sick. She wanted to make sure he was okay.
He chuckled. "You are getting older..." He teased. "Love you Adge." Then when he realized what he said he kind of made a face and just grinned.

"But who drives an hour a day?" He asked her confused. "I don't...I just don't understand. I listen at the gym sometimes just cause it gives me motivation. But that's it." He shrugged.

Jake looked at her. "Probably worse. Let's stick with Facetime. I can at least call you from the car so you can see him. We will be okay. If it's important I'll tell you when I call. Do you have anything from your mom on how he is?" He didn't know if she sent more while they were flying.
She raised her eyebrows and smacked his thigh. “Ass. You’re the old one.” She shook her head and tried not to laugh.

She shrugged her shoulder, “I don’t know. Okay. I don’t know.” She made a face and stuck out her tongue. They obviously are doing well since they are so hot right now.”

She nodded her head and grabbed her things so they could get off the plane when they landed. She checked her phone, “He went back to sleep and they will be here to pick you up.” She said and told her mom they landed. “You don’t have to wake him up. If he’s had a tough night then let him sleep. I’ll call you when I land in LA. I can see him then.” That text was a couple hours old so there was a good chance that he was awake now.
He laughed. "Stop hitting me! We are in public gosh."

Jake chuckled, "I made you think didn't I? I just want to know who is listening and when?" He shrugged. "May have to look it up when our son is passed out on me and I can't move."

He grabbed his stuff and held her hand as they walked off the plane. He got to the spot that they would have to say bye and go opposite ways. "Okay...I'll keep you posted." He looked her over and smiled. "I had a blast with you this weekend my love. I will miss you and hurry home to your boys. I love you." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, not caring if anyone took photos of them. "I'll let ya know about our boy."
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