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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

"Just wait. Pay backs suck." He told her and raised an eyebrow at her.

Jake smiled at her grandma worried about them eating. "She feeds me ma'am. But she's an amazing cook. That's part of how she won me over. I have had strict training sessions so even when I eat, I work it off. I've been trying to get her to eat more but she's exercising regularly too. Doc said she's in a healthy area." Jake smiled at Adri and kissed her head.

Jake knew the weight was a touchy subject. Hell they've fought about it so he learned to just be supportive of her. He rubbed Adri's back.

"Oma, you like watching fights?! Adri and my sister are the only ones who watch. I'm not sure if they really like it but I think they'd be more nervous if they didn't." He explained and smiled at Adri.

"Did you two have any pre fight rituals together? Adri always comes back, gives me a pep talk and a kiss before the fight. After we get food from a certain place. But we may have to switch it up here. Any suggestions on good post fight meals?" Jake asked, really enjoyed getting to know her grandparents.
“I’ve never seen but I’m happy to watch you.” She said entirely supportive of Jake.

“Go look at the belt Oma.” Adri pointed to the table it was laying on and she walked over and looked at it. She pointed and asked different things but never touched it. It was too shiny to touch.

Her grandfather was all about the belt though and picked it up and held it around his waist. “Maybe I’m the next champion.” He teased Jake.

“You’re not fighting anybody Pa.” Adri told him. “Don’t get any ideas. Jake don’t fight him.” She smacked Jake’s thigh gently.
Jake put his hand on his heart. "Seriously?! You never watched your husband but you'll watch me?!" Jake looked at Adri. That meant a lot to him. It made him wonder how she got such amazing family and how she picked him to share them with him.

Jake got up and explained different parts of the belt to them. He told her Oma she could pick it up or touch it but then teased her Opa that he couldn't when he pretended to be the next champion. "If I'm going to lose, I'd be happy it's you." He smiled.

"I wouldn't fight him. Owen I'd fight him though." Jake grabbed him and tickled him. Owen was getting tired. The time change and flight was throwing him off.

He looked at Adri. "I can get him down for a nap, then we can go to dinner somewhere?" He asked her. "Or are you in need of food now?"
“He wasn’t a boxer, Boo. He boxed after he got drinks at the bar. He was bare knuckle fighting pretty much.” Adri explained with a laugh. His fights weren’t something anyone would want to see.

“That’s up to you. I can wait a bit, but the later it gets the harder it will be fine a place.” She told him. “I kind of want to find something out there, I don’t want to eat hotel food again.” She yawned. She could go down for a nap too though.

She struggled to stand up and walked over to the table to grab her phone. “I’ll find something. We will figure it out.”
Jake looked at Adri. "You made it sound like he was this big boxer." He just watched her a moment. "I don't even know what to believe anymore!" Jake teased with a smile.

"We can risk taking him and he falling asleep on the way there. Worse cause we have Liam and Janice bring him back to the hotel if he's too fussy." Jake suggested. "You know me I'll eat any time."

Jake held Owen already as he snuggled with him. He rubbed his back. "I'm fine going somewhere. I wouldn't mind getting ideas for a good breakfast for tomorrow too."
“You sure you want to eat before a big breakfast before the fight?” She asked. “I like breakfast, I can always go for it.” She shrugged her shoulder.

She found a restaurant that served authentic food and texted the info to Liam. She called Janice up to the room to watch Owen in the meantime. He was about to fall asleep on Jake’s shoulder, if they took him to the restaurant, he would just throw a fit.

“Janice is going to come up and watch him.” She told Jake. “We are going to a little spot down the street. I can’t walk that far though, so I got a car.”

“Oma, Opa, you can go sight seeing after or come back to the hotel. Do you need money?” Adri asked.

“No. No. We have money. You pay for train, hotel, car. We can pay for dinner. Nein, no arguments.”
He looked at her. "My fight is last. I'll need something to eat. Eggs or an omlete. Something to have some sort of energy. I have protein shakes but they make me feel bloated if I have too many and not food based protein." He told her the last part quietly. "Plus you and Owen will need to eat something."

Jake nodded to her about Janice watching Owen. "We can bring something back for her if she wants us to." He suggested and took in his snuggles with Owen. Come tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to do a lot with Owen.

"I wouldn't argue babe. Your grandma could take you." He teased with a grin. "Oh and did you tell then we are keeping the babies to just friends and family?"
“Okay. Okay.” She said and put her hands on his chest. Breakfast in the morning.

“I don’t know if we will have to worry about the people they will tell.” She said softly, but shrugged her shoulder. “The babies are a family secret. So don’t go posting on Facebook that I’m pregnant. Please.” She asked her grandparents. They didn’t have a Facebook or social media and they told Adri and Jake that, but agreed to keep it a secret. And then her grandmother came over and spoke to her belly in German about blessings and secrets.

Janice came upstairs to watch O and Adri put her heels back on so they could go. Owen didn’t want to get put down or let go of Jake so that took some maneuvering. They would have to bring him dinner, so hopefully this was just a nap and not him going to bed.
"I just didn't know if they'd get stop for an interview and say something...not realizing." Jake didn't think they'd ever sell a story like her brother but maybe unknowingly let the cat out of the bag. And if it happened, it wouldn't be the worst thing but it has been nice they've had it to themselves. Jake smiled at her grandma talked to her stomach. "They are gonna be fighters like their dad. They punch and kick her all the time. And she hates me for it." He chuckled.

Jake finally got away from Owen and felt bad leaving him but everyone would be happier if he napped, especially other people at the restaurant. They headed down to the car and Jake opened the doors for everyone. Jake got a few messages and on the car ride to the restaurant he checked them. "Uh babe?!" Jake looked at Adri. "We have submitted an offer. The realtor says she doesn't expect any issues since we went a little above asking. Baby...I think we have a house!" He gave her a quick kiss.

They got to the restaurant and got in and seated without any issues but by the time they were getting ready to leave, people put it together who they were and tried taking photos. Some people came up wanting autographs. Jake kindly told them not during dinner but he'd be happy to when he was done before he left if they were willing to wait. It was all about boundaries.They had a good dinner with her grandparents. Jake asked questions about their relationship, how they met, got engaged, married, etc. "What did you think when Maria met Adri's dad?" He asked her grandfather.

Jake offered to pay for dinner but didn't want to put up too big of a fight because her grandparents wanted to pay. After dinner, he followed through with his promise to the fans. He even posed for some photos before they headed back to the hotel with food for Owen and Janice.
“We don’t know what they are yet. I just know they move around a lot. Probably boys.” Adri said.

“It’s both.” Her grandmother said after examining Adri carefully. “Your boobs are big and your feet are swelling. You’re tired all the time and you look flawless. It’s both.”

Adri laughed and looked at Jake, “It’s both Jake.” She agreed, but she’d find out at the party when they finally threw one.

“You got me a house!” She said excitedly and now it was her turn to get her decorator in for Owen and the nursery. She didn’t want any paint smells when she brought the babies home.

“I knew she wouldn’t stay home. She always wanted to leave and go somewhere else. I didn’t think she’d marry and American. British maybe but America was tough. She’s happy though. And we got the kids during the summer. That’s what we wanted.” He told Jake and rubbed Adri’s cheek.

“As long as my family is happy, I am a blessed man. And now look my only granddaughter is married with twins on the way. A beautiful son. How can I be more blessed?”

Adri patted Jake’s thigh, “Not married yet papa. But it’s coming. And you’ll be there right?”

“Only god would keep us from it.” He swore.

When they got back to the hotel Adri sat on the edge of the bed and kicked her heels off. “We got a house. My grandparents love you. Now you just have to kick some ass. And then you can eat all the food and enjoy the beautiful scenery.” She smiled and held her arms out to Jake for a hug and kiss.
Jake smiled at her grandma saying she was pregnant with both a boy and a girl. "Well you'll get your girl you've always wanted." He kissed her cheek. "Oma why do you say it's both though? What features are for which gender?" He asked curiously. "I'm definitely okay with both." Jake smiled.

He nodded with a grin. "It seems like I did get you a house. It's not quite a castle, but it's about as big as one." He chuckled. "We will get the kids rooms done first and then go from there. We need moved in within the next month. Twins tend to come early..."

Jake completely understood if his family was happy, he was happy. "Well I have to honestly tell you, you raised a heck of a daughter. My mother and I do not have the best relationship, nor do I think we ever will. But Maria has been an amazing bonus mom. She was supportive about Owen. She is supportive with my fighting just doesn't want to watch it." He chuckled. "And Adrianna, is amazing herself. She an amazing mother, fiance, business woman. She always wanting to be the best at everything she does. Which I love." Jake smiled at Adri.

He gave her and her grandpa a small smile about them not being married yet. It was a topic he didn't bring up. The whole wedding situation was up to her. She decided on the date and it wasn't going to be any time soon so he didn't see a point in bringing it up or talking about it.

When they got back to the hotel, he hugged her. "I feel good about it all." He smiled and kissed her softly. "You know, you could take Liam and Janice with Owen to do something tomorrow so he's not just stuck in the hotel room until the fight."
“I’m going to keep them in there for as long as possible.” Adri said softly but she knew and they were warned twins came early. That’s why this trip was the cutoff and her last airplane trip anywhere. Also after this they had weekly checkups to make sure the twins were healthy and home birth was still a viable option.

“I’m glad you’re comfortable.” She said softly. “One of us should be.” She teased.

“I think I’ll sleep in his bed tonight to give you more space and get a good nights rest.” She told him. “And he’s not going to be very happy, but he needs to wake up and eat dinner. Play around a little bit. We will probably take him to a museum or something tomorrow. Keep him up for as long as possible.”

She got off their bed and moved over to his. She rubbed his back to gently shake him awake. “Come on Boo. I know you’re hungry.” She said softly and kept rubbing until he started to move around. If was bad when he was tired, he was a devil when he was woken up from sleep but it was necessary to get food in his belly.

When he did start to wake up, she shifted him and picked him up to rock him a little more.”I know you’re hungry.” She whispered in his ear.
It would be nice if she could keep them in until they get their room ready and moved in. She wanted a home birth and it would be nice if she could do it in their new home as well. "I know. I think we should hire someone to document the home birth. We need to find someone who's good though. And who will keep our privacy. I've been asking some of our friends for feelers."

Jake would have normally protested but she didn't alway sleep the best with the babies and a good night's sleep was important. "Okay. Hopefully he sleeps well..."

He watched Adri with Owen. "Hey buddy. Daddy got you some yummy food. You can watch Bluey while you eat..." That perked him up a little bit. "Ohh someone liked that idea... This time change messes with all of us."

Owen started waking up more and agreed to eat but wanted to snuggle with Adri while he did it. It was hard on both of them that she wasn't supposed to be picking him up anymore. After a little while, he looked at Adri. "Daddy fighting... Who he fighting?"
“A photographer? I have one on retainer if you want photos. If you want a video, you might want to clear that with me first. I don’t know if I want a video. I wouldn’t mind pictures. Not if that actual thing though. I don’t think I want to see any heads popping out of me.” She laughed.

“I have no doubt he will sleep well.” She told him.

“Will you pass me his plate? I’ll feed him here.” She said and adjusted Owen so he was sitting up more. She gave him little bites and waited until he was done chewing to give him anymore. At least he wasn’t fighting food.

“Daddy is fighting tomorrow. His name is Pereira. And what’s Daddy’s name? Daniels. But they call him Poatan because he’s got strong hands. Just like we call daddy Drifter. He’s Brazilian. And thirty five years old.” She said giving him the facts she could remember.

“So tomorrow morning we are going to kiss daddy and he’s going to go to work and you and I will spend the day together and you will see daddy and his new belt the next day. and daddy will give you his old belt to play with. She kissed the top of Owen’s head and smiled at Jake. “Right Jake?”
Jake gave her a look. "Babe..." He shook his head. "Adri. Amy had a friend who had someone do still photos and video. The video would be more of me rubbing your back. Or the midwife giving us the babies to hold for the first time. The one her friend had, it was all real tasteful. No private body parts were shown. I can show you the video. It was a video of stills and videos together kinda thing. They did a hospital c-section. It had video of her husband getting in his gown. Them kissing before she had to go back for the c section. Then pictures of c-section. Then video of her holding her daughter for the first time." It was a cute little thing put together that may be nice to have. If it's something you're interested in."

He handed her his plate and watched him. It was cute he was asking about him fighting. "You remembered more than I thought you would about this guy." He joked and smiled leaning back on the little couch in their room.

Jake gave her a look. "He's not playing with my belt. I'll get him a toy one he can play with. Like the new one. He has one at home already but never plays with it. He plays with his trucks more than anything."

Owen tried repeating what she called his opponent but the guy's name was hard to say. "I could be like Tyrus and carry my belts everywhere with me on every tv appearance I do even well after my fighting career." He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Did you hear this guy's trash talk?" He asked.
Adri laughed and nodded her head, “Yes. We can do tasteful birth having photos.” She told him. “We are doing family slash maternity photos in Germany too. Dindrl for me and lederhosen for you two.” She smiled.

“It was my job to know about who you were fighting at one point.” She reminded. “So I wouldn’t flirt with the wrong guy.” She teased and winked at him.

“You can play with his belt.” She whispered to Owen and kept feeding him.

“I heard some of it. I had to leave about halfway through. It was expected. He just wants to get in your head.” She told him. “I also heard what you said back.” She added and gave him a look. “Our sex life is not trash talk. Thank you.”
He gave her a look. "I'm wearing what?! I never agreed to this...." He shook his head. "Lord help me..."

"You shouldn't have been flirting with anyone. Except for me. You were supposed to be working..." He teased back and smiled.

"Babe. This is how he gets confused. You don't respect when I say no." He gave Owen a look and smiled. "My belt buddy. Mine!" Owen smiled and shook his head no. Jake leaned over and tickled him and he laughed which meant he was waking up a bit.

Jake looked at Adri. "What did I say about our sex life?!" He asked confused.
“Did you really just say mine to a toddler?” She laughed. “You sound like a toddler. Owen, we will get you a belt just like daddy’s when we get home.” She promised and shook her head at Jake.

“I can’t repeat it with him. But you said something when you turned your mic away. I was told what you said.” She pointed her fork at him and Owen copied her.

“You’re not getting anything until these two are out of me. I can barely lay down without being out of breath. Unless you’re doing all the hard work, it’s not happening.” She thought about it for a second. “Actually, unless we are doing it to start the labor process.” She corrected and shrugged her shoulder. She finished feeding Owen and set him down.

He didn’t like being set down and wanted Adri to pick him back up but from the ground it was nearly impossible. “Ask daddy to pick you up.” She told him but he only wanted Adri and screamed bloody murder when she kept saying no.

“Can you pick him up and pass him over?” She asked. “I can’t take you if you’re kicking.” She told Owen. “You can’t kick mommy or daddy or the dogs or the babies, right?” It was only because she woke him up and she knew that.
"Yes. I had to use vocabulary that he understands. Trust me, he understands 'mine'." He chuckled.

He grinned, "Oh, that. I didn't necessarily say anything about you exactly." Jake shrugged. "It was a dig at him. But I don't attack family. You know that. I don't get in their heads that way."

"That just got worse for me the more you talked..." He chuckled. "It's been awhile with the's gonna be even longer with the babies." Jake made a pouty face. "Ugh. This sucks. And ya know, we can have sex all day to put you into labor when the time comes to get them out like we did and got them in there." He chuckled.

"Owen....mama can't pick you up. Buddy..." Jake got up and picked him up. "Hey...we talked about this buddy. I need you to be a big boy. Can you do that?" Owen was throwing a fit and Jake kept ahold of him. "Hey, I'd you stop, maybe we can see if grandma and grandpa will show you Max on FaceTime. Do you want to call grandma and grandpa? And see Max?"

Her parents were taking care of the dogs instead of them going to a kennel for this very reason. Owen finally agreed to see Max. "Okay. Let's sit by mama and she will call them." Jakd sat down next to Adri.

"Max!" Owen told her. "See Max!"
Adri waited for Owen to calm down and then called her mom who didn’t answer and then her dad who answered after a few rings. “Hey dad. Are you with the dogs? Owen misses Max.” She told him.

“No. Stacey had the baby. We are at the hospital.” He explained, which was why he was in a weird looking hallway.

“How are they?” She asked and sat down next to Jake.

“Stacey is alright. Uhm…the baby didn’t make it.” He said softly. “They tried to induce Stacey when they saw the warning signs but the cord knotted and cut off air supply. Your mother is in there now.” He explained.

Adri put a protective hand on her stomach. “I don’t know what to say.” She said softly. “What are they going to do?” She asked.

“We don’t know. They haven’t told anyone. Don’t go calling your brothers either. Let them figure this out and tell everyone. And don’t stress yourself about it.” He warned. “You keep yourself and those babies healthy. This is rare, Adrianna. Alright? It doesn’t happen often. It won’t happen to you. Don’t work yourself up. I have to go back in there. You take care. Give Jake my best. I’ll watch the fight when I get home. I love you.”

“Love you too dad.” She said softly and set her phone down. At least Owen was distracted with something else now.

Adri placed and order for roses to be sent to Stacey. She might not like her but she hated for this to happen to her. She stroked her stomach and looked at Jake.

“God.” She said softly and sighed. It made her question the home birth and doula.
Jake wasn't at all expecting the news that he heard. He couldn't imagine how Stacey or Adri's brother felt. He shook his head because that wasn't what was supposed to happen. Parents aren't supposed to have to go through such a loss.

He put his hand over hers on her stomach. When she hung up, he wrapped an arm around her. "Are you okay? If we have to get right back, I understand. Or if you need to go be there for your family...I understand." He said softly.

He kept his hand on her stomach. Jake didn't know what else to do or to say but her dad was right about not wanting Adri to get too stressed. Then he felt guilty for stressing her out with the fight.
“I’m okay.l she said softly. She thought she was at least. She and Drew were never really close. They argued more and more as they got older. She didn’t think he would even want her around right now. Not with her being pregnant. “I sent them flowers. He hasn’t told anyone. I’ll let him figure himself out and I’ll go home if I have too. You should stay with O. Go sight seeing and stuff.” She said softly and kissed his cheek.

“They’ve given us our privacy. Let’s give them theirs.” She said softly but she did reach out to her brother and let him know if he needed anything she was there. She would pay for anything he needed.

“I’m going to take a shower and get ready for bed. Do you need anything before the fight?” She asked him and kissed Owen’s forehead multiple times and did the same to Jake.

“I love you. I love you baby boo. Get all your daddy snuggles in now. You won’t see him a ton tomorrow.”
"Okay." Jake nodded to giving them their privacy. "If you talk to them, let them know I'm thinking about them. Praying for them." He told her. They'd be there for her family anyway they needed them to be but also understood if they needed to handle things alone.

Jake shook his head. "I don't think so. If you were majorly pregnant, I'd have you rub my back but I'll give you a pass." He smiled at her. "Enjoy your shower. I'll jump in when he's back down." Jake would use the shower as a massage.

Owen ran over to Jake jumped up to sit with him. Jake snuggled with Owen and rubbed his back as he got sleepy again but just snuggled and watched his tablet. Jake watched some fighting tape while Owen watched his own stuff. He was starting to get into the mindset of the fight.

When Owen started to drift off, he laid his head on Jake's shoulder with his favorite stuffed dog.
When Adri got out of the shower, she climbed into bed next to Owen. She put a few pillows between them because Owen was a mover when he was asleep. She doubted the pillows would stay between them for long, but if she could get a few hours that would be nice. If Jake was a furnace, Owen was a little pace heater. She wondered if the twins would take after her or him.

She stayed up until he got out of the shower. She gave him one more good night kiss and turned the lights off on her side of the room. It was a long day and she was tired but she kept thinking about Stacey and Andrew and what she wanted and hoped for her birth plan.

She was able to fall asleep eventually and stay asleep for most of the night until Owen woke up at an ungodly hour and was ready to start his day. She tried to get him to sit and watch Bluey quietly in bed, but they moved to the living room area and he watched TV out there. She let him play quietly and fell asleep on the couch. He was used to her falling asleep when he was playing at this point and he knew how to wake her up. Whether he screamed or patted her.

Today he was nice and patted her to tell her he was hungry. So she ordered some fruit and a biscuit to hold him over until breakfast time in a few hours. She stripped him down to his diaper and let him eat. He would make a mess but she didn’t care. She wanted to sleep.
Jake took a shower and let the hot water spray on his neck and back. His neck was a little sore from the flight and the hotel pillows but it could he worse. He stayed in the shower until the water started to get cold. Then he washed fast and got out and put underwear and shorts on.

He gave her another kiss. "Love you. Sleep well." He rubbed Owen's head before getting into bed himself. He needed the rest and he was tired from everything.

Jake woke up a bit when Owen did but since Adri had him, he went back to sleep. He got a good couple more hours before he woke up and stretched. Jake felt rested as he got up to see what Adri and Owen were doing. He grabbed a shirt as it seemed a bit cold in the room.

Jake found Owen watching TV with crumbs all over. "Someone had breakfast."
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