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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

“I don’t know.” She said softly. “You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.” She yawned.

Adri slept until she heard Owen running down the hall to their room. It was supposed to be a sign to go downstairs and get him breakfast but she pulled him up on the bed and since he was cuddly in the morning anyways she got him to sleep for another hour and a half.

She was vaguely aware of Jake being in the shower. Then she felt Owen move his head around so she figured it was time to get up. She yawned and waited for Owen to sit up to pull herself up and leaned against the headboard.

“Maybe daddy will make us breakfast.” She told him and poked his belly. He poked hers in return and said baby. “That’s right. I have a baby in my belly.” Then he pointed at his belly and said baby.

“No baby in there. Only a baby in here.” She said pointing at her belly. But Owen was adamant about having a baby in his belly too so she let him have it.
Jake got out of the shower and got dressed. He came out of the bathroom and smiled at Adri and Owen. "Well hello my loves." Jake leaned down and gave Adri a soft but passionate kiss. "Good morning babe." Jake then looked at Owen and picked him up and tickled him and attacked him with kisses. Owen laughed and tried to get away from him.

"I saw you saying you have a baby in your belly? You don't have a baby. Mama has two babies." Jake points to Adri and then holds up two fingers. "Two." Owen just giggles and points to his stomach and Jake keeps telling him 'no' but now it's become a game and he laughs.

"I'll get him changed. I'll start some breakfast. What sounds good?" He asked both of them. "But after breakfast, we have to go to the hospital. Amy wants us to come visit earlier than originally planned." He told her. "Is that okay?"
“Good morning Boo.” Adri smiled after the kiss. She got out of bed while Jake tried to explain there was more than one baby and Owen didn’t have one in his belly.

“Simple. Eggs and sausage. And toast.” She told him and walked to her closet to get an outfit ready. “Is the baby okay?” She asked him. “Or is she just anxious for everyone to meet him?” She smiled.

She put her clothes in the bed and looked at O. “Will you get his pants on too? I would t put his shirt on unless you hand feed him. Cut up some strawberries too for him. He likes those.” She kissed Owen’s hand and then Jake’s cheek so she could start getting ready.

By the time Jake finished breakfast, she was dressed and ready to go after they ate. Her make up was simple eyeliner and she’d put in lipstick when she was done eating.

“Are you excited to meet your nephew?” She asked Jake.
Jake smiled at Adri. "Baby is fine. She wants us to meet him before anyone else so she doesn't want to make everyone else wait too long. Apparently mom didn't like that. Dad understood. They left." Jake shrugged. It was what Amy wanted and that was what was going to happen.

"Well I was going to change his butt and just bring his clothes downstairs and change him when we are about ready to go. I know how he eats." He laughed and gave Adri another kiss before heading to Owen's room. He grabbed clothes and went downstairs to start breakfast. He made the eggs, sausage, toast with yogurt and fruit. Owen helped Jake let the dogs out and back in as the food cooked and he put him in his highchair.

He smiled at Adri when she came down and nodded. "I'm not gonna lie. I've very excited." Jake smiled like a little kid before getting plates for them all, Owen had his cooling first as he was eating his strawberries and yogurt.

Jake sat down with Adri to eat. "Can we stop at Starbucks on the way? I want to get Amy a coffee. She hasn't had one for nine months." He chuckled and took a bite.
“Yeah. I’m excited to hold a tiny baby again. And see Owen’s reaction to that. He could be the jealous type. Might need to get a baby doll to get him used to us holding babies.” She said and set her hands so she could comb Owen’s hair.

“Starbies!” Owen perked up and smiled at Adri.

“he only gets water and strawberry pieces in a grande cup with a straw. It stops him from drinking mine.” She explained. “And he loves strawberries.” She smiled.

She grabbed her plate and started to eat. “And new babies smell amazing.” She smiled. “I can’t to meet him.”
Jake smiled at Adri talking about holding a baby again. "Yeah? It's been a little while huh? And yeah who knows how he's gonna react. It may help with hers staying with Amy. He's not coming home with us. Maybe we could get him some babies to help take care of? We maybe should ask our therapist about that?"

It was a good thing he liked strawberries. They were healthy for him and he needed to eat his fruits and vegetables. "Water and strawberries? That's interesting. Okay. I don't care, I'm having a coffee. I'll get a small one but it's for my nephew." He smiled and chuckled. "Luke wants us to come over in a few days once they get home and settled too."

He smiled at her as he took a few bites. "You's probably a good thing you're pregnant cause you would smell him and try to take him home with us." He chuckled.

Once they were done eating, Jake got up and cleaned owen up and got him dressed. "Looking good for Aunt Amy and Uncle Luke. What do we think his name is?"

"Baby!" Owen said. "Baby huh? I bet they picked something else." Jake picked him up and grabbed his keys. "Baby are you ready?"
“I don’t think we need to ask the therapist about everything. He’s a baby Jake. He will understand that he has siblings when he can see and feel them. For now we get a baby doll if he has any problems and he can help us care for the baby doll. If he’s constantly trying to pull the doll out of our hands, we can ask about it then.”

She smiled, “There’s no reason why we can’t steal him now.” She reasoned. “We can give it a shot.” She winked.

Adri grabbed her bag and nodded her head, “I’m ready.” She picked up Owen so she could get him strapped into the car seat.

They did their Starbucks run and then went to the hospital. Adri stopped by the gift shop to get a baby boy balloon and let Owen hold it while they walked to the room.

“If the baby is named after you, please don’t get a big head about it.” She teased Ansley him walk in first. It was his sister and she Adri hadn’t spoken in a few weeks. So she let him take the lead.
"So instead of asking a therapist a question we play pretend with a doll? Cause that's not going to confuse him... Why not just go visit Amy and the baby? Then at least it's a real baby will cry and need attention like our other children will." He suggested.

He gave her a look. "What are you going to do? Give him back when the babies come? You're exhausted now without an infant and toddler. Are we thinking this through? We said you don't look good in orange remember?"

When they got to the hospital, he carried Amy's coffee for her. Jake grinned. "Oh I will. I think our kids should also be named after me." Jake went in. Amy was sitting holding the little baby in her arms. Luke was sitting in a chair next to the bed watching tv.

"Hey!! I brought your favorite." He walked over and kissed her head, setting the coffee on the table by the bed. "Amy he's beautiful." Jake was smiling proudly as he looked over his nephew.

"Oh my I love you!!! Coffee!!" She smiled and sighed a little when he gave her a little hug and kissed her head. "Do you want to hold him?" Amy asked.

Jake nodded and carefully took him from his mother. "Say hello to Greyson. Greyson John." Amy told him as he took the little guy.

"Hey Greyson. I'm your Uncle Jake. We are going to get in a lot of trouble together!" He just kept watching him. "I brought your Aunt Adri and cousin Owen to meet you too." Jake looked back at the door.
“We don’t have to go to the therapist for every single question. We can try something out and if it doesn’t work we do something else. If things get out of control we go to the therapist, but not the couples therapist. That’s not what he’s for. Ask your dad. Ask my mom. Ask someone who has done it before.” She told him.

“Keep him a couple days and then give him back.” She shrugged. “And I look good in everything very much!” She smiled.

Adri shook her head to naming their kids after him and pushed him in the room. She waited by the door with Owen, mostly because Owen could be loud and she didn’t want the baby to be overwhelmed. When Jake looked back at them, she set her bag on the chair and picked up Owen so they could see the baby.

“He’s beautiful.” She told Amy and rubbed his little cheek. “Hi Greyson. Can you say O?” She asked and pointed at the baby. “That’s your cousin.” She kissed Owen’s cheek and smiled at Amy.

“How do you feel? How are you feeling Luke? You didn’t pass out did you?” She teased.
"That's not who I meant. Not our therapist. I have asked my therapist how kids his age could perceive things. I pay him enough. I'll ask him what I want." He grinned and shrugged.

Jake gave him a look. "You remember that at this age they cry a lot and are up and need fed every four hoursish." He told her. "Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes about her looking good in everything.

Owen didn't say anything at first but then tried to give him the balloon he got him. "Oh that's nice of you buddy. Maybe we can tie that somewhere okay?"

Amy smiled, watching them. "I'm tired. I was afraid to sleep with him in here. Then the nurses were coming in to check him to check me. Finally Luke had enough and told the nurses to take Greyson so we both could sleep a bit. Luke did great..." She smiled at Luke.

"I'm okay. I didn't pass out. I have seen Jake's face split open, I think I could handle a baby being born." Luke explained and rolled his eyes.

"Dude...way different. Waaay different." Jake told him. "You will have a bottle of bourbon and cigars for us to take care of when you get home brother."

Luke thanked him. "It better not be expensive cause I have a son now I can't one up you when your twins are born."

"You don't have to." Jake told him and had him take a picture of him holding Greyson then one with the entire family, one of Amy, Jake and Greyson.

Jake then offered to pass him to Adri.
“It’s a different thing being split open.” She told Luke with a laugh.

She set Owen down and went to the other side of the bed to tie the balloon on the table. “I’m having flowers delivered to your house and I have a maid coming to clean up a bit for the six months. Once a week.” She smiled and hugged and kissed Amy’s cheek. “You look good. Happy.”

When it was her turn, she took the baby from Jake and sat in the chair. “He’s so tiny.” She looked at his little fingers and showed Owen. “Mommy and daddy are going to bring home two of these.” She told him.

“Can you tell you aunt where your baby is?” She asked and had him show Amy. He pointed at his belly and said baby.
"You didn't have to do that. But thank you. The maid will be nice. Really nice." She told Adri. "Thank you. I am." She told her referring to her being happy.

Jake stayed close to Owen to make sure he was nice about Adri holding the baby. He didn't seem jealous but was definitely not entirely sure about the whole thing.

Amy giggled, "You have a baby!? You don't have a baby. Mommy has a baby. Or do you both have one and that's how you get two?!" Amy held her arms out for Owen. Jake helped him up to give her a hug. Amy missed her little buddy. "When mommy is done with her time, do you want to sit up here with me and hold the baby?" Owen snuggled Amy and nodded when she asked about holding the baby. He said, 'My baby!' Pointing to his stomach again.
“We can trade!” Adri decided. “You take him home and we will take this guy home and the. We switch off every few days or something?” Adri suggested and looked at Greyson’s little nose and sweet face.

She walked him over to the bed and placed him in Amy’s arms. She sat on the edge of the bed so that she could quickly grab Owen if anything went wrong.

“You have to be gentle okay?” She asked O and watched him ‘hold’ his cousin. She smiled at Jake. “Good job buddy.” When Greyson started to cry, Owen was shocked for a second but after seeing Amy pat and rock him, Owen rocked himself and patted his leg.

Adri scooped Owen up and kissed his cheek. “You’re such a big help. Oh my goodness.” She kissed his cheek again and set him on the floor.

“Do you need anything from us? We can run to the store for you.” She offered.
Jake shook his head about trading. "Do I get a say in this?" He asked. "Ours sleeps most of the night if not all of the night."

It was cute to see Owen wanting to help with baby Greyson and he actually did a good job with him. When he cried, he didn't freak out, he tried to help. "Good job buddy. I think we may be okay with you and our two if you keep that up wanting to help."

Amy looked at Luke to see if they needed anything. "Nothing I can think of right now. Maybe once we are home we may. Right now I think we are good. Thank you."

"Call us if you do. I have training today so I can always run after and drop it off." Jake told them.

"How is the training coming? I feel bad I can't be there..." Luke told him and noticed his face pointing to his own cheek.

"It's going fine. Just enjoy your time with your family." Jake told him as Amy got Greyson settled down. "We probably should go so you can allow other visitors..." Jake gave Amy a side hug. "I'm proud of you. He's beautiful. Anytime you need a babysitter, Adri would love to watch him."
Adri wished Jake playfully when he brought reason into her plan on trading babies.

“He is beautiful and I’ll watch him anytime.” She told them. She hugged and kiss Luke and then Amy one more time. She let Owen say good bye to Amy and Greyson. She tilted him toward Luke and he gave Luke’s hand a one two punch as a goodbye.

“Not a good trick.” Adri scolded lightly, like she did every time she saw it.

“Want to take him to the park before training?” She asked Jake. “He’d love it.”
Luke put his hands up like he didn't do anything. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He smiled because he knew he'd regret that later with his own son and something they would do for or with him.

Jake told them he loved them all before they stepped out of her room. He nodded a little to taking Owen to the park. "Sure. We have to now. You said park in front of him. He won't let it go unless we go to the park." He teased and nudged her.

They drove to the park that was closer to the hospital and not the one by the house to switch it up for him a bit. He liked different pieces of playground equipment so he'd be happy to have new things to play with.

Jake let him run as it wasn't too busy as they headed to a bench that was close.
Owen pointed at the different equipment getting even more and more excited about playing. They let him go off and play but she kept an eye on him.

“How are you feeling?” She asked Jake and rubbed his back. “Ready to have two of those little bundles?” She smiled. “He was so light compared to Owen. And tiny. Oh my god.” She smiled.

“I can’t wait. I mean I don’t want the diapers and crying, but holding them and not squirming.” She smiled. “That’s the best.” She told Jake.

“How do you feel about the fight?”
Jake watch Owen get excited and run off to play. He was just like himself, nothing scared him. He just went and had fun.

"I'm feeling good." He smiled at Adri. "Yeah I'm ready. It is nice to just sit and watch tv and they just lay there with you. Not him. He rolls around and kicks you the side. Or talks the entire time. That had been his new thing at nap time, talking to stay awake. Turd."

It made Jake feel a little better that she was getting excited. "Yeah? You can't wait?" He smiled at her and rubbed his leg.

Jake looked away from her because it was nearly impossible to lie to her. Something felt off about the fight. He was training with new people and it was while things weren't the best between them. "I don't know... Not entirely confident. Not entirely worried. It's just weird. It's different. I think it's good I have different coaches. I'm learning new things. New methods. New styles. It could throw him off. They may be having him get prepared for my old styles. This guy, I really think I have to beat on the ground. I need to get better on the ground though.'
“I know! He loves talking.” She shook her head. “He tried talking about the book I was reading him the other night. He would not just lay there and sleep.” She laughed.

“I can’t wait. Did you see his little nose? And finger?” She smiled. “He has Luke’s head. He looked like Amy though.” She said and watched Owen run around.

“I wish I could help you on the ground. We used to wrestle. That was fun.” She bumped into him and rubbed his leg. “If you need to train longer, you can. I can hold down the fort at home. Don’t feel like you have to be home at certain times.” She told him. “You should train when you’re tired too. Especially on the ground.”

She didn’t like to hear about the ground fighting. There was a bigger chance of an arm or leg breaking in a hold.
"He obviously got that from you. Not me." He teased and smiled at Adri.

"Yeah and his little fingernails. They looked so small. He was so small." He agreed that he looked more like Amy but it also was hard to tell when babies first come out who they look like.

He smiled as he watched Owen play. "Yeah I know that was fun." He rolled his eyes. "Oh trust me, they make me do cardio and life before we even start sparring. They will probably make me run. Even though I ran already. Then speed bag punches for awhile until my arms feel like jello. That's how this happened." Jake pointed to his face. "I was tired. Not keeping my arms up. Head wasn't where it needed to be." He explained.

"Today may be a longer training session. I don't know what they have planned. Especially with the later start." He explained. "You could always come by training sometime and see what we're doing."
“If that’s the worst you get in a real fight I’d be happy.” She said softly and rubbed his cheek.

“We might have to make a stop after nap time. Let him watch you train for a bit. He likes to hold on to the ropes.” She smiled. She put her head on his shoulder and arm around his waist.

“When do we fly out?” She asked. “Do you want to take O or leave him here with my mom and dad? They don’t want to travel with Drew and Stacy’s baby being due around that time.” She explained.

“I highly doubt my parents would say no to Owen staying with the . He was at Andrew and Stacy’s wedding. He might as well meet his cousin too.” She rolled her eyes.
"I've had a collapsed lung. I don't think it will get much worse than that. And that was a freak thing." He reminded her.

Jake nodded to them stopping after nap time. "Yeah you should. The guys like having him around too."

"End of March. The 26th I think. It's in our calendar. I didn't know they weren't traveling. I figured your grandparents would want to meet Owen at least. But then he can stay here with your parents. I'm going to be focused on the fight and it should only be a few days."

"I heard they don't speak much English there so I really may need to use my gift." He smiled at her. "Are you sure you feel up to going?"
“My grandparents main focus is meeting you. But we should probably take Owen to meet them. We have to take Janice too. I don’t went him at the fight the whole time. Or I don’t want him watching it.” She said softly.

“Yeah. I’m happy to go and show you a bit of my mother’s country.” She told him. “I also feel like I don’t have much of a choice. Beyond being your good luck charm that kind of cements the fact that we are working on our relationship and getting along.” She shrugged her shoulder. She mostly didn’t want to get slammed by his followers if she wasn’t there and didn’t win.

“Do you want me there?” She asked him back. “At the actual fight? Do you want me to wait in the back room?”
"If comes with us, I think Janice is definitely a must. He definitely shouldn't watch the fight. That's for sure. But it would be a busy day for us." He told her.

Jake nodded. "It will probably have to be after the fight to show me around Germany. I don't want something to happen when we are in Germany and can't get into the Czech. At least for myself. That makes me nervous with international fights."

He sighed. "Yeah I want you there. But you're also pregnant. So if you can't be there or can't travel. Or don't want to. I'll understand. I also know you don't entirely like watching me get hit... Like you've said before, you may not be able to make them all. I have to learn to fight with you not there..."
“Yeah. I imagine we would take the train back with my grandparents and I’ll show you around then.” She said. “Another say or two maybe. We can go for longer when I'm not pregnant. And when we are married.” She shrugged her shoulder.

“I know and there will come a time when you have to fight without me. But Dana scheduled it around your needs. I feel like not being there is kind of a slap in the face. Especially since we aren’t getting married this year. Do you think he’d schedule you again at the end of the year?” She asked.

She didn’t know how she would feel about that. She didn’t want their newborns to see him with a black and blue face, if they could see at all. She might be okay with him fighting after a few months. She didn’t know if she would be okay with him out fighting and her at home. She always had a need to touch him after a fight and make sure he was alright.
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